Hidden Paws

Hidden Paws

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So there is no way to pan the camera with mouse?
Why can't I just rotate out with a mouse though?

I know you can click, drag and use buttons. Not sure why I can't just look around from fixed position
Last edited by American Dove Mitten; 22 Mar, 2018 @ 1:14pm
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Showing 1-15 of 28 comments

REALLY enjoying Hidden Paws, but the controls have already forced me to quit......for now.

While the price is reasonable for an easily controllable game, it's a bit high to include a significant degree of frustration. (I understand that as developers, you "grew" with this control strategy, so it feels normal to you both. You may even consider this degree of challenge to be part of the game, but many players may not agree.)

Again, I enjoy HP, but not as is.

Thank you.
Last edited by foofaraw and Chiquita(ARF!); 22 Mar, 2018 @ 1:26pm
GOobERdOod 22 Mar, 2018 @ 2:10pm 
Thanks for the info on the controls. This will put me off from buying it for now too.
Manic Hyena  [developer] 22 Mar, 2018 @ 5:26pm 
Originally posted by Sorokonojka:
Why can't I just rotate out with a mouse though?

I know you can click, drag and use buttons. Not sure why I can't just look around from fixed position

Camera control scheme is something we iterated on a lot and in the end decided that the orbiting camera would work best because it allows you to easily inspect objects from multiple angles. You can rotate the camera around what's in front of it by holding the right mouse button and dragging.
Do I understand correctly that you would like to be able to rotate the camera in place instead? Could you please clarify what control scheme would feel more natural to you, so we can improve the experience?

Thank you for the feedback!
Originally posted by Manic Hyena:
Originally posted by Sorokonojka:
Why can't I just rotate out with a mouse though?

I know you can click, drag and use buttons. Not sure why I can't just look around from fixed position

Camera control scheme is something we iterated on a lot and in the end decided that the orbiting camera would work best because it allows you to easily inspect objects from multiple angles. You can rotate the camera around what's in front of it by holding the right mouse button and dragging.
Do I understand correctly that you would like to be able to rotate the camera in place instead? Could you please clarify what control scheme would feel more natural to you, so we can improve the experience?

Thank you for the feedback!

I want to be able to rotate the camera by moving the mouse off screen (without leaving the spot)
Last edited by American Dove Mitten; 22 Mar, 2018 @ 8:04pm
Manic Hyena  [developer] 23 Mar, 2018 @ 11:55am 
Alright, the camera can now be rotated by moving the mouse to the edges of the screen. We're still working on improving the camera controls, so please feel free to let me know of any other problems.
Thank you :)
cyanic 23 Mar, 2018 @ 8:59pm 
FWIW, I rebound some keys so the camera behaves more like first person WASD. For some places it really helps being able to use that scheme to walk around items up close and personal.
Mieumieu 25 Mar, 2018 @ 12:12pm 
Now you all have made it so you turn directly in place if you move the mouse to the edges of the screen, while that's great - you also need to make that same "turn in place" ability available in the keybinds "Turn Left" etc :D

The way the game came has always worked perfectly fine for me, but as long as we're going to also be able to turn in place, I'd like to be able to bind that way of turning to my keys as well and not have it only be a mouse control :D Everything else we can set up to keys. So just add that new control to some keybinds (default them to the arrow keys maybe at first) and all will be great there.

Though again, I'm fine the way we have been just being able to rotate around stuff, as long as we're going to have the ability to just turn I'd like to be able to set keys for that turning and not just use the mouse.
Manic Hyena  [developer] 26 Mar, 2018 @ 5:26am 
This is a very good point, thank you for bringing it to our attention.
We're now working on updating the camera control system and I think it and the options that come with it will solve this issue.
Mieumieu 26 Mar, 2018 @ 1:50pm 
I'll probably be done by then so it will mostly be for future people, or in case you ever decide to do more levels.

Although I was great with the old controls it just seems that if there is going to be this new ability to just turn in place (as you put in when the mouse it as the side of the screens) that we also get to set keybinds for that ability too. I know that means a bit more work, changing up the screen with the keybinds and stuff so it's not as quick of a fix, but it would be nice if it was there for future people.

As I said I'm good either way and liked the old controls fine but as long as you made the addition I think people would like that to be in the keybinds as well. Just a suggestion, it's not a game breaker for me or anything :D
Mieumieu 26 Mar, 2018 @ 1:52pm 
Originally posted by GOObER:
Thanks for the info on the controls. This will put me off from buying it for now too.

The controls were actually fine (they worked quite well actually), and the thing a couple of people wanted added was immediately added into the game. So there's no reason to worry and hold off.
Manic Hyena  [developer] 26 Mar, 2018 @ 3:49pm 
We knew early on after release that we'd have to develop the camera control system some more, and we just added the ability to rotate in place to enable players who found the old system unwieldy to play more comfortably.
What we had at release wasn't too flexible, so we were forced to do some rebuilding, which is why it's taking so long. It's all implemented now and we're testing it to make sure all the changes didn't break anything. You will still be able to play the old way, but a lot more customization will now be available.

And yes, more levels are a possibility for the future (No promises just yet though) ;)
Manic Hyena  [developer] 27 Mar, 2018 @ 9:11am 
New update is now live! The camera now has more customization options than ever before ;)
sturmkoenig2k 22 Dec, 2018 @ 11:34am 
It really sucks that the view rotates when the mouse reaches the edges of the screen, and no option to turn that off.

A normal WASD + Mouse to look around would have been nice. Half the time i'm fighting with the controls. :(
Last edited by sturmkoenig2k; 22 Dec, 2018 @ 11:36am
Manic Hyena  [developer] 22 Dec, 2018 @ 12:06pm 
You can use the normal WASD + Mouse to look around, you just have to hold down the right mouse button to rotate the camera with the mouse.

When you do that, is the behaviour at the edges of the screen still a problem?

We'll see what we can do about the option though, that is a good point ;)

[Edit] There is now an option to turn that egde behaviour off ;)
Last edited by Manic Hyena; 22 Dec, 2018 @ 1:08pm
sturmkoenig2k 23 Dec, 2018 @ 12:49pm 
Originally posted by Manic Hyena:
You can use the normal WASD + Mouse to look around, you just have to hold down the right mouse button to rotate the camera with the mouse.

When you do that, is the behaviour at the edges of the screen still a problem?

We'll see what we can do about the option though, that is a good point ;)

[Edit] There is now an option to turn that egde behaviour off ;)

Yep, it was a problem. :) Thanks for adding an option for it.
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