Imperial Gaming Empire ImpGE
Imperial Gaming Empire ImpGE
29 January, 2014
United States 
ABOUT Imperial Gaming Empire

Imperial Gaming Empire

Summary Eh? Figuring you don't really read these very much so I'll try and make this short and to the point for you. Here is my best 5 minute breakdown of this group.

The IGE (Imperial Gaming Empire) is a universal Gaming Community that was officially established on the 31st of January, 2014. Most of us have come from a heavily clanned based game called "Mount & Blade: Warband" and have decided to expand our community into different games.

We figured that investing our time into just one game was becoming pretty stale and that we wanted to reach out into other games for entertainment. For us, we are here now to have a blast at the same time whilst bonding with some friends after a long day of work/school.

For communication, we use a software called "TeamSpeak 3" in which we communicate with using headsets and voice communicators. As for organization, we use this Steam group and other websites to keep the community at base with our events & groups.

The only thing we seek is for Steam players who have the ambition to have a good time after a long day and sit down and have some fun. If you by chance have never been in a gaming community or are looking for one, this is probably the place you want to be.

Joining is as simplified as it can possibly get, simply message any [IGE] moderators, administrators, or the owner of the group for information to join. If you'd like to stop off and visit us in teamspeak, here is how you can do so if you are unsure.

If you don't own TS3, visit this link to download and install the free program:

Our TeamSpeak 3 IP:

We're looking forward to speaking to you very soon.

(If you are waiting for a response or simply curious as to what games we play, feel free to check out our game list. Most of them are cheap and can be purchased from anywhere below $30.00 or so usd.)

TeamSpeak 3 IP Address[]
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