Assassin's Creed Brotherhood

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood

Hello guys,
i saw on Youtube some guys which play on Brotherhood but now when i launch the game, multiplayer can't be choose and it is write "multiplayer is not available"
Can you help me ?
thank you
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You're SOL. Ubisoft shut down the multiplayer servers two years ago. The only of the "classic" AC games which still kept its multiplayer running is Black Flag, and even there it's not clear for how long.
Min 14 May @ 1:52pm 
I bought Brotherhood just of pure mp nostalgia , but it seems mp works only with Ubisoft connect version or not at all , it's shame
Originally posted by The Fifth Horseman:
You're SOL. Ubisoft shut down the multiplayer servers two years ago. The only of the "classic" AC games which still kept its multiplayer running is Black Flag, and even there it's not clear for how long.
Multiplayer went dead this year.

Now it's impossible to play it
UDonotPlay are idjits.

They could do a Mea Culpa. We are sorry. Then release the MP with updated graphics but keeping the code updated for new OS's. Maybe even sell it.

IF they brought back the ACB MP, even if a stand alone, i would come out of my UBISHAFT boycott and buy it. As long as it worked that is.

But no. They want to release crappy yearly releases of last years code with updated textures instead.
Originally posted by Dura_Ace:
UDonotPlay are idjits.

They could do a Mea Culpa. We are sorry. Then release the MP with updated graphics but keeping the code updated for new OS's. Maybe even sell it.

IF they brought back the ACB MP, even if a stand alone, i would come out of my UBISHAFT boycott and buy it. As long as it worked that is.

But no. They want to release crappy yearly releases of last years code with updated textures instead.
Couldn't agree more, I'd buy it as well. I don't know why they don't include multiplayer in their remasters. Hosting servers is VERY cheap, not what it used to be 14 years ago when ACB launched.
Min 8 Jul @ 9:42am 
Originally posted by bromanced:
Originally posted by Dura_Ace:
UDonotPlay are idjits.

They could do a Mea Culpa. We are sorry. Then release the MP with updated graphics but keeping the code updated for new OS's. Maybe even sell it.

IF they brought back the ACB MP, even if a stand alone, i would come out of my UBISHAFT boycott and buy it. As long as it worked that is.

But no. They want to release crappy yearly releases of last years code with updated textures instead.
Couldn't agree more, I'd buy it as well. I don't know why they don't include multiplayer in their remasters. Hosting servers is VERY cheap, not what it used to be 14 years ago when ACB launched.

I agree , company which have hundreds of millions should be more grateful for consumers who gave them these millions, hosting servers when having so much money wouldn't hurt them at all, or atleast they could let us create community servers, but they don't care, when does Ubisoft cared for consumers
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