Donald's Pro 1 v 1 Strat DP1V1S
Donald's Pro 1 v 1 Strat DP1V1S
18 August, 2013
ABOUT Donald's Pro 1 v 1 Strat

Donald = Top Tier

This is an appreciation group for a hunter skeeting strat I don't think anybody knew about before they met Donald (top-tier player).

Step 1: Locate enemy hunter.
Step 2: Track hunter movement.

Bonus points for jumping towards hunter pounces. Do not just stand and skeet, you scrub.
vex 15 Dec, 2023 @ 9:37am 
Oh. Last bit. I mentioned others who caused me sanity damage in my July post?

Sex trafficked women. Lots of them on the street homeless, minds utterly broken. Not in the same way as Jadens was... even more insane.

At one point one of them threatened me with a knife and screamed like a banshee because her mind could not understand that the thing on the ground next to her was neither a broom, nor a mop, but a swiffer. She /really/ needed a mop for some reason, and then she /really/ needed a broom for some reason.

I, apparently foolishly, attempted to explain that it was a swiffer, kind of a combination of both of those things, and ahe became enraged, screaming and flailing about with a knife.
vex 15 Dec, 2023 @ 9:28am 
Last time I had any idea where she was, she was chain smoking in every different motel in Bellingham, usually getting kicked out after a month or two of that. She would also, quite often, get into extremely loud arguments with the different voices in her head.

She would scream... so very loudly.

Sometimes she would laugh at them.

Very confusing.

Anyway, yeah, her parents abandoned her and ♥♥♥♥♥♥ off to Alaska, and I had to abandon her too, I couldnt take the abuse.

Maybe she got arrested for some insane ♥♥♥♥ and is in a jail or prison or other mental facility somewhere.

Again though, my guess would be she died in the last exceptionally bad winter we had last year.
vex 15 Dec, 2023 @ 9:19am 
Jaden is in all likelihood dead now, like all the other street people I was forced to rely on this last year after my brother locked me out of my phone number (family plan!), thus removing my access to every single account i had that involved 2FA... including my bank.

Anyway, you have /no idea/ how crazy she was.

My mistake was trying to understand her craziness while myself being homeless, starving, surrounded by hard drug addicts, hence the rabbit hole you see me going down in my last post.

Oh well.

I managed to listen to her enough to realize she wasnt lying about being a veteran, and took her to all the places to get her paperwork figured out, and she was given about a 3k a month payment for what were determines to be service related mental health damages.

In the end she was just too insane for me to keep speaking to.
vex 15 Dec, 2023 @ 9:18am 
Yeah, I was not exactly doing mentally great after my family decided to try to commit me to an institution despite making 80k a year as a work from home data analyst not harming a fly.

After 3 years of myself seeing therapists and psychiatrists at UW Medical, they told me I was likely autistic.

I told my family this and they decided I was actually delusional, that I was making that up, and that I needed to be sent to a mental institution in Arlington. You know, Arlington, famed for being a desireable place to live and work, especially for qualified mental health professionals, much more so than the quacks at the University of Washington.

(/s if its necessary)

Ended up homeless and had people smoking fentanyl all around me, so I got a good bit of it second hand.

I am now far away from all that. Got hit in the head so many times I didnt even remember I'd posted this until the alert from you.
Alaska 9 Dec, 2023 @ 9:11pm 
I heard Jaden had gone crazy and got admitted to a mental facility north of Bellingham, but then she disappeared during the Covid period. And, BTW, you do sound like a cookie, too.
vex 18 Jul, 2023 @ 12:35pm 
I have to leave this group.

Everyone who has ever been anywhere near this group... is basically cursed on the internet and IRL.

They have been using us as basically test subjects.

Problem is I do not know exactly who 'they' is.

It definately has to do with MKULTRA derived nonsense...

And the problem with THAT is that the ... the individuals that know about that kind of stuff back in the 90s and 00s when this started?

Not all of them were/are human.

Exopolitics is extraordinarily complicated.

I hope that all people who identify as Targeted Individuals eventually find ... if not actual help... at least some kind of peace or solace.

I have found more people like this in the real.
And the problem is that they basically do sanity damage to me IRL.

I know you are not all completely insane though... I wish I could actually help more.
Enter chat room
18 August, 2013