Knights Engineer *KE*
Knights Engineer *KE*
2 Ιανουαρίου 2014
ΠΕΡΙ Knights Engineer

Knights Engineer


Hello and welcome to Knights Engineer

1. Have fun and treat others with respect.
2. No discrimination on the following: Race, Gender, Culture, Religion, or any other thing not specifically mentioned.
3. Follow and obey laws set by admins and mods.
4. No spamming, advertising, profanity, talking in another language, or posting links that do not pertain to the topic.
5. There will be biannual checks to see if members are active or not.
6. Events will be posted periodically about once a month. To be elected, you must have a high position, post events, help administer the group, and/or help recruit. *To be an officer, one first has to be a mod.*
7. Elections to be an admin or mod will take place annually and in these elections only admins will rule until they leave or step down from their position. Mods will be forced to step down from their position annually unless elected as an officer.
8. Go to forums for: Help on issues, overall advice, and/or just for fun. *Be careful in the forums*
9. "I am the state." Reports of violations to any rules will be given to me for the final judgment and consequence. There will be a set of our "justice system" that we will abide by.
1st Game Night Coming Up!
7 σχόλια
Fumbles 6 Σεπ 2014, 17:24 
hello anyone n group play fallout nv?
Fumbles 3 Ιαν 2014, 16:54 
Maliso 3 Ιαν 2014, 16:38 
Lurker Man 3 Ιαν 2014, 15:28 
I'm inviting anyone who plays most of the games I do. If you don't want to be here or just don't care about this clan you can leave. This group is made for people who want to play and have fun online (like AC:B which I can hardly find people online for).
zle 3 Ιαν 2014, 15:04 
I dont know you guys are but i will find you and i will kill you. Jk so yeah thanks for the group invite i would love to be part of the new servers coming! Hope to see you guys soon.
Lurker Man 3 Ιαν 2014, 15:02 
Yea, I could set up some servers for us to play on, but right now I am focusing on getting more people to join. When we have enough people, we can play some games :D.