Passing of the Old Age PothOA
Passing of the Old Age PothOA
14 February, 2019
ABOUT Passing of the Old Age

New Powers, New Rules

Tyranny, Chaos, and Unrest
The United States embroiled in a civil war, the Russians invading the Baltic just a year prior, and the Chinese more aggressive than ever before...

The year is 2035.

The world stands on the brink of tyranny, the United States has been in a civil war since 2030, and only now it appears the chaos has become organized. The Chinese, taking advantage of this opportunity, has all but seized South East Asia.
As the civil war comes to its peak, the Republicans and Democrats being ideologically split, with radicals and moderates alike flocking to one side or the other. If one faction dominates the Republican Junta, led by Brigadier General James Stevenson, that side may fall into chaos, likewise with the Democratic Coalition, led by Brigadier General Jack Rose

The EU has all but fallen, with the Eastern Bloc joining CSTO, aligning with the Russians instead of falling in line with the European Union.
Starting Year: 2035 Quarter 1
Year 2037: Quarter 2

The Rise of the New World: 2035
2037 Map:[]
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The March of the 6 Armies
ROK News #2 Investments in Robotics and continue of the Grand Rebuild Korea Forward!
Investments in Robotics
The ROK Army have taken an interest in the advancement of Mechs President Jun Jin-goo have give the go for the Robotics makers to see if the Mech could be used for war the prototype and trails of the Weponsided mech will be shown to high command to see if the mach can be used for war. Investment in such a programme is underway is this show the future of the new soldier?
(roll for the test of an armed mech it has to be able to do more than a man can as well as be able to take out tanks better)
Grand Rebuild Korea Forward!
With the 1st step on rebuilding our nation show to get people to work
President Jun Jin-goo has started to put his nation 1st before other issues Investment in great public works are continuing as well as a new high-speed underground metro going all over Korea hope to slowly make people stop use cars. As well as this Hydroelectric dam is to be upgraded with the late in tech as for the people who need jobs there is now investment in nuclear power but President Jun Jin-goo have said that "we will not be like the North Korea who aims nukes at us and at our people we have banned the use of WMD from our nation and only use Nuclear power for the people" With this he also start a great local business backing if a Korea company need bail out the ROK will help as long as later date the company can pay itself back. fail to pay back the company get taken over by ROK government As well President Jun Jin-goo have hosted a vote on Join CSTO or Making our own faction most likely with South Asia nation that is still free or last stay free from factions and keeps the same. President Jun Jin-goo has not back any side wish for the Korean people to back the matter are of making Korea work and be a nation that people can be proud of.

ROK Armed forces need you!

with many out of a job the Armed forces of ROK have start to camping of offer people to join the Armed forces show that the Armed forces can after your duty of serving in it the Armed forces will help you get a job in a company it also show to the people that if we did not do our duty then freedom and our way of life is at risk show DPRK enslavement and freedoms of the press in jail. The Armed forces are undergoing mass overhaul to be able to be a more up to date as well a new form of the of the branch is made named Korea Homeland Defense Army this army will be made up of the new people who join it is remberd that with new add now applys to females requires male and females citizens between the ages of 18 and 30 to perform in the army compulsory military service this is show to many who leave school without a job the age now been exstended to 18 and 40 A song called Song of Homeland Defense date back to Rhee cold war govments some have said that this ROK try to go back to a Junta but to this President Jun Jin-goo have said "we are not a junta I step in to power to save korea from falling to the north what would you have done?" (the songs are to be made for the people to see as well It is known that President Jun Jin-goo had the full backing of the Armed forces to the coup but he has not wished to end korea Democracy)

Marcus Antonius 6 Mar, 2019 @ 7:39am 
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14 February, 2019