Age of Revolutions 2 AOR2
Age of Revolutions 2 AOR2
22 November, 2019
ABOUT Age of Revolutions 2

"One fact is common to all past ages, namely, the exploitation of one part of society by another" xXKarlMarxXx

Starting Year: 1846 S1
Year: 1854 S1
Time: 2 Days/Year
RP Timetable: Link

Starting Map[]
Declaration of Socialism in the French Republic

The Declaration!

"Since the foundation of the Soviet Republics, the states of the world have been divided into two camps: the camp of capitalism and the camp of socialism. There, in the camp of capitalism: national hate and inequality, colonial slavery and chauvinism, national oppression and massacres, brutalities and imperialistic wars. Here, in the camp of socialism: reciprocal confidence and peace, national liberty and equality, the pacific co-existence and fraternal collaboration of peoples. The attempts made by the capitalistic world during the past ten years to decide the question of nationalities by bringing together the principle of the free development of peoples with a system of exploitation of man by man have been fruitless. In addition, the number of national conflicts becomes more and more confusing, even menacing the capitalist regime. The bourgeoisie has proven itself incapable of realizing a harmonious collaboration of the peoples. It is only in the camp of the Soviets, only under the conditions of the dictatorship of the proletariat that has grouped around itself the majority of the people, that it has been possible to eliminate the oppression of nationalities, to create an atmosphere of mutual confidence and to establish the basis of a fraternal collaboration of peoples. It is only thanks to these circumstances that the Soviet Republics have succeeded in repulsing the imperialist attacks both internally and externally. It is only thanks to them that the Soviet Republics have succeeded in satisfactorily ending a civil war, in assuring their existence and in dedicating themselves to pacific economic reconstruction. But the years of the war have not passed without leaving their trace. The devastated fields, the closed factories, the forces of production destroyed and the economic resources exhausted, this heritage of the war renders insufficient the isolated economic efforts of the several Republics. National economic reestablishment is impossible as long as the Republics remain separated. On the other hand, the instability of the international situation and the danger of new attacks make inevitable the creation of a united front of the Soviet Republics in the presence of capitalist surroundings. Finally, the very structure of Soviet power, international by nature of class, pushes the masses of workers of the Soviet Republics to unite in one socialist family. All these considerations insistently demand the union of the Soviet Republics into one federated state capable of guaranteeing external security, economic prosperity internally, and the free national development of peoples. The will of the peoples of the Soviet Republics recently assembled in Congress, where they decided unanimously to form the "French Soviet Socialist Federation," is a sure guarantee that this Union is a free federation of peoples equal in rights, that the right to freely withdraw from the Union is assured to each Republic, that access to the Union is open to all Republics already existing as well as those that may be born in the future, that the new federal state will be the worthy crowning of the principles laid down as early as October 1785 of the pacific co-existence and fraternal collaboration of peoples, that it will serve as a bulwark against the capitalist world and mark a new decisive step towards the union of workers of all countries in one world-wide Socialist Soviet Republic."

Glory of Socialism!
Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité ou la Mort

In Hoc Signo Vinces

Commercial Affairs

It is a pressing matter that Lusitania is gradually beginning to fall behind the rest of Europe and the Americas in a number of key sectors, chief amongst these, economic.

Indeed, the economy continues to base itself largely around the growingly dated mercantilist and heavily protectionist model. This is thought to be detrimental to the growth of industrialisation.

Therefore, under the auspices of Dom Pedro, the Transatlantic Government with close co-operation from the Dual Governments has begun to formalise a new policy of trade liberalisation and the encouragement of foreign investment. This will be one of the most important steps to promote industrialisation in the country.

The herald of this is the Luso-Belgian Treaty [of 1855], which establishes a free trade agreement between Lusitania and Belgium and also making appropriate reforms to encourage mutual cross-border investment between the two countries.

Declaration of War

The British having activated the Old Alliance for their war in the Orient, therefore making Lusitiania honour bound and treaty obligated to accept this call to arms. After consultation with the Council of Ministers His Most Faithful Majesty Dom Pedro V has issued a formal declaration of war upon the Ottoman Empire.

Happenings in West Africa

With growing foreign interest in West Africa, a region where Portugal historically once held significant interest and influence, it has been deemed that existing Lusitanian possessions and interests there must be protected.

With this, a new diplomatic mission has been dispatched to the Casamansa region to reaffirm ties of trade and amity with the natives, as well as reinforcing existing Lusitanian assets there. Furthermore, the island of Bolama has also undergone further reinforcement.

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22 November, 2019