Death_Squads_X_Armory 更新資訊、?
Death_Squads_X_Armory 更新資訊、?
7. februar 2017
Traditionelt kinesisk
OM Death_Squads_X_Armory

[TW]Public Coop <Death squads>|Hardcore


◆By a group of players who love insurgency and created the server, main service to Asian players.


◇Update announcements and planning discussions



Death_Squads_X_Armory(WorkShop File)
Recommend Collocation
Cooperation mode Map Collection
[2022/07/06][RON] The list of mods used by the group.
Everybody Required(所有人必須)
The list may change at any time, make sure the following↓
(清單可能隨時異動, 請確保以下↓)

Mod Type
Mod Name
Download Link
Here []
Please install it first, it will be very convenient on Mod version control.
(請優先安裝它, 在Mod版控上會很方便。)
Custom Map(自訂地圖)
Mount Threshold Research Center(山門研究中心)
Please click the download link to view the author's MOD introduction.
Here []
The group currently specifies one of the mod maps.(群組目前指定MOD地圖之一)
Custom Map1(自訂地圖1)
The Quarry(採石場)
Please click the download link to view the author's MOD introduction.
Here []
The group currently specifies one of the MOD maps, and optional files can also be downloaded to reduce the first loading time.
Custom Map2(自訂地圖2)
Neptune Spear by Scones(海王星之矛行動)
Please click the download link to view the author's MOD introduction.
Here []
The group currently specifies one of the MOD maps, and optional files can also be downloaded to reduce the first loading time.

Host Required(Host必須)
If you may become a Host, please ensure the following additionally↓
(如果你可能成為Host, 請額外確保以下↓)

Mod Type
Mod Name
Download Link
In Game Menu(遊戲內選單)
Please click the download link to view the author's MOD introduction.
Here []
You can also adjust the details of some mods in the game.
Elite Armor Defense with 90 or 44 or normal slots
(具有 90 或 44 或普通插槽的精英裝甲防禦)
Please click the download link to view the author's MOD introduction.
Here []
Select "Elite Armor Defense with 44 slots" in Main files to download and install. The group members must be unified.
(選擇Main files 的 "Elite Armor Defense with 44 slots" 進行下載安裝即可,群組成員必須統一。)

Host Optional(Host選用)
If you may become a Host, you can replace the item yourself, and note that the same Mod Type item can only be used by one choice↓
(如果你可能成為Host, 可自行替換的項目, 並注意相同的 Mod Type 項目只能擇一使用↓)

Mod Type
Mod Name
Download Link
Improved Gameplay(改進的遊戲玩法)
Please click the download link to view the author's MOD introduction.
Here []
Select "Improved Gameplay" in Main files to download and install, and the group decides the most reasonable AI improvement at present.
(選擇Main files 的 "Improved Gameplay" 進行下載安裝即可,群組決議目前最合理的AI改善。)
AI(機器人行為)、AI Count(AI 數量)
Ready or Not Here I Come AI Realistic Modpack(準備好與否,我來了 AI 逼真的 Modpack)
Please click the download link to view the author's MOD introduction.
Here []
Choose one of the modes or difficulties in the main file to download or install, and choose one of the enemy numbers when installing.
AI Count(AI 數量)
MaxEnemies AIMOD(最大敵人數的 AI MOD)
Please click the download link to view the author's MOD introduction.
Here []
Select "Max Enemies AIMOD with TRAPS" in Main files to download and install, the number and type of AI will change to the maximum value according to the map and mode.
(選擇Main files 的 "Max Enemies AIMOD with TRAPS" 進行下載安裝即可,AI 數量與類型依據地圖和模式變化最大值。)
SWAT 4 Voice Overhaul Mod(SWAT 4 語音大修模組)
Please click the download link to view the author's MOD introduction.
Here []
Select "All in One Version" of Main files to download and install, or choose and replace according to your needs. It is listed in the Host selection because the Client alone installation can only take effect in the single-player mode.
(選擇Main files 的 "All in One Version" 進行下載安裝即可,或是自行依照需求選用替換。列在Host選用是因為Client單獨安裝只能在單人模式下生效。)
Custom Map2-Optional(自訂地圖2-選用)
Neptune Spear by Scones(海王星之矛行動) in Optional files.
Here []
The group currently specifies one of the MOD maps, and Increases number of suspects even further to 50!

Self optional(自行選用)
Self optional recommended items, but may deviate further from immersion. Note that the same Mod Type item can only be used by one choice↓
(可自行選用的推薦項目,但可能會更加偏離沉浸感。注意相同的 Mod Type 項目只能擇一使用↓)

Mod Type
Mod Name
Download Link
Weapon extend(武器擴展)
Valhalla mod - More Weapon(瓦爾哈拉模組-更多武器)
File->pakchunk02-Weapone_P | Please click the download link to view the author's MOD introduction.
(檔案->pakchunk02-Weapone_P | 請由下載連結查看作者的MOD介紹)
Here []
One of the mods under Optional files: pakchunk02-Weapone_P. Non-lethal weapons have been removed, and some smgs have been moved to pistols.Added akl102, p90 and Frag grenades, The M32A1 grenade launcher fires powerful grenades.
(Optional files 下的其中一個模組: pakchunk02-Weapone_P。非致命武器已被移除,一些 smg 已被移至手槍。添加了 akl102、p90 和破片手榴彈,M32A1 榴彈發射器可發射強力手榴彈。)
Weapon extend(武器擴展)
Battlefield or Not Gameplay Mod(戰場與否遊戲模式)
Main File->Battlefield or Not Gameplay MOD | Please click the download link to view the author's MOD introduction.
(主要檔案->Battlefield or Not Gameplay MOD | 請由下載連結查看作者的MOD介紹)
Here []
After installing the main file, it is recommended to install "More Non-Lethal weapons under the optional file to use together
(安裝完主要檔案後推薦另外安裝可選文件下的 More Non-Lethal weapons 一起使用。)
Valhalla mod - Drink Buff(瓦爾哈拉模組-飲料BUFF)
File->pakchunk01-Coffe_P | Please click the download link to view the author's MOD introduction.
(檔案->pakchunk01-Coffe_P | 請由下載連結查看作者的MOD介紹)
Here []
One of the mods under Optional files: pakchunk01-Coffe_P. Different beverages provide different body strengthening, but can cause some strange phenomena.
(Optional files 下的其中一個模組: pakchunk01-Coffe_P。不同的飲料提供不同的身體強化,但可能導致些奇怪現象。)

---2019/02/12 [TW]Public coop server [End of service]---
------結束服務[End of service]------
  • 2019/02/12-起結束Public Coop <Death squads>|Hardcore之伺服器服務。
  • 2019/02/12-起結束Public Coop <Death squads_Fight_back>|Hardcore之伺服器服務。

------原因說明[Reason Description]------
  • 伺服器經費餘額已經全數消耗完畢。
  • 管理員未來沒有辦法再進行高強度的更新進度和時間付出。
  • 該遊戲玩家人口已經進入衰退期。

------日後規劃[Future planning]------
  • 如有架設私人伺服器的機會和動機,日後將會轉至[暴動:沙塵暴]再次服務各位玩家(※機率很低)。
  • 2019/02/12號將會陸續整理伺服器的架設檔案,提供有意願的接班人架設並服務各位玩家。(※如有需要請通知我)
  • 這段期間可以轉至[WN][STF]死亡小隊合作服繼續體驗本伺服器部分內容。
  • Death_Squads_X_Armory,如作者有時間仍然會繼續提供更新至[暴動:沙塵暴]正式發行(※機率很低)。

Thank you for your support and companionship in the past two years. The next opportunity to serve again, I do not know when yet...