Dr.Flufferz Raffles Dr.Flufferz
Dr.Flufferz Raffles Dr.Flufferz
29 July, 2016
United States 
ABOUT Dr.Flufferz Raffles

Welcome to Dr.Flufferz Raffles

Group Info

This group was put in place for the reasons below

1. To let people having a chance for items they might not be able to afford
2. To let people trade without having to deal with people saying how low tier of a person they might be
3. To have a normal conversation with people without disruptions
4. To make new friends


Rule 1:Please respect all members of the group especially higher ups
Rule 2:Dont beg for anyones items in the group
Rule 3:Dont lowball someone that is putting items up for trade in the group
Rule 4:Dont get mad if you lose a raffle. More will be explained in the rules when a raffle is put up
Rule 5:Dont put your prices to high off an items that you are selling in the trade part of this group
Rule 6:Have a good time and try to compete as much as possible

Group Accomplishments

100 Members: 1 Key Free Raffle [ ]
200 Members: 2 Key Free Raffle [ ]
300 Members: 1 Earbud Free Raffle [ ]
400 Members: 3 Key Free Raffle [ ]
600 Members: 3 Key & 1 Bills Hat Free Raffle [ ]
900 Members: 5 Key Free Raffle [ ]
1200 Members: 6 Key Free Raffle [ ]
2000 Members: 10 Free Raffle [ ]
4000 Members: 20 Key Unusual Free Raffle [ ]
8000 Members: 50 Key Uunusual Free Raffle [ ]
16000 Members: 100 Key Free Raffle [ ]
32000 Members: 200 Key Free Raffle [ ]
64000 Members: 500 Key Free Raffle [ ]

Important Links to know

Leaders Profile Link:

Leaders Trade Links:

Leaders Instagram:

Leaders Snapchat:

Becoming a leader

Please look below to follow up on how to become a leader in the group

1. He/She must be able to take entry fees for raffles
2. He/She must be trusted over the steam communities
3. He/She must be able to raffle off at least 5 items per month
4. He/She must follow the rules and put fourth consequences agasint the ones that do wrong (Doesnt matter if there your friend)
5. He/She must be respectful to other higher ups
6. He/She must friend request the leader of the group
7. He/She must make the other members feel at home
8. He/She must be able to use the formatting commands for the raffles they hold


Listed down below are the consequence of each wrong you do

1. Disrespect will result in a kick
2. Lowball will be resulted in a mute for a day
3. Highball will be resulted in a mute for a day
4. Other wrongs result in a kick

Other Info

Listed below are the types of events that will be held

Event 1. Raffles
Event 2. Normal Chat
Event 3. Auctions
Event 4. Randomness
Event 5. Questions for higher ups
Event 6. Player of the week (Free Key Involved)
Event 7. Free 1 Key Monthly Event

Last Thing

Have a great time being in the group and have a great day/night