Apocalypse. Now APOC.
Apocalypse. Now APOC.
21 January, 2010
ABOUT Apocalypse. Now

The Premier Family Alliance of EvE Online

Apocalypse Now is an alliance dedicated to its members and their well being and will always put our members' real life as the first priority. We never force our members to do things they don't want to.

Our alliance has been in and around providence since the start of its formation in 2008, first as trusted friends and allies of -7- and Cold Steel, and now as CVA's. We are a small but determined alliance and wish to establish a good reputation for ourselves built on a foundation of strong teamwork! We look to grow our alliance into a strong body of like-minded fun-loving loyal players who wish to make APOC THEIR HOME and to help it prosper.

The members in APOC are mature people, both male and female from all over the world including Europe, Australia and the USA, and elsewhere. Many of the members are veterans, and some even go back to the game's start in May 2003. The average middle age is somewhere around 30 but the chats are in no way dull, the language is sometimes harsh and raw but all in good joy and fun manner. We are like a big family! :D

Our HQ is at the moment based in Amarr space and is just a few jumps out from 0.0 where we conduct regular PvP Roaming Ops and opportunities for ratting/plexing, in Providence. The alliance's goals include establishing and maintaining sovereignty in 0.0 Space in Providence, alongside CVA as ALLIES.

APOC follows the NRDS (Not Red Don't Shoot) rules of engagement through out all the regions in EvE but with great suspicion in all Worm Holes. Trespassers in APOC WHs are regarded as threats and will be requested to leave. Failure to comply is a hostile act and will be fired upon. Certain ships are immediately KOS. APOC follows the CVA KOS LIST and does not conduct any form of piracy, thievery or scamming.

So what do we ask from you?

1) Dedication to the alliance's goals and trust in alliance leadership decisions, as well as providing useful insight.
2) Be able to take part in PvP/PvE and mining operations or other operations for the alliance's benefit. Of course NONE are compulsory, but CTAs are important.
3) Be able to use voice communications in Teamspeak AND Vent, in the English language. At least listen.
4) Stand up and defend your alliance and corp members during war times and CTAs.
5) Be able to move your corp/assets close to the alliance HQ.
6) No SP limit - new players welcome but NO trial accounts.
7) Please visit our website for further information.

What we do offer members?

1) Regular Low-sec and 0.0 Fleet PvP "Yes"
2) 0.0 Sov System Access "Yes"
3) PVE/Ratting/Plexes "Yes"
4) Indy and ICE Ops Hi-sec/0.0 "Yes"
5) Ship Replacement Program "Yes"
6) Capital Ship Program - In development
7) Research POS "Yes"
8) Website and Forums"Yes"
9) Killboard "Yes"
10) Vent Server "Yes"
11) Indy and PvP Training "Yes"
12) LOTS of PvP Action "Yes"
13) Organised Alliance Structure "Yes"
14) CEO Council "Yes"
15) Active alliance in all TZ "Yes"

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21 January, 2010