MW2 AU 1v1 Ladder (2014) We <3 Dicks
MW2 AU 1v1 Ladder (2014) We <3 Dicks
13 March, 2014
ABOUT MW2 AU 1v1 Ladder (2014)

♥♥♥♥ in, around my mouth

This is the only Official MW2 1v1 Ladder for 2014
MW2 AU 1v1 Ladder (2014)
#1 ZyLo (3-1)]
#2 NukeIn (3-1)
#3 Kratos (3-0)
#4 Nitro (1-2)
#5 Wounded (1-3)
#6 Swayh (5-3)
#7 alpha (0-1)
#8 EraZer (1-2)
#9 Krab (3-0)

Cod Heaven[]
How to be A GOD[]
MW2 AU1V1 Game Setup
Game Setup
Game Map: Rust only.
Game Mode: Free For All

Time Limit: Unlimited
Score Limit: 1500 points (too 30.)

Number of Lives: Unlimited
Respawn Delay: None
Max Health: Miniscule
Health Regeneration: Normal
Killcam: Enabled

Spectating: Players only.
Wave Spawn Delay: None
Force Respawn: Enabled

Headshots only: Disabled
Perks: Enabled
Killstreak Rewards: Disabled
Hardcore Mode: Disabled
3rd Person: Disabled

MW2 AU1V1 Ladder & In-Game Rules
Ladder & In-Game Rules
1. Each player must accept to a challenge within 24 hours, if the player fails to do so, you will swap positions with the challenging player.

2. The match must be set within a 2 day period of accepting the match, if neither player goes forward with the match after the 2 day period is up, both players will drop a rank.

3. If a player challenges another player and loses, that player cannot re-challenge the same player again for 24 hours, once those 24 hours are up and the team wishes to challenge the same player but loses once again, that player will be suspended from challenging that player until versing a different player.

4. Only challenge 5 places ahead or 5 behind. (Note you can lose your position even when challenging a player behind you)

5. The game host must be neutral (preferably an admin)

6. Your rank on the ladder MUST be earned, no player is allowed to give away their rank.

7. A legitimate screenshot must be shown to an admin in order to become upper ranked (to make things easier, allow an admin such as Swaayh or ZyLo to spectate the entire private match)

8. All players are allowed to challenge each other (abiding by rules) if they refuse, or do not accept - speak to an admin. All player must accept the challenge if been asked otherwise they forfeit their position.

9. Apsolutely no cheating, hacking or overall team advantage are too be used in 1v1s, that includes textures (or any sort of modifier which allows you to know where enemy or friendly players are), any modifier to which removes terrain (such as grass, bushes, glass, fire, etc), this also includes aim-assist and aim-buddy mods or appliances and all hacks; if caught - you will not only be disqualified, but will be blacklisted from all competitive ladders.

10. In competitive ladder matches you're not allowed to obtain a spectator unless it is an admin aka ZyLo or Swaayh, and the admin will act as a Referee for the game if required so. The referee will pick up on illegal actions in the game. (to view illegal actions that will cause a warning, click here.)

XnXx_QuICkSCopcxX_XnxX [MFT] 10 Jun, 2015 @ 3:20am 
kennyS is actually the best 1v1 quick scoper
Fedora Preacher 24 Feb, 2015 @ 12:28am 
I challenge everyone
frogbasedmemes 29 Jun, 2014 @ 4:43am 
gay as ♥♥♥
zamp 16 Jun, 2014 @ 11:40pm 
I challenge Swaayh
monstahh 14 Jun, 2014 @ 6:31am 
draco 14 Jun, 2014 @ 3:50am 
too funny ;D
Enter chat room
13 March, 2014