JesusChrist JesusChrist
JesusChrist JesusChrist
10 July, 2012
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How to read/study the Bible
Not many people have touched on this subject, so ill try my best to. Lots of people don't want to read the word of God because they are either don't believe it, or are confused by it.

1. Read different versions of the Bible that suits you, they are false writings and teachings in some, but you're going to have to start somewhere just how a baby will have to eat or he will starve. And make sure you have a mixture of other versions of the Bible to compare verses to see how one says it verses the other, if one if you like one of the versions, use it.

2. You need to find your favorite spots in the Bible, for me, its Psalms, Proverbs, and some of the Newer Testaments, that's because all of them have motivational verses when your sad, angry, depressed, defeated, exhausted, or weaken.

3. Write down your verses and read them over again. Or as in Moses told us to do, 'put scriptures in little boxes and tie it to our heads.' Strap the Bible to your forehead as well. Memorize your verses so when you are in trouble, you know the exact verse in the Bible to read. Say your verses out loud in your head and post Psalms verses on your mirror. Know it by heart when you wake up, and find more verses to read. Just as God told Ezekiel 'eat the scroll, and fill your stomach with it.'

If you have any more questions on how to read your Bible, I'll gladly respond as best as I can!
Last edited by Arbiter Spectre; 17 Jul, 2020 @ 11:52am
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Showing 1-10 of 10 comments
7HEart-y3 24 Dec, 2020 @ 11:08pm 
I am so bad at memorizing scripture. I've tried.

Arbiter Spectre 25 Dec, 2020 @ 8:46am 
Originally posted by 7HEart-y3:
I am so bad at memorizing scripture. I've tried.
haha, everyone forgets a verse. What I do is write my favorite verses on sticky notes inside my Bible. It really helps!
Allwynd 10 Jul, 2023 @ 12:56pm 
I'm currently trying to read it first like a novel and then come back to it a 2nd time to study it better.
Abjuration 11 Jan, 2024 @ 1:49am 
I strongly suggest you to read The Book of Enoch, it's an incredibly important material to study, yet for some reason both church and jews try to keep it hidden. It's actually part of the old testament, and also describes the coming of Christ which would have happened within the next 1000 years.

Make sure to find a good version, or even better, buy multiples because translations of this book have been reworked for centuries.
Arbiter Spectre 11 Jan, 2024 @ 11:16am 
Originally posted by Abjuration:
I strongly suggest you to read The Book of Enoch, it's an incredibly important material to study, yet for some reason both church and jews try to keep it hidden. It's actually part of the old testament, and also describes the coming of Christ which would have happened within the next 1000 years.
I've actually known about the book of Enoch for quite some time, but the question I want to ask is why wasn't it included in the Bible in the first place? Many versions of the bible doesn't have it, I wonder why.
Abjuration 11 Jan, 2024 @ 12:08pm 
Originally posted by Arbiter Spectre:
Originally posted by Abjuration:
I strongly suggest you to read The Book of Enoch, it's an incredibly important material to study, yet for some reason both church and jews try to keep it hidden. It's actually part of the old testament, and also describes the coming of Christ which would have happened within the next 1000 years.
I've actually known about the book of Enoch for quite some time, but the question I want to ask is why wasn't it included in the Bible in the first place? Many versions of the bible doesn't have it, I wonder why.

Well, mainly because it was discovered centuries later, but above all untill 1800 humans werent able to understand its importance, for both linguistic and cultural reasons.
If you've known about it for quite long time but still havent read it... well, it's time to do so, then your heart and your brain will feel and judge its content :)

Eventhought it must be interpreted, that book contains an incredible amount of "celestial knowledge", if you allow me this word.
Arbiter Spectre 30 Mar, 2024 @ 6:41am 
Originally posted by Abjuration:
Originally posted by Arbiter Spectre:
I've actually known about the book of Enoch for quite some time, but the question I want to ask is why wasn't it included in the Bible in the first place? Many versions of the bible doesn't have it, I wonder why.

Well, mainly because it was discovered centuries later, but above all untill 1800 humans werent able to understand its importance, for both linguistic and cultural reasons.
If you've known about it for quite long time but still havent read it... well, it's time to do so, then your heart and your brain will feel and judge its content :)

Eventhought it must be interpreted, that book contains an incredible amount of "celestial knowledge", if you allow me this word.
Hey, the book of Enoch mentions many fallen angels, but what is your opinion that? And also how the fallen angels were breeding with the animals and the woman
Abjuration 30 Mar, 2024 @ 9:29am 
Originally posted by Arbiter Spectre:
Originally posted by Abjuration:

Well, mainly because it was discovered centuries later, but above all untill 1800 humans werent able to understand its importance, for both linguistic and cultural reasons.
If you've known about it for quite long time but still havent read it... well, it's time to do so, then your heart and your brain will feel and judge its content :)

Eventhought it must be interpreted, that book contains an incredible amount of "celestial knowledge", if you allow me this word.
Hey, the book of Enoch mentions many fallen angels, but what is your opinion that? And also how the fallen angels were breeding with the animals and the woman
Hi there. Well, honestly in my view I disagree fallen angels breeded with animals. The "animals" is a way to say "lower beings" = humans.

My view is : some humans in the past were given knowledge. huge knowledge about existence. But with knowledge therefore power comes responsibility. There was no responsibility to use that knowledge.

"Fallen angels" may be beings that advanced in evolution, but then somehow managed to regress, fall to temptations. Just like you would never expect a human, supposed to co-live and eventually even guard and protect friendly animals, to kill for pleasures cats and dogs. Fallen humans.

Anyway, "fallen angels breeding" which can be intended either physical, concrete, or as a"passing on knowledge", could explain why some people today are evil oriented, and other are good oriented. in short words...some people have heart, other people obscured and forgot it.
Arbiter Spectre 30 Mar, 2024 @ 10:27am 
Originally posted by Abjuration:
Originally posted by Arbiter Spectre:
Anyway, "fallen angels breeding" which can be intended either physical, concrete, or as a"passing on knowledge", could explain why some people today are evil oriented, and other are good oriented. in short words...some people have heart, other people obscured and forgot it.
So what do you think of the Book of Giants? This phrase I've read a week ago stuck with me; "The two hundred angels choose animals on which to perform unnatural acts, including, presumably, humans.

1Q23 Frag. 1 + 6 [ . . . two hundred] donkeys, two hundred asses, two hundred rams of the flock, two hundred goats, two hundred [ . . . beast of the] fields from every animal, from every [bird ] 5 for miscegenation [ . . . ]"

We know that in the Bible it talked about how the angels came to the woman of the earth and started to breed with them, causing the birth of the nephilim who were giants. And not only that, the animals gave birth to abominations and which I believe God needed the flood not only for the corruption of mans hearts, but also the extinction of the abominations that were half angel and half human/animal.

4Q531 Frag. 2 - they defiled [they begot] giants and monsters they begot, and, behold, all [the earth was corrupted . . . ] with its blood and by the hand of which did not suffice for them and they were seeking to devour many the monsters attacked it.
Abjuration 1 Apr, 2024 @ 7:01am 
Originally posted by Arbiter Spectre:
So what do you think of the Book of Giants? This phrase I've read a week ago stuck with me; "The two hundred angels choose animals on which to perform unnatural acts, including, presumably, humans.

1Q23 Frag. 1 + 6 [ . . . two hundred] donkeys, two hundred asses, two hundred rams of the flock, two hundred goats, two hundred [ . . . beast of the] fields from every animal, from every [bird ] 5 for miscegenation [ . . . ]"

We know that in the Bible it talked about how the angels came to the woman of the earth and started to breed with them, causing the birth of the nephilim who were giants. And not only that, the animals gave birth to abominations and which I believe God needed the flood not only for the corruption of mans hearts, but also the extinction of the abominations that were half angel and half human/animal.

4Q531 Frag. 2 - they defiled [they begot] giants and monsters they begot, and, behold, all [the earth was corrupted . . . ] with its blood and by the hand of which did not suffice for them and they were seeking to devour many the monsters attacked it.

For as much as I don't reject the idea that there could have been sort of "monsters" in the past of this planet.... My main view about this topic stays the same: They are mostly metaphors.

The real monsters are humans who didn't understand the teachings, who don't chose to follow "light", but chose darkness instead. To me, monsters and humans can be the same, in physical appearance. They differ though, giantly, in how they behave toward Life.

I do believe in Giants of the past, there seem to be so many proofs in the world of ancient architecture that just couldnt be made for normal humans as everything is bigger. There are many ruins in the world like this.

Probably, they were fallen angels who made human females pregnant.

I think God needs to reset this world every now and then, because it's standard practice that some beings evolve in the light, and others devour the earth in darkness. Everything is already planned by God, because of course a "God" can only KNOW already.

Earth could just very well be a "training ground", where depending on how we behaved in life, we define our evolutional future. (if we deserve evolution).
Last edited by Abjuration; 1 Apr, 2024 @ 7:03am
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