Furries Of Elite: Dangerous FurryPF
Furries Of Elite: Dangerous FurryPF
27 March, 2016
ABOUT Furries Of Elite: Dangerous

We are a group of furries who play Elite!

Welcome, CMDR.

We are the Furry Pilot Fleet, the biggest Elite Dangerous Furry community there is, now with its own minor faction in-game!

With more than 350 members from all over the world and different species, we value independence; since our heritage or allegiances won't stand in our way to be the fleet we are!
We will help you to find what you need, so your journey can continue. Be it guidance for your Sidewinder, or an allied CMDR to reach the outer regions of the galaxy! We are here to help you.

If you wish to share art or crafts, or desire to post announcements to the bulletin board, contact the head of this division and he will proceed your request.

Please mind our zero tolerance policy against dishonourable behaviour.

Enjoy your stay CMDR. - 33030527

Our Minor Faction has been implemented! - 33040426
Originally posted by "CMDR T-Bone523":
GalNet News
26 APR 3304

Back in 3302, the Segon Faction Board received a request from Dr. Amelia Dirichlet of Dirichlet Laboratory to create an independent collective of pilots focused on humanity's survival, with pilots who underwent physical alterations being conscripted into the collective. The request went unanswered and largely ignored, until the Thargoid attacks that occurred in Irandan and Kunuvii. After word of those attacks reached Segon, being less than 50 LY away, the Segon Faction Board turned their attention back to Dr. Dirichlet's request.

The board, after taking much time to do some research into how the addition of Dr. Dirichlet's collective of pilots would affect the system, issued the following statement this afternoon. "With the Thargoid threat looming closer to those who live in Segon, we have to start taking into account the ability for our factions to be able to defend Segon, while at the same time, holding them accountable to the standards that all factions that are based out of our system must uphold to. Saying that, after all of the information we gathered, we believe that Dr. Ameila Dirichlet's collective will be able to uphold such standards. The Segon Faction Board approves Dr. Ameila Dirichlet's request, and the Astrobiology Research Cooperative has approval to begin faction operations"

Greetings CMDR.
We're proud to announce that finally, after 1 year and 4 months since we started this project, our own minor faction, the Astrobiology Research Cooperative, has been implemented into the game, claiming Segon as its home system!

All our collective effort and struggle over the time was a full success, as we got the system of our highest priority! I am very thankful to everyone who helped and stayed with us during the hardest of times, believing into the success of this project. I could've never done this without all of you.

When I created the fleet, I honestly didn't believe into the success it would have today. With more than 350 members today, it has blown my expectations out of proportions, multiple (multiple, multiple) times. No matter how overwhelming it might have been at first, I kept on going, kept on supporting this fleet.
I am lucky to have such generous and downright good people in my fleet, who assist me alongside others out of their spare time, keeping me on sane grounds. Without them, it could'nt have gone anywhere.

So thank you, all of you. No matter how big or small your contribution to the fleet, no matter how recently you joined, you are a part of it. You give it value.
You made this happen.

So! Right now me and the moderators are working on an overhaul to our services, namely Discord and We'll focus on using INARA more, giving it purpose and coordination.
Soon events are to be announced as well. So stay tuned for that!

For now, make sure to move your ships to Segon and have ARC gain influence. Having a home system is one thing. Actually OWNING it, that requires more work and effort! I'm positive we'll get there in no time!

Larue13 8 Oct, 2020 @ 2:17pm 
Wooo 2 months till 2020 is over!!!!
Greenwolf 9 May, 2020 @ 7:38pm 
Necroposting here so that all of us getting our butts kicked by 2020 can look back at our cute 2016-18 selves and get a giggle
Karn 7 Feb, 2018 @ 11:26am 
Reminder that we do have a Discord and an in-game Private Group ;) Come join us there!
If you're having troubles with anything, just add me as a friend!
T-Bone Spake 15 Dec, 2017 @ 4:33pm 
CMDR Spake- I too do stuff and stuff-like things.
CatBat 15 Dec, 2017 @ 1:43pm 
CMDR Azrael Wysteria :3 I do stuff and stuff-like things
Cowboy in a Can 6 Nov, 2016 @ 3:55pm 
howdy im CMDR Alpha Tsukiwolf on the pc i dont do pvp but i do voice chat :3
Enter chat room
27 March, 2016