Hot Random Giveaways HRGiveaways
Membership by invitation only
Hot Random Giveaways HRGiveaways
31 December, 2015
ABOUT Hot Random Giveaways

Hot Random Giveaways


How do I enter?

Just join the group! The daily giveaway winners are picked randomly from the group members. Monthly giveaway's may have different instructions so make sure you read the posts in the discussions tab if you want to have a chance of winning some amazing games!

Who are we?

We are a single group who loves to give away free stuff! We are looking to grow and expand to become the greatest giveaway group on steam.

What can I win?

Daily Giveaways:

For the daily giveaways, the keys given are random and there are 1 to 5 keys given everyday.

Monthly Giveaways:

The more members join the group each month the more games are added to the giveaway. These giveaways may have different intructions to enter so make sure you check out the discussion of the giveaway if you want a chance to enter.

How do I know if I win?

If you win, you will be added and messaged on steam. All winners are also stated on the winners list. View this to see all winners since we began.

How do I increase my chances of winning:

To increase your chances of winning, invite all friends to the group. The software we use checks how many people you have invited to the group and generates a winner. The more members you have invited to the group the better chance of winning! You only need to invite each freind once.

How do I invite my friends to the group

  1. Visit the Overview tab
  2. Press Invite Friends in the top right corner
  3. Where is states "Select the friends you'd like to invite to Hot Random Giveaways" press the "all" button which selects all of your friends.
  4. If you have blocked someone in the past and they are still blocked then you will need to remove them by unticking them as otherwise the invite wont be sent.
  5. Once this has done press "Invite to group" and wait for the notification to appear saying it has been sucessful. If this does not appear after 5 or so seconds then check your friend list again to see if you have missed any blocked friends. If you need any help with this then added me on steam and I will be happy to help.

Anything I can do to help?

Sure there is, as you may already know everything gave away comes out of the owners pocket so if you are feeling generous you can purchase some random keys from us using the links found at the bottom of this page. This will really help us and it will give you some games for your profile as well!

If you do not want to buy gets but still want to give back to our community, you can donate for the group using the link below and 100% of the funds raised will be put back into the group. Your name will be noted and displayed on here which will be displayed by everyone, you will be a group hero!

Donate to us by clicking here: []

Thanks everyone and best of luck!

1 Random Steam Key ($1)[]
10 Random Steam Keys ($7.50)[]
50! Random Steam Keys ($49)[]
List Of Our Giveaways & Summary
  1. Visit the Overview tab

  2. Press Invite Friends in the top right corner

  3. Where is states "Select the friends you'd like to invite to Hot Random Giveaways" press the "all" button which selects all of your friends.

  4. If you have blocked someone in the past and they are still blocked then you will need to remove them by unticking them as otherwise the invite wont be sent out to any of your friends

  5. Once this has done press "Invite to group" and wait for the notification to appear saying it has been sucessful.The invite will only be sent once this notifcation appears, if the notification has not appeared then check your friends list again for problems like blocked friends.

If you have already invited all of your friends before and got the notifcation saying it has been sent then nothing more needs to be done and you are in the chance of winning these fantastic prizes!

Well thanks again everyone for the fantastic hype about the group and I look forward to continuing giving away these amazing items!


Other information regarding the group and how you can help!

Want to see more games being given away like GTA 5, Fallout 4 and Black Ops III? Well so far everything is coming out of our pocket so you have help support us!

You can buy your own random steam key's for only $1 or 10 for $7.50 which all of the money sent will go towards funding this group. You can also use our discount code which is "HRG" and get 5% off each and every time you purchase. Just click the hyperlink below.

1 Random Steam Key []
10 Random Steam Key []

Or if you really want to help and improve your steam game collection massively at the same time then you can buy the ultimate steam key package "HERE"[] which contains 50 steam keys!

If you are feeling generous and want to give back to a community then you can donate to us. Anything will help fund this group even £0.50. You can donate for the group using the link below and of course 100% of the funds raised will be put back into the group for more keys like GTA 5 and Fallout 4. Plus you will be noted in the hall of fame for donators!

€100 G2A Gift Card Giveaway!
  1. You must invite all of your friends to the group, The new software we use to draw the players can see how many members have been invited to the group and use it as a variable when choosing the winner so invite all of your friends for the best chance of winning this giveaway! As well as providing you with a better chance to win, it will also allow our community to grow and help us expand plus you only need to invite all of your friends once as this will show up in all of our giveaways!

That is it, the only other thing is you need to be in the group at the time of the draw.

Thank you again everyone and best of luck for this and all future giveaways!


Other information regarding the group and how you can help!

Want to see more games being given away like GTA 5, Fallout 4 and Black Ops III? Well so far everything is coming out of our pocket so you have help support us!

You can buy your own random steam key's for only $1 or 10 for $7.50 which all of the money sent will go towards funding this group. You can also use our discount code which is "HRG" and get 5% off each and every time you purchase. Just click the hyperlink below.

1 Random Steam Key []
10 Random Steam Key []

Feeling generous and want to give back to a community trying to help giveaway some amazing games? Want to see this group grow and develop further? Well you can donate to us. Anything will help fund this group even £0.50. You can donate for the group using the link below and of course 100% of the funds raised will be put back into the group for more keys like GTA 5 and Fallout 4.

eI 31 May, 2017 @ 8:20pm 
mrZ 6 Jan, 2016 @ 7:41am 
how to win ?
CapAllan 5 Jan, 2016 @ 9:26am 
Plums 5 Jan, 2016 @ 9:24am 
As long as you have invited them that is all it takes :) They dont need to join
CapAllan 5 Jan, 2016 @ 8:29am 
What if those whom i invited don't join? Will it still count? I invited everyone but I dont think everyone will come!:ghsmile:
Cake118 | 5 Jan, 2016 @ 3:38am 
Happy New Year, guys.
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31 December, 2015