19 May, 2016
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ABOUT QIG First Order RP

Welcome to QIG Imperial RP

Welcome to Quantum Impulse Gaming Imperial Steam Group!

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I know the title of the steam group says First Order..But now its Imperial RP...

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QIG Imperial RP Summer Sale!
I'm Proud to Announce QIG's Imperial RP Summer Sale!

All prices will be 25% OFF! . Some things will be excluded due to the prices.

Starts May 26,2016 - June 3, 2016

All Prices Below will be the current prices for the summer sale

All donations MUST be sent to on paypal. Please provide your SteamID and what you've purchased as a note.

VIP - 22$
VIP consists of 4 classes which you can be, classes below are the ones you can be.
Cleaner - The mouse droid that cleans the stardestroyer
Standard Imperial Commando - You can only become a standard Commando
Custom Sith Jedi - Can only reach the rank "Sith Warrior"
VIP Tag in Chat
Nova Trooper - Aviable to become a Nova Trooper

Sith Classes Below

Emperor Palpatine - $37
Emperor Palpatine is a major character in the Imperial RP Lore, so we take in account you must RP correctly and not FailRP. This job is meant for seriousrpers. Emperor Palpatine will consist of a lightsaber and custom sounds.

Darth Vader - 37$
Darth Vader is another major character in Imperial RP Lore, so we take in accont you must RP correctly and not FailRP. Remeber you're second in-charge you must obey Emperor Palpatine Orders. This job is meant for Serious RPers. Darth Vader will consist of a lightsaber and custom sounds.

General Veer - 37$
General Veer is another major character in Imperial RP Lore, so we take in account you must RP correctly and not FailRP. Remeber you're third in-charge you must obey Darth Vader / Emperor Palpatine Orders. General Veer will consist of a pistol.

Darth - 40$
Darth is a role that's apart of the Sith he's the fourth highest rank in the server itself. You must take in account you must not abuse this power that you will recieve upon your purchase. This job is meant for Serious RPers. Darth will consist of a lightsaber.

General Inquisitor - 30$
General Inquisitor is one of a kind role in the server. The General Inquisitor are known in lore as "Jedi Hunters" . This job is meant for Serious RPers. The General Inquisitor will consist of a lightsaber.

Regiments Classes Below

Storm Trooper Colonel - 30$
Becoming a Storm Trooper Colonel you're incharge of all the stormtroopers. You can promote and de-rank people. This job is meant for Serious RPers. We will not tolerate you abusing the power we hand upon you and we expect you to be responsible.

Nova Commander - 26$
Becoming a Nova Commander for the Galatic Empire is a hard job, and to be meant with high standards of not abusing your power of promotion people. The job will consist of many great weapons. Also with decent HP.

Nova Trooper - 8$
If you don't want to purchase VIP Package that includes Nova Trooper, you can just buy this job. Nova Trooper is an pretty decent class than all others. The job will consist of many great weapons and decent HP.

Standard Imperial Commando - 15$
As a Standard Imperial Commando is avaible with VIP package. You can buy this job without the VIP Package. The job will consist of great weapons and HP. However you can't get higher than a Standard Imperial Commando.

Imperial Commando Officer - 18$
As a Imperial Commando Officer you're second in-charge of the Imperial Commando Regiment. This job will have more HP than the standard and will include more weapons.

Imperial Commando Captain - 22$
As a Imperial Commando Captain you're in-charge of the Imperial Commando Regiment. You must not abuse the power of promoting people in your regiment. The job will have more HP and weapons.

Royal Guard Leader - 18$
Becoming the Royal Guard Leader it's your duty to protect the Emperor and Darth Vader. You even get to boss around the Royal Guards. Do not abuse the power we hand over to you. The job comes with a lightsaber.

Royal Guard - 15$
As a Royal Guard your main duties is to protect the Sith. You must listen to the Royal Guard Leader. This job comes with a lightsaber!

Custom Regiments - 30$
Custom Regiments consist of 4 members and you can choose your Player Model and 4 weapons for your load out. You can even decide your Regiments name ( Regiment Name must be reasonable into the Lore). Must be approved by Server Manager (Bimo)

Boba Fett - 19$
Becoming Boba Fett is a fun and unique job. Letting you have a jetpack and lots of good weapons. This class is meant to be taken serious and don't abuse.

Other Purchases Below

Cleaner - 3$
As a maintmence droid your job is to clean the star destoryer and make it spot-less!

Custom Playermodel - 13$
Custom playermodels will allow you too choose a different playermodel for yourself. Must be reasonable in lore.

Lightsaber - 9$
With thsi purchase you're class will now spawn in with a custom lightsaber, make sure you don't abuse this.

Custom Loadout - 12$
Want a custom loadout? You can choose 4 weapons for yourself and dominate everyone else...hehe.

Health - 5$
Want more health than other people? Now you can! Troopers the max HP you can reach is 3000 and as for Sith you're max HP can reach is 5000. Every 100 HP points you will have to pay an extra 5$ fee.

Terms of Service

By purchasing an in-game item from QIG's Imperial RP Store. You accept that if you get banned. You will not be refunded at all. If you break any server rules or failrp you will get you're in-game item revoked without any compsenation back. Any chargebacks from your purchase will result in a perma-ban and removal from QIG's Servers. You agree to wait atleast 24 hours to recieve your purchase. If you fail to give us your SteamID and item you would like to purchase you will not recieve your purchase and it will be up to QIG to refund you. Being inactive as a Lore Character role for 1 month without notifying QIG Imperial Staff Members you will risk on being demoted. DO NOT BUG QIG IMPERIAL STAFF MEMBERS FOR YOUR PURCHASE!

Got any questions? Feel free to add me (Bimo)

This is Summer Sales Prices!

bimo 24 May, 2016 @ 1:01pm 
Thank you for letting me know, I've just fixed it.
erzu 24 May, 2016 @ 12:57pm 
The content link doesn't work in the Overview tab.
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19 May, 2016
United States