Bring L4Ds FOV to L4D2 Whutinyourbutt
Bring L4Ds FOV to L4D2 Whutinyourbutt
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2009년 11월 22일
Bring L4Ds FOV to L4D2 정보

Job done son.
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AT 100 Members first contact with valve will be made!
댓글 36
EnadGlobal7 2019년 4월 13일 오전 11시 34분 
smoke add me ♥♥♥♥♥
Lex 2010년 7월 1일 오전 9시 02분 
90 is default and it sucks hard, set it to 65 or so...
Xidium 2010년 7월 1일 오전 8시 09분 
To get a 90 fov right click the game from the library. Got to properties. Then set launch options. Put this in there, -fov 90. If you dont belive me take a referance point and line up crosshairs on something and see where screen ends. Then put that line in and use same referance for crosshair. You will see out farther.
✯қоєқ&ᴃаққєя✯ 2010년 6월 29일 오전 11시 02분 
Hhmm, I didn't know this group existed until now. I see Valve finally included an option to change the FOV. It surprises me that so little PC gamers have complained about this in the first place.
I still think it's a kick in the face of the PC gaming community that Valve, who know exactly what FOV is good for PC gamers, did not include the proper FOV from the start. It is literally one line of coding that needs to be changed; have they really become that lazy towards PC gamers?
It was actually one of the reasons why I cancelled my pre-order of L4D2 at the time of the demo's release. It was really disappointing to see this FOV and also to go back to a prehistoric viewmodel where the gun is glued to the right hand sight of the camera, rather than in the hands of a fully rendered model whose body was visible thru the FPS view. Why take a step back in this regard; it makes no sense.
Lex 2010년 6월 9일 오전 2시 51분 
seems like 65 or so
Aeloura 2010년 6월 8일 오후 4시 57분 
just for reference what was the original fov in l4d1?
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2009년 11월 22일