A Refuge from Reality The_Refuge
A Refuge from Reality The_Refuge
3 November, 2017
ABOUT A Refuge from Reality

A Welcoming Home for People who.... well... need one.

No information given.
Talithmara 17 Sep, 2020 @ 10:17pm 
It was a bit too complicated to answer succinctly in a short form format like this, honestly. Maybe I'll go into details in one of the threads. But hey, I'm glad to hear you and your family are hanging in there! I honestly never thought about that particular issue with remote schooling, but now that you mention it, yeah, that makes a lot of sense, and I'm honestly a little ashamed I didn't think about it.
AlterEgo45 17 Sep, 2020 @ 3:07pm 
Rany, it sounds like what you went through isn't much different than what I went through, except it was wrapped up in a package that said "Game" on it. That's part of the reason I don't ever MP, but TBF the couple of browser-based games I've played where I was involved in guilds, the guilds were pretty solid.

Was it more of a personality issue in your case or was it the difficulty of the game?
AlterEgo45 17 Sep, 2020 @ 3:07pm 
I've been off Steam for some time myself.

Partly because the arrival of school means I'm also in the classes with my son as well as teaching him on my own. The quarantines mean that when school is back in, the parents are doing more because I need to sit with him in the virtual class and keep him focused.

But mainly because I've been frequenting various forums and Facebook, getting involved in different family drama that hasn't helped my mental health at all. IMO people on Facebook might be just as bad as some of the worst people on Steam, except they sign their real names to the stuff they write.

Gaming isn't very healthy, but it is a lot healthier than social media.
Talithmara 30 Aug, 2020 @ 6:30pm 
"Sometime by the end of the month." Okay, uh, long story. TLDR: Joined a Raiding Static as a role I don't normally play since my friends needed me to do so. Was 12 hours a week of progressing the harder fights. I was super incompatible with another member. The end result was a constant high-stress environment where I didn't want to touch the game outside of Raid Night. I quit that group this past week. So things have been pushed back but not abandoned.
Talithmara 9 Aug, 2020 @ 11:05pm 
Oh, and forgot to mention. When I do the FF14 thing, expect my character to look... uh... pardon my language, but ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. I very recently paid for a name/race change to become a clone of a story NPC, and... yeah, not my usual style at all. Not even sure why I did it. But honestly, people are loving the joke and I even made a Twitter account for my character because it was getting attention.
Talithmara 9 Aug, 2020 @ 10:56pm 
Update on the FF14 thing: Net has improved but is still flaky. Down to only 3 classes to get to 70, and one of which is almost there. Could have been done by now but one of my classes that was previously 61 when I last posted about it is now 80 and what I'm playing in my new raiding group. So expect a follow-up sometime by the end of the month, big new patch hitting Tuesday and it's bringing some balance changes, so I'm not rushing things.
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3 November, 2017