58th "Rutlandshire" Regiment 58thRoF-HF
58th "Rutlandshire" Regiment 58thRoF-HF
15. april 2017
United Kingdom (Great Britain) 
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Caselius 9. juni 2017 kl. 21.32
Regimental Ranking System
The following topic contains the structure and descriptionsof the enlisted, Non-commisioned officers and commisioned officers of the regiment.

Fencible - Fnc
Volunteer rank. Not a full-fledged member of the regiment. Trial/Initiation period rank, given to test new members, to see if they can hold up to regimental and membership standards.

Recruit - Rct
Regimental trainee. Full-fledged member of the regiment. Has yet to learn to keep up to regimental standards and go through events to advance in rank.

Private - Pte
Basic infantryman, the backbone of the 58th. Has shown commitment, discipline and activity.

Regular- Rgl
Experienced and highly active member. He shows respect towards his officers. Shows a lot of promise as main qualities of his are discipline and obedience.
Step up from Private. Has the ability to decide wether they would like to take their chances into leadership roles, or go towards veteran enlisted ranks, when they are to be promoted further either to Kingsman or Lance Corporal.

Kingsman - Kgm
Veteran Enlisted. Experienced, active and a long time member of the regiment. He is an example of a good soldier. Highly disciplined and obedient and good at melee.

Grenadier - Gren
Elite of the regiment. Skilled in melee, shows great discipline and respect, really active, example of a really good soldier.

Non-commisioned Officers

Lance Corporal - LCpl
Junior NCO position. Has shown basic leadership abilities but is yet to get more experience to move up to higher NCO ranks.
Lance Corporal can:
• Lead the regiment under absence or under direction of superiors.
• Lead the company in the events under absence of superiors.

Corporal - Cpl [3 / Coy.]
First basic NCO rank. Corporal can be given responsibility to operate independently. Shows decent leadership skills.
Corporal can:
• Lead the regiment under absence or under direction of superiors.
• Lead the company in the events under absence of superiors.
• Recommend people for promotion within the company for the company leader. (Rct ->)
• Recommend people for medals

Serjeant - Sjt [1 / Coy.]
More experienced NCO. Has shown good skill in leading.
Serjeant can:
• Lead the regiment under absence or under direction of superiors.
• Lead the company in the events under absence of superiors.
• Recommend people for promotion within the company for the company leader. (Rct ->)
• Recommend people for medals

Colour Serjeant - CSjt [1]
Highly experienced NCO. He is responsible for the drill and trainings of the company.
Colour Serjeant can:
• Lead the regiment under absence or under direction of superiors.
• Lead the company in the events under absence of superiors.
• Directly promote people within the company (Rct.-> Kgm)
• Recommend people for promotion for the regimental staff. (LCpl ->)
• Recommend people for medals

Serjeant Major - SjtMaj [1]
The most senior NCO of the Regiment. Responsible for drill of the regiment, organizational matters, recruitment and keeping contact with other regiments. Superior to Colour Serjeant and junior to Ensign. He counsels the regimental leader and acts as a link between officers, NCO’s and enlisted.
Serjeant Major can:
• Lead the regiment/company under absence of officers.
• Organize trainings for the regiment/companies
• Register the regiment for events
• Maintain guidelines and administrative tasks within the regiment
• Directly promote people
• Award medals

Commisioned Officers

Ensign - Ens
Ensign helps the other officers of the company with leading during the events and acts as a leader under absence of other officers. Ensign is the lowest officer rank.
Ensign can:
• Lead the regiment under absence of superiors.
• Lead the company in the events under absence of superiors.
• Recommend people for promotion within the company for the company leader. (Rct ->)
• Recommend people for medals

Lieutenant - Lt [1 / Coy.]
Commander or second in command of a company. Lieutenant commands the company in events and maintains the respective company with the help of his subordinates. Lieutenant has sufficient experience from leading the company and can be trusted the leadership.
Lieutenant can:
• Lead the regiment under absence of Captain, Major or Lieutenant Colonel.
• Lead the company in the events.
• Organize trainings for the respective company.
• Register the company for events with the approval of the regimental staff.
• Maintain guidelines and administrative tasks within the company
• Directly promote people within the company (Rct -> Kgm)
• Recommend people for promotion for the regimental staff. (LCpl ->)
• Recommend people for medals

Captain - Cpt [1]
Commander of a company. Captain acts as the leader of the company in events and makes sure the members and other leaders of the company are well trained and aware of the regimental matters. Experienced and trusted officer.
Captain can:
• Lead the regiment under absence of Major or Lieutenant Colonel.
• Lead the company in the events.
• Organize trainings for the respective company.
• Register the company for events with the approval of the regimental staff.
• Maintain guidelines and administrative tasks within the company
• Directly promote people within the company (Rct -> Kgm)
• Recommend people for promotion for the regimental staff. (LCpl ->)
• Recommend people for medals

Major - Maj [1]
Second in command, the hand of the Lieutenant Colonel. Acts as a regimental leader in the absence of the Lieutenant Colonel. Organizes and registers the regiment for events and keeps contact to the event organizers.
• Holds all regimental permissions.

Lieutenant Colonel - LtCol [1]
Commander of the Regiment. Organizes the regimental matters, acts as a supervisor to the regiment and leads it to the battle. Registers the regiment for events and keeps contact to other regiments. Holds the highest power in the regiment along with the Major.
• Holds all regimental permissions.
Sist redigert av Caselius; 28. juli 2017 kl. 17.36