Furry Transformation FurTF
Furry Transformation FurTF
12 August, 2011
ABOUT Furry Transformation

The official group for furries that love transformation into other things!

Welcome, welcome all of you that want to become (or witness others become), a bat, a cat, a kite, a train, a plane, even a great dane, whatever your imagination runs wild with!

Furry Transformation is a group for you to meet other furries (and maybe a few non-furries) interested in transformation (animal, inanimate, latex, whatever) and playing some PC games with them, or even to get in a discussion or two about things transforming into other things!

Group Rules
  • Be nice to your fellow member or non-member of the furry fandom!
  • When linking art that's marked as mature or adult on FurAffinity, deviantART, or any other site, you must mark such links as NSFW when doing so. Stories are preferred being marked as such, but are optional. The Telegram group is purely NSFW, so feel free to post anything there but your junk. This group will always be SFW.
  • Stories are preferred being marked as NSFW when they are, but this is optional.
  • Don't bug other artists for free art in private or public chat unless they have allowed you to do so, failure to comply (and with proper proof), will result in a ban from the server being swiftly applied.
  • Please be respectful to your fellow TF fans in chat, occasional poking fun at each other is fine.
  • RP (Roleplay) is allowed, but please keep it to a minimum (*hugs*, *licks*, *nuzzles*, etc.) unless the majority of the room has given consent. It's not hard to create a group chat using people from the chat or roleplaying in private if the need arises. (You can also use the roleplay forum available in the new Steam Community located under Discussions.)
  • Discussion of hot button topics (religion, politics) is okay, but fights erupting will be broken up.
  • Do not talk about or solicit illegal drugs/drug use (unless your choice of drug is alcohol or caffeine).
  • Don't spam the chat with excessive emoticons, advertisements for other groups, etc.
  • Please, please, please, do not complain to an officer about minor irritants in the chat room. (Steam has a blocking system for a reason.) Do let us know if someone is causing serious problems though!
  • If you wouldn't want the public to readily see what you're posting, then don't freaking post it!

1st offenses will lead to a kick, if from the chat or a 24-hour ban from the group.
2nd offenses will lead to a 3 day ban from the entire group.
A third offense from the chat or group will result in a permanent ban (appealable as needed).

Doxxing, continual harassment, violent threats, or otherwise extremely objectionable actions will lead to an immediate permanent ban.

Please submit all appeals to the group owner: AshTR.

Thanks for reading and enjoy the group!

The Transformation Story Archive[]
Where are we now?
Poll! What do you want more of, and where? PLEASE PARTICIPATE!
Furry Transformation reviews
"Enjoyable games and software for furries or those interested in furries that feature transformation content"
Here are a few recent reviews by Furry Transformation
SumRandomChika 5 Feb @ 8:45pm 
Hey there cuties, I'm a little drunk and bored!!! <3
If anyone wants to chat feel free to add this girl-ie :steamhearteyes:
I love meeting new people!
ricencheese 29 Jan @ 3:20am 
hey is there a new discord link? the old one doesn't work
𐌔Ɀ𐌀𐌓Ɀ𐌙𐌙ᛑ 25 Dec, 2024 @ 2:56pm 
merry yiffmass transfur furs
⨺⃝NecromancerBree⨺⃝ 1 Oct, 2024 @ 5:35am 
My birthday, go celebrate it and turn everyone into hyenas <3
Cpt. Brad Willard 24 Sep, 2024 @ 10:03am 
add me :3
⨺⃝NecromancerBree⨺⃝ 21 Jul, 2024 @ 9:40am 
yes <3
VIEW ALL (704)
Group Player of the Week: