93rd Sutherland Highlander Regim 93rdHF
93rd Sutherland Highlander Regim 93rdHF
29 November, 2017
ABOUT 93rd Sutherland Highlander Regim

DISBANDED (3/30/18)

DISBANDED (3/30/18)
VIEW ALL (442)
Legit Reforming. Add Nick or Me.
Legit Reforming. Add Nick or Me.
sραятαη 1 Apr, 2018 @ 6:54pm 
Good luck in the future and good playing with you. Message nick on steam about joining the 15e or me about joining the 71st if you're interested.
Papabean (Spar344) 1 Apr, 2018 @ 6:51pm 
We've had lots of fun boys :)
Nick 30 Mar, 2018 @ 7:15pm 
I am going to 15e if anyone wants to join me msg me on steam. If not good luck with whoever you go to or whatever you do!!
Nick 30 Mar, 2018 @ 5:39pm 
Due to Inactive of the skirms and people that enjoy the linebattles and the melee guys starting to quit NW again I decided to disband the regiment. Me, Bean, and Sanders made this reg back in late November to give leading a linebattle and competitve one last shot. We had our good and bad times and become one of if not the best regiment in NA for a short period of time. I accomplished my goal of making a successful competitve regiment that strived to become best NA. Overall, it was fun while it lasted but the fact that most peole in the regiment don't have that drive to play NW anymore I will have to kill the regiment. I will be heading over to the 15e to help them guys out but you are welcome to go where ever you want to go to. If you want to come to the 15e with me or need help finding a new regiment I can help you. Later tonigth I am purging my friends list so don't fell bad if I delete you it is just to clean it out.
Nick 30 Mar, 2018 @ 5:39pm 
Due to Inactive of the skirms and people that enjoy the linebattles and the melee guys starting to quit NW again I decided to disband the regiment. Me, Bean, and Sanders made this reg back in late November to give leading a linebattle and competitve one last shot. We had our good and bad times and become one of if not the best regiment in NA for a short period of time. I accomplished my goal of making a successful competitve regiment that strived to become best NA. Overall, it was fun while it lasted but the fact that most peole in the regiment don't have that drive to play NW anymore I will have to kill the regiment. I will be heading over to the 15e to help them guys out but you are welcome to go where ever you want to go to. If you want to come to the 15e with me or need help finding a new regiment I can help you. Later tonigth I am purging my friends list so don't fell bad if I delete you it is just to clean it out.
Nick 30 Mar, 2018 @ 5:39pm 
Due to Inactive of the skirms and people that enjoy the linebattles and the melee guys starting to quit NW again I decided to disband the regiment. Me, Bean, and Sanders made this reg back in late November to give leading a linebattle and competitve one last shot. We had our good and bad times and become one of if not the best regiment in NA for a short period of time. I accomplished my goal of making a successful competitve regiment that strived to become best NA. Overall, it was fun while it lasted but the fact that most peole in the regiment don't have that drive to play NW anymore I will have to kill the regiment. I will be heading over to the 15e to help them guys out but you are welcome to go where ever you want to go to. If you want to come to the 15e with me or need help finding a new regiment I can help you. Later tonigth I am purging my friends list so don't fell bad if I delete you it is just to clean it out.
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29 November, 2017