Machinima To The Max (MTTM) (MTTM)
Machinima To The Max (MTTM) (MTTM)
2 września 2012
O Machinima To The Max (MTTM)

Machinima To The Max

Are you a Machinimator, Commentator, or any other type of person on the internet that makes epic game videos!? Then check out Machinima To The Max! (MTTM) This group is to promote the rather unseen or unoticed gamers that make videos. Join the MTTM army and lets go to the MAX!

More info:

For all Video makers/gamers/youtubers/machinimators/directors etc from small to big channels/groups/communities

The reason behind this is to help online gamers get their names out of the dark and into the light.

By doing this we are stimulating the community with prizes but also bumping people up to start something more "Thriving channels".

Everyone is helping each other people by giving a shout out then having it cascade into the same thing for other people.
Essentially everyone is getting a piggyback ride from the next person.

As long as it has something to do with gaming, you are in! Commentaries/Machinimas/gameplays/game music videos/official-unofficial trailers/ETC..

How do i become MTTM Director/member and MTTM ARMY to start uploading videos?

Well first of all Before you start doing anything, it would be best to join the MTTM fan pages,MTTM Steam group (if you have steam) and the official website for all information and updates,links to those below:

1. - MTTM facebook fan page

2. MTTM steam community group

3. Official MTTM website (Regisger)

4. (Subscribe if nor already, this is where MTTM promo videos will be uploaded)

After all those steps and getting to know MTTM community better you are now ready to start the upload part.

Goals: New community as any other needs to be heard...So tell your friends about it and help each other out, and the MTTM community as well.
No matter if you are Small/Big - Each and everyone are at the same level at this community.
I do hope you guys try and help out as well and try to strive our communities no matter what game you play. We are all here for the same reason.

To go to the max and have fun.

Community Admins:

Zeljko Milankov AKA MilankovNS94 - MTTM founder and owner / Machinima Director

Luke Miller AKA PsychoFlounder - co-worker alongside with MilankovNS94

Looking for more community admins and high ranks, any help is welcome.

MTTM/MilankovNS94 Youtube
MTTM/MilankovNS94 Twitter
Official MTTM facebook fan page[]
MTTM back online!
New rules of uploading + new MTTM co-worker Luke Miller AKA Psychoflounder
Komentarzy: 11
Santa Clauso 5 grudnia 2012 o 5:24 
Yo all just made a Bo2 Video how to make an Awesome Superman Logo / Emblem here is a link to steam to Rate and Comment if u like :)
Santa Clauso 2 grudnia 2012 o 4:30 
How to Change your Profile Shot and Showcase - >
wyvern 5 listopada 2012 o 18:02 
Remember, remember, the 5th of November...
Gropes 22 września 2012 o 10:17 tell me what you think of my CSGO GW2 DayZ BF3 videos and much more!
That_Dyna_Guy 11 września 2012 o 18:19 
ok thkz
Milankov 11 września 2012 o 16:53 
No its not a real '''' Though i am one of Machinima Directors, just trying to help people.