Abatron Abatron
Abatron Abatron
31 December, 2013
ABOUT Abatron

FPS - RTS Hybrid Gaming Evolved

Abatron is space warfare on steroids. Blurring the lines between Real-Time-Strategy and First-Person-Shooter, Abatron is the next evolution of hybrid game-play. Create armies, then switch to FPS and play any unit at anytime! Truly, get into the battle and turn the tide of war.


  • Play FPS or RTS at Anytime
  • Command Large Armies
  • Dedicated Servers for optimal game-play experience
  • Build Tower Defenses
  • Scavenge & Research Technology

Game-Play Modes:

  • Immediate FPS Play with AutoTech Feature, just join and Fight!
  • Player Lobby with Matchmaking, 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 ....
  • Play with your own team or play together with shared units
  • Single Player with optional friends Coop!
  • Custom Maps!, You want it, we'll do it! ;)

Abatron Game Website[]
Steam Greenlight
Playtest our Alpha!
  • Subscribe to our monthly Newsletter:
  • Subscribers will be sent a survey to determine the best play times
  • Once a schedule is created, all survey participants will be notified

And that's it! We're creating scheduled times so everyone can play in a group. The game is best when played with other people. While single player games will eventually be a thing, it is currently not implemented. So if you haven't yet, please sign up and we hope to play with you soon!

So what's been happening?

We're glad you asked! Since the last update we put up on Steam, a lot of improvements and updates have been added to Abatron. here's a quick overview:

Neutral critters called "Sting" have been implemented. These guys can be killed for experience, aggroed into an enemy base, and eventually will spawn a Queen that can be subdued and taken over.

The command ship "Locus" has been reworked and updated. This is the ship that will be creating your buildings, and eventually can be upgraded to become a super weapon.

Announcer system is up and working. If your base is getting attacked, and you're off in FPS mode fighting off critters, you will now be notified via an announcer and visual cues.

Hero mode! As soon as you jump into a unit, you become bigger, stronger, and more resilient. As you level up, you can unlock abilities that help take on the hordes of enemies that you face.

That's just a few of the changes that's been happening. If you want to catch up and read more in depth about the development of Abatron, check out our Weekly Blog[] and IndieDB page.

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to sign up to be a playtester! SUBSCRIBE[]

Abatron is back!
The Journey Continues...
Since porting to Unreal Engine 4, quite a bit has not only improved because of the engine, but because our team has simply grown in skill since you've last seen us. While the time it has taken to port everything over has been tedious, we are overall happy with how much the game has improved as a whole.


Now that we've got updated units and a sweet playable map, we can finally begin doing playtests. With up to 8 different people playing at a time, things have gotten really interesting. Especially since we have different team members with different playstyle preferences. Some like to focus solely on RTS, or vice versa FPS. Others switch between the two freely. Not knowing exactly what might be coming your way certainly helps keep you on your toes, no matter which mode you're in.

Stay Tuned!
If you've enjoyed this update and want to know more about Abatron, or simply want a more steady stream of news, then you're in luck! We have several different ways that you can keep up to date with everything Abatron. Here are our top picks!

Website ( with weekly updated blog) []


Facebook []

Monthly Newsletter []

Thanks so much for reading and we will do another update soon!

Noobly 25 Jun, 2014 @ 1:02pm 
Game looks amazing, can't wait to play it :D!!!! Qucik question though will it have a beta or something :O?
ALaVerga 24 Jun, 2014 @ 1:10pm 
It looks amazing.Cant wait to play it on Mac.
Shamat 17 Jun, 2014 @ 1:13am 
Thanks!! Looks as an amazing game :-) Good luck friends. :D:
Devero 7 Jun, 2014 @ 9:29pm 
Welcome to the Abatron Steam group.
Enter chat room
31 December, 2013