Tenchu: Clan of the Azuma Ninja T:CotAN
Tenchu: Clan of the Azuma Ninja T:CotAN
11 June, 2013
ABOUT Tenchu: Clan of the Azuma Ninja

For all the fans or newcomers of the Tenchu series, welcome.

The Tenchu series never had a true home, first appearing on the Playstation 1 (or PSX) in Tenchu: Stealth Assassins and was quite an interesting new title, including stealth actions and new techniques for the console and future games, resulting in a prequel to the first. The two starring characters being :

Rikimaru, a silver haired, ninjato wielding member of the Azuma clan and has a scar from his past over his right eye. Rikimaru is more of the main protagonist of the series.

Ayame is also another playable character, fast and quick other than slower and more strength than Rikimaru, yet is a bit weaker. She wields a pair of kodachi (however it changes in later games) and plays another big role in the series but usually isn't considered the main protagonist of the series.

After Stealth Assassins made a bit of success, another game came out for the Playstation 1 as well, acting as a prequel and telling the story of Rikimaru and Ayame, along with a few new characters, keeping the same stealth gameplay and a few new mechanics.

The next in the main series and broke away from its Playstation home, yet still being on the next console Playstation 2, but also being on Xbox and was later released for a mobile version, and a more rare PSP Version. More of the same, but a bit of stiffness completely removed and stilll keeping the better stealth and ninja style of gameplay intact.
Of course more games were released but basically ran away from its first home, with Tenchu Z and Shadow Assassins being on Xbox 360 and the Wii, but making an appearance on the PSP with Shadow Assassins, but some didn't do as well as the previous, and wasn't as great as its previous games.

Personally to me, it all started from the very first, I specifically remembering opening it up on Christmas morning the year it came out. Nothing like it ever came out, and it was the stealth aspects that just hooked me in from start to finish. Still to this day I "ooe and awe" from the animations and kills from it.
Favorite one has to be Wrath of the Heaven. Was the perfect stealth and just...awesome game of the Tenchu series. Unfortunately, the later game just went downhill even more and they basically just gave up on the franchise.
Lunar 5 Nov, 2019 @ 10:53pm 
Vegenfen3 30 Nov, 2015 @ 11:11am 
I must have spent 100s of hours playing Tenchu as a kid -- I could Grand Master every level!
Best game is Tenchu: Stealth Assassins. The music elevated the game experience & atmosphere to a higher level.
Big Black Boss 29 Jul, 2015 @ 10:33am 
To Steam? It would be even cooler if it was heavily improved for PC, no fancy graphics (I don't mind, I don't care), just way better controls and lots of bug/glitch fixes.
Deus Belmont 11 Jun, 2015 @ 6:50pm 
It will be great if Tenchu series come to steam, for me the best Tenchu system is Tenchu 2 and Tenchu Time of Assassin xD
Derpy Hooves ○∘°。○°◦ 16 Jan, 2015 @ 8:17pm 
Tenchu best stealth of all time
Hungry Hank the toilet 16 Dec, 2013 @ 9:07pm 
i love tenchu, when i was little i play tenchu. now i remmber how great it was. to bad its not on steam.
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11 June, 2013