Half-Life 2: Wars HL2Wars
Half-Life 2: Wars HL2Wars
1 September, 2007
ABOUT Half-Life 2: Wars

A Source Real-Time Strategy Modification

Lambda Wars community group

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ModDB Profile
Lambda Wars Beta 2.3.6 Released!
Recruiting a Gameplay UI Designer!
We're still looking for a gameplay UI designer to help us rebuild the interface (menus/lobby first and eventually the ingame interface) in HTML5 via Chromium Embedded Framework. If you're a visual designer adept with CSS and JS and have a knack for UI/UX get in touch via our recruitment forum[].

Lambda Wars 2.3.6 Changelog
Improvements and Balance:
  • Reduced Strider's Dark energy cannon damage radius from 200 to 100
  • Reduced Strider's Dark energy cannon cooldown from 30 to 20 seconds
  • Reduced black and regular headcrabs HP to 80
  • Reduced fast headcrabs HP to 60
  • Unit selection interface: control + left click unit type in hud unit selection will filter selection on that type, while control + right will do the inverse.
  • Add combine victory and defeat effects
  • UPDATED: hlw_base4 (flora)
  • UPDATED: hlw_meltdown (flora, various)
  • UPDATED: hlw_slums (flora)
  • UPDATED: hlw_synth (various)
  • UPDATED: hlw_village (flora, various)
  • UPDATED: hlw_waste (flora, various)
  • UPDATED: or_base4 (flora)
  • UPDATED: or_hill (flora)
  • UPDATED: or_washedaway (flora)
CPU Player:
  • Rebel CPU Player now collects scrap
  • Improve cleanup of stuck enemies
  • Headcrab cannisters are no longer launched between waves
  • Scaled down bounding box of Headcrab Poison boss to prevent navigation issues on or_trapped
  • Potentially broken buildings when the client requested a full game update due packet loss
  • Combine Elite AR2 alt fire ability firing at wrong target due faulty aim code
  • CPU player placing too many barracks, while not producing any units
  • CPU player is now always ready in overrun
  • Incorrect unit navigation when jumping off cliffs/edges (e.g. getting stuck)
  • Headcrabs flying up to an unreachable location after being spawned from a killed zombie (in particular or_base4)
  • Overrun game mode endless wave type not working
  • Overrun game mode waves not progressing
  • Strider's Dark energy cannon ability not taking resources
  • Fix fog of war incorrectly revealed around control points in some cases due mismatch between server and client parameters
  • Tooltips of units and abilities not disappearing on machines with a low framerate
  • Upgrade energy fields of medic being shared with saboteur and scout, due which they can stay invisible forever
  • Fortification of control point not removed after becoming neutral due a player being defeated
  • When a zombie dies "chopped", it would potentially not be removed and become invisible and not solid
  • Add name and description for "Ungarrison All" Ability
  • Updated Python from 2.7.6 to Python 3.4.1
  • Updated spanish translation, thanks to JLMCYT

Lambda Wars Beta 2.3.5 Released!
  • Control point fortification;
  • Maps now look and play much more lifelike due to interactive flora;
  • We're also glad to announce that Lambda Wars no longer require to own Half-Life 2: Episode Two. A free installation of Alien Swarm is now enough to play the mod!

And yes, we're advancing to Steam and need reinforcements to reach this milestone:
- Web-based Game UI Designer URGENT (
- Announcer/Voice actor (for lines such as "Building under attack" or "Need more requisition")

Get the latest full version or patch here, bug reports and feature suggestions are welcome at our
community forums[]!

Changelog for 2.3.5

Improvements and Balance:
  • Control Points can now be fortified, preventing capturing until fortification is destroyed and increases income
  • Added Rebel Radio Tower detecting cloaked enemies in a radius of 500 and performing
    Scan ability (moved from HQ)
  • Limited number of engineers which can salvage scrap at the same time
  • Raised population limit from 75 to 100
  • Added one additional Combine Population upgrade and updated existing population upgrades
  • Replaced Rebel Engineer smg1 weapon by pistol
  • Replaced Rebel Veteran weapons by Crossbow
  • Increased build time Barracks/Garrison to 80 seconds
  • Increased cooldown time of manhack deploy ability from 20 to 120 seconds
  • Turrets, barricades and sub-component buildings no longer count as valid main buildings in Annihilation mode for victory conditions
  • Reduce costs headcrab canister launcher builder from 40 req + 60 pow to 30 req and 40 pow.
  • Reduce costs of launching headcrab canisters from 50 req + 50 pow to 30 req and 60 pow
  • Reduce cooldown launching headcrab canisters from 30 to 8 seconds
  • Replaced sprite based detail props by flora models
  • Updated unit glow effect (less obtrusive)
  • Units now get a green tint when detected while cloaked. Additionally the team color glow is enabled again from the enemies point of view and can be targeted by the enemy player.
CPU Player:
  • Various adjustments in resource management
  • Added Hard difficulty
  • NEW: hlw_synth (8-player FFA)
  • UPDATED: hlw_waste (complete revamp & added flora)
  • UPDATED: sp_radio_tower (flora)
  • UPDATED: sp_valley (flora)
  • UPDATED: hlw_forest (flora)
  • UPDATED: hlw_washedaway (flora)
  • UPDATED: hlw_mine (flora)
  • UPDATED: hlw_aurora
  • REMOVED: hlw_battlemounds
Unit AI & Navigation:
  • Right clicking a barricade now makes selected units go into cover around the barricade
  • Improvements in navigation around barricades/mountable turrets
  • Now defaults to 10 waves to win the game
  • Increased preparing time between waves
  • Added button to indicate the player is ready for the next wave (skipping remaining prepare time)
  • Wave progress bar displaying the number of enemies left to kill
  • Player now starts with 25 population. Tier 2 increases it with 25 and tier 3 increases it with 50.
  • Tier 2 upgrade now costs 12 kills and tier 3 upgrade costs 15 kills (both were 20)
  • During Leap attacks of Antlion and Headcrabs, they no longer collide with units of their same team
  • Made various costs changes for Overrun. Hunter and Vortigaunt now cost 5 kills instead of 8 kills. AR2 soldier now costs 2 kills.
  • Added two bosses for Zombies wave mode. They start appearing at wave 7. One is a larger version of the poison zombie, which throws more black headcrabs at once. The other one is a giant black headcrab, which spits acid.
  • Boss type like units must be killed to progress to the next wave
  • Enemy fire/tracer/sound effects not visible/played when they shoot at your units from a position hidden in the fog of war
  • Soldiers holding weapon models incorrectly
  • Annihilation game mode does not directly ends after destroying the last building (waits until the destruction animation finished playing)
  • Unable to target Fuel or Explosive barrels using Attack Move ability
  • Hunter blood effects not stopping after being healed
  • Engineers not auto-casting "construct" ability after turning on autocast while being near a building needing construction or repairing.
  • Unit not shooting enemies while being in cover and uncloaking
  • Units going into cover at incorrect places when returning to idle position.
  • Weapons of cloaked units were visually not cloaked
  • Headcrab Cannister launcher still spawning headcrabs for a moment after being destroyed
  • Single moving units sometimes getting stuck along a wall
  • CPU difficulty not shown correctly to new players joining the game lobby
  • Improved behavior of pausing the game in single player (broken because of an Alien Swarm engine bug)
  • No longer required to own Half-Life 2: Episode Two. A free installation of Alien Swarm is now enough to play the mod!
  • Added partial Spanish translations
  • User Steam avatar is displayed in the to top left corner of main menu.

ProgSys 26 Nov, 2013 @ 1:17pm 
Obnoxious Turd 6 Mar, 2010 @ 10:33am 
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1 September, 2007