European Sk Tournement 09 EUSKTM
European Sk Tournement 09 EUSKTM
9 October, 2009
ABOUT European Sk Tournement 09

European Sk Tournement 09

Hi All

Since KES decided too stopp the tournement we (Ipro & Corak) decided too reopen the tournement since we think its a good ide and as i heard so does many else..

But for this tournement too be a sucsess we need help to arrange this, so in that sence i need the CL of the clans who want too partcipate in this tournement pleas contact us and tell us what clan u are, what members are gonne play, provide us with clantags and keep up to date whit what is happening here..

When the Tournement starts will be posted a littel later so take a quick peek in here when u have the chance too.

Sign up:

To enter this tournement leave a post in the group and give us the information we need about the clan and we will sign u up..

* The tournement will be PLAYED AS A 3v3!!!

* If a clan dosent show up for a scrim they are automaticly discvalified. That means after 5 mins after match should have started. (So be on time please)

* If a clan cant play on the time and date that was set u need to notify us atleast 1 day before the match is set too begin. If not u will forfith and the other clan will win.

* All clan needs sign up atleast 1 week before the Tournement starts ore they will not be allowed to participate..

* Rounds will be 2x16. If should be a draw, (means one team each win one round) there will be a 3rd round where u play first team too 7 wins!!

* There will be no name calling ore any form for racism, ore words that discrimnate peopel in anyway. If this happends the person responsebol will be discvalified from the tournement and steam id will be registered so he cant change name to try to play for a other person!!

* The rounds of the Tournement is gonne be played as soo called pyramide matches, that means if u loose u go 1 lvl down and by winning 1 lvl up (1 step closer too winning ;D )
When it comes to the semi finals we are gonne arrange so there can be played for 3rd and 4th place in the tournement. A final ranking will apear when all matches are played:)..

* There is no skins allowed in the tournement and that also goes for yawspeed and autoswitch.
If any is seen, the player will be put aside until he has removed it!!

Thats the rules, so everyone plz follow them so we can make it as fair as possibol for all players..

A date for the Tournement will be posted soon when everything is set and ready!! so take a peek in the group once a while...

I hope this will be a positive experience for everyone, so have fun and play good ;D

Ipro & St4rrr

Panetela 16 Mar, 2010 @ 2:53pm 
is there gonna b 2010 i want my clan 2 enter?
TheMasta 29 Nov, 2009 @ 8:19am 
Next match?
Lolwut 25 Nov, 2009 @ 5:47pm 
Lolwut 19 Nov, 2009 @ 6:17am 
next match!!?
Klenne 17 Nov, 2009 @ 9:28am 
when is next match????
Enter chat room
9 October, 2009