[KGB] Iron Front A3 TvT Server [KGBIF]
[KGB] Iron Front A3 TvT Server [KGBIF]
17 de junio de 2016
ACERCA DE [KGB] Iron Front A3 TvT Server

Welcome to Iron Front A3

We play the old missions from the "Franz Kaiser" server, that was very popular in Iron Front times.

All you need is the IFA3LITE Mod, from the Steam Workshop:

[KGB] IFA3LITE Capture & Hold Server - Franz Kaiser Missions

The good old times!

Thanks to the IFA3LITE mod, players now can play Iron Front on ArmA 3 for free, without the requierment of the original Iron Front game.

Most Servers are running the Wasteland, or KotH game mode. We wanted to bring back the old Capture & Hold mission from the old Iron Front days, so we contacted the FK Missionbuilder Maddock, who gave us the permission to port the missions to IFA3.

We are now running different versions of Capture & Hold missions.

You can find more information here:

Capture and Hold

Your side gets one point per minute for each flag that exceeds half of the total number of flags (might be different in some missions).

You can capture an enemy flag by going inside its zone and having a majority (1.5 times) presence there for 2 minutes.

The flags can be captured only in predefined sequence.

The currently capturable flags are marked with black circle on the map. The side with the most points in the end wins.

Depending on the mission parameters, you can transfer to flags controlled by your side through HQ tent.

All vehicles respawn after 3 minutes for destroyed vehicles.

The number of times a vehicle can respawn is:

30x for troops transport vehicles

10x for planes

3x for all others

HQ areas are protected by no-go zones that are fatal to trespassers on land.

The edge of the map is also off-limits.There are ammo boxes in the base and somes others located on the battlefield.

A vehicle is considered abandoned if there's no player inside for more than 3 minutes for most of vehicles,

except 1 hour fo support vehicle at base (ammo truck, repair truck, med truck, fuel truck) and pak at base (10 mns).

You may not to use enemy's vehicles. You can destroy enemy vehicles through the menu entry if the vehicle is abandon by enemy for more than 1.5 minutes.

There's transfer tent in some missions. You can use it to transfer to different predefined locations. For example, from a main base to an airfield.

Good luck and have fun!


Mods: You need the IFA3LITE Mod of course ArmA 3.

Server Name: "[KGB] Iron Front Capture & Hold - Franz Kaiser Missionen IFA3LITE"

Server IP:

Port: 2302


Steam Groupe:

VON: only direct and vehicle

We want you.

We hope to help Iron Front to its former glory and looking forward to see you on the battlefield.

If you like the project, let us know. We want to expand this project further, so let us know if you want to help us.

Lets see where it goes.

Kampfgruppe Berserker Hompage[]
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New Map - Batterie Panovo 3
New Map - "Ostfront"
14 comentarios
P4T3R_ 2 FEB 2017 a las 8:07 p. m. 
Yeah Dutch! We are on the way ;-)
Dutch451 28 DIC 2016 a las 4:52 a. m. 
KGB Ever coming back? :-C
Wurstsalat 28 NOV 2016 a las 8:47 a. m. 
i just found this server, and i just found out its down :-( pls do something about this guys.
P4T3R_ 17 NOV 2016 a las 9:48 a. m. 
Hey Dutch! sorry the server is currently down ;-(. the the last IFA3 and ArmA updates, destroyed all our missions. we cant find the error. i hope we will bring it back soon.
Dutch451 30 SEP 2016 a las 10:18 a. m. 
Is the server still on or cuz i cant find it?
Nico 14 AGO 2016 a las 7:32 a. m. 
Wie bringt man das alte Schadensmodell von Fahrzeugen auf Servern wieder zum laufen ^^ ?
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17 de junio de 2016