Portal 2 Deathmatch ɢʀᴏυᴘ
Portal 2 Deathmatch ɢʀᴏυᴘ
11 May, 2012
ABOUT Portal 2 Deathmatch


Hello mate! This group is all about Portal 2! If you do not own Portal 2, then this group is not something for you. This group is for people who wants versus in Portal 2 instead of co-op. This group has an official deathmatch map for you and your friends in Portal 2. Just click on the link and subscribe to the map and be sure that your friend also subscribe to it. Feel free to give it a like, if you like it.

You can request your own deathmatch maps in the discussion requests. If it is a good enough deathmatch map, then you will be awarded as an moderator and your map to be a official map as well in the list. If you don't know where the official map is, it is shown to the right on this page.
Official maps → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → →

When you play on a deathmatch map on Portal 2 with your friend, be sure to have the developer console open for a very useful command. This does not require any cheats. So if you wanna use a scoreboard, type in the developer console: bind "TAB" "+score". This allows you to check the scoreboard. Sadly, you do not get score for killing someone with a portal gun. It is possible to get points if you use rockets on your oppoment, but the rockets requires cheats and is really glitchy, so I do not recommend to use rockets at all. The scoreboard can be useful to see how much ping both of you have and how many deaths you have gotten. Now it will be easier to see who is the one with the most deaths in the deathmatch map, so it is easier to know who is the winner. I highly recommend everyone to use that command!

How to open the developer console you say? Go to "options", then click on "keyboard". You will have to click on "edit keyboard", then you scroll down until you see developer console. If you found it, make sure to edit a key for toggling the developer console at any time. Once you have saved that, go out of pause, then you click on the key to toggle the console.


1. Don't disrespect any players in this group in any way. This will get you kicked out, or given a warning, depending on how serious this is. If someone keeps doing it, even after the warning, they will get kicked out.

2. No advertising of any map or trading in the front page comment section. Only comment on the discussions about these. Be sure to choose the right discussion too. If someone broke the rule, their comment will be deleted. As simple as that.

3. If you make any discussions that is not related to Portal 2, your discussion will get removed. If this happens a 2nd time, you will get a warning. The 3rd time will get you kicked out from the group.

4. No spam of any kind. Comments spam or Request spam will be deleted and if serious enough, can get you kicked out.

Enjoy your stay!

Official maps

Ultimate Portal Deathmatch
Lighting Quick Deathmatch!
Avaliable Map Slot
Discord Server Anouncement!
Portal 2 Deathmatch reviews
"Portal 2 is an amazing game. You can play single player, play with a friend, create levels and beat crazy challenges! You can even create levels for 2 players now! How awesome isn't that?! I recommend buying it!"
Here are a few recent reviews by Portal 2 Deathmatch
󠀡 21 Mar, 2021 @ 5:55pm 
dow101 7 Mar, 2021 @ 9:02am 
Hi anyone who is still active in this group. I love DM in Portal.
Panzer 19 Apr, 2018 @ 8:22pm 
who is this.
† Jesus 31 Jan, 2015 @ 12:15am 
Jeff Simulator Really Cool 30 Dec, 2014 @ 5:11pm 
90th Member! :D
󠀡 28 Sep, 2014 @ 12:46pm 
You can request it in the discussion "Request your Portal 2 Deathmatch map here!".
Enter chat room
11 May, 2012