Modern Warfare 2 AU CG Clan Ladder AUCL MW2 CG
Modern Warfare 2 AU CG Clan Ladder AUCL MW2 CG
1 March, 2014
ABOUT Modern Warfare 2 AU CG Clan Ladder

Official AU Cyber Gamer Rankings

#1 RiZe Empire
#2 Delirious Gaming
#3 View
#4 (vacant)
#5 (vacant)
#6 (vacant)
#7 (vacant)
#8 (vacant)
#9 (vacant)
#10 (vacant)
Scrim Records
RiZe Empire vs Delirious 1-0
RiZe Empire vs Xtr3me 6-0
MW2 AUCL Warning System & Rules
In-Game Rules
Primary Weapon: All Assault Rifles are allowed, All Sub Machine Guns (except for the UMP) are allowed, Intervention is the only Sniper Rifle allowed (but only one player may use a Sniper Rifle - although if a Sniper Rifle is on the ground left from a dead body, you are allowed to use it) All other primary weapons (Assault Shield & Light Machine Guns) are banned; your team will get (1) warning if this rule is broken.

Secondary Weapon: (1) Pistol is the only secondary allowed, All other secondary weapons are banned; your team will get (1) warning if this rule is broken.

Attachments: All attachments are banned and none are too be used what so ever; your team will get (1) warning if this rule is broken.

Perks: All perks are banned.

Equipment: Frag Grenade is the only equipment allowed, all other equipment is banned; your team will get (1) warning if this rule is broken.

Special Grenades: Smoke Grenades allowed, (although if your chosen class is a Sub Machine Gun, you're allowed to use Flash Grenades only - maximum of two(2) Sub Machine Gun users per team); your team will get (1) warning if this rule is broken.

Deathstreak: Copycat only. All other deathstreaks are banned; your team will get (1) warning if this rule is broken.

Killstreaks: All killstreaks are banned.

Glitching is banned; your team will get (1) warning if this rule is broken.

Cheating or hacking is banned (this includes any modifier which hides terrain
such as grass, fire or glass); your team will get disqualified immediately and blacklisted off ladder if this rule is broken.

Each team has a maximum of three(3) warnings per scrim, if your team exteeds the limit, you're entire team will be disqualified.[/b][/quote]

MW2 AUCL Ladder Rules
Ladder & In-Game Rules
1. Each team must accept a challenge within 48 hours, if the team fails to do so, you will swap positions with the challenging team.

2. The match must be set within a 10 day period of accepting the match, if neither team goes forward with the match after the 10 day period is up, both teams will drop a rank.

3. If a clan challenges a team and loses, that team cannot re-challenge the same team again for 24 hours, once those 24 hours are up and the team wishes to challenge the same team but loses once again, that team will be suspended from challenging that team until versing a different team.

4. Only challenge 2 places ahead or 3 behind. (Note you can lose your position even when challenging a team behind you)

5. Every player must be in either the challenging or the opposing team, absolutely no fill-in players (aka sluts) are allowed to participate in a ladder scrim.

6. Your rank on the ladder MUST be earned, no clan is allowed to give away their rank.

7. A legitimate screenshot must be shown to an admin in order to become upper ranked (to make things easier, allow an admin such as Swaayh or ZyLo to spectate the entire scrim)

8. All clans are allowed to challenge each other (abiding by rules) if they refuse, or do not accept - speak to an admin. All teams must accept the challenge if been asked otherwise they forfeit their position.

9. The game host must be aggreed upon by both parties (preferably neutral)

10. Apsolutely no cheating, hacking or overall team advantage are too be used in scrims, that includes textures (or any sort of modifier which allows you to know where enemy or friendly players are), any modifier to which removes terrain (such as grass, bushes, glass, fire, etc), this also includes aim-assist and aim-buddy mods or appliances and all hacks; if caught - your team will not only be disqualified, but will be blacklisted from all competitive ladders.

11. In competitive ladder matches you're not allowed to obtain a spectator unless it is an admin aka ZyLo or Swaayh, and the admin will act as a Referee for the game if required so. The referee will pick up on illegal actions in the game. (to view illegal actions that will cause a warning, click here.)

big chungus 14 Mar, 2014 @ 4:55am 
Vertice has been promoted to referee and ladder admin.
Josh 14 Mar, 2014 @ 4:24am 
Xtr3me gamerz would like to be removed from not only Modern Warfare 2 AU Clan Ladder as well as the Modern Warfare 2 AU CG Clan Ladder. due to poor admins, players and sportsmanship. this ladder has gone from bad to worse due to particular players sincerly Zulk - 3rd leader of Xtr3me Gamerz Clan (on behalf of Doom's Day & Bago) :melon:
big chungus 12 Mar, 2014 @ 11:27am 
RiZe Empire accepts Xtr3me Gamerz challenge.
D00|V|$ [)AY 11 Mar, 2014 @ 5:23pm 
Xtr3me Gamerz challenge RiZe Empire to a 4v4 CG scrim, you have untill 14/3/2014 @11:23am to accept.
Strife 9 Mar, 2014 @ 3:39pm 
We accept
Josh 8 Mar, 2014 @ 4:25am 
Xtr3me challenges Ethno to a 4v4 CG scrim, you have untill 10/3/2014 @10:55 to accept :melon:
Enter chat room
1 March, 2014