Neverwinter Nights 2: Platinum Role-Players NWN2rp
Neverwinter Nights 2: Platinum Role-Players NWN2rp
28 December, 2010
United States 
ABOUT Neverwinter Nights 2: Platinum Role-Players

A place for RP enthusiasts.

Help fellow Neverwinter Nights™ 2 Platinum (NWN2) players find the best Persistent World servers, group games, or servers for other needs.

Also for finding other groups, which are not so well listed.

Neverwinter Nights 2 wiki[]
Neverwinter Nights 2 Vault: Gameworld list (updated August 2019)[]
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Realms of Trinity: An Established RP / Storyline PW
  • Minimal Lag - With Brian(RoT Founder) being a Senior Server-Side Web Developer, we’ve had this constant obsession with keeping lag as low as possible.
  • Permanent journaling system allowing us to create massive campaigns.
  • Huge and highly detailed world. Consists of 3 full campaigns of over 400 areas.
  • Over 200 RoT modified spells and feats to provide a large range of viable character builds.
  • Advanced Spawning System
    • Randomized creature spawns - creature abilities can vary even if its technically the same blueprint. Offers a bit of realism along with an occasional challenge.
    • Area instancing - we have some of our more popular areas instanced so that they can be re-run in shorter intervals.
    • Party Adjustments - quite simply, if you enter an area with a large party, the number of creatures spawned will be higher than if you enter it alone.
  • Language System - heavily customized version of the dmfi languages.
  • Party XP Reward Bonus - Party up to get extra XP bonuses!
  • Great community with many player guilds, which have custom cloaks, housing, and items.
  • Custom Item Level Restriction System that allows for a good and reasonable structure of item use and sharing.
  • Life after level 30 via the Epic Relevel system that allows you to add permanent base ability score bonuses to your character when you reach certain XP thresholds above Level 30 XP and bonuses to your spells.
  • Now levels all the way to 40th!
  • Kaedrin PRC Pack 1.42.1, will be updating as well.
  • Custom Item Crafting and Appearance changing to suit your play style and wishes.
  • RP Reward System - you get rewarded experience when you’re playing in “rp mode” provided that you speak in an rp-manner. There are also feats which can only be unlocked if you have reached a certain amount of RP experience.
  • Personal Difficulty Options
    • You can make an Easy Mode character at creation which will have enhanced stats and abilities. This is great for new players that are making a new character. There are downsides to this, for one, there is a gold penalty.
    • Extreme Mode allows you to increase monster difficulty in the area. Activating this mode will also increase gold and experience that you are awarded for each kill.
  • Banking system for everything from gold to items to even experience!

Server is listed under Role Play, Direct Connect:

Slayer 17 May, 2024 @ 6:48am 
Hi all!

As the Planescape RP server of NWN2 is regaining relevancy, I've been running about a bit, spreading the good news and trying to add up wind to the sails.

It'd be nice of you to come check us out! With our massive map, endless list of classes and races, along with a fantastic community and a new, incredibly helpful staff, there will surely be something for you!
Spanner_Man 12 Aug, 2019 @ 8:02pm 
@Le Grumpire - no it wasn't hacked. The group owner had good intentions and allowed anyone to post announcements to do with NWN2. Unfortunately as we now know scum take advantage of those that wish for others to have access to those tools.
[TAW] Barzhiel.ttv 4 Aug, 2019 @ 5:24pm 
HAs tthe community been hacked?
jimbobslimbob 18 Nov, 2016 @ 4:23am 
Shout-out to anyone interested: Our group ( is organising a weekly NWN game. Anyone interested should take a peek.
FOR THE EMPIRE 22 Dec, 2014 @ 2:53pm 
Where are my Zarusian allies?!
In all seriousness, I just bought the game and am totally ignorant of the setup or how things work but I am familiar with D&D 3.5 and its core rules.
jimbobslimbob 12 Feb, 2014 @ 7:26am 
Such a shame we never got a true sequel to this absolutely superb game. The MMO sucks. Give me NWN3! I always find myself coming back to play this again and again.
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28 December, 2010
United States