Aviary Attorney

Aviary Attorney

SickRamen 5. jan. 2017 kl. 5.37
[LANGUAGE] Pardon my French!
If the dev is out there. Just wanted to say I greatly enjoyed the game. The writing is mostly spot on. Good mix of English/French + puns galore make for a pleasant read overall. I'd initially thought the game was written in French and translated to English. I found especially witty things like the spelling of "Grenwee" typical of how English speakers usually mispronounce the word! And then, I ran into this cultural faux-pas:

There are a couple of sudden "pute" and "fils de pute", which really stand out and made me think "did I actually just read this?"

Whilst literally this translates to the classic b*tch or son of a b*tch. This is absolutely not what it reads like in French. It's the highest possible degree of offensive, sounds more modern, and more accurately translates into words like "c*nt"

Your characters which up to now have been using elegant and moderate language are suddenly screaming "c*nt" and "f*ck*ng c*nt"!

This stood out like a Sami Naceri in a medieval theme movie (if you see what I mean), and I don't believe this was quite the intent?

...And that said, many thanks for the excellent experience!
< >
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Fox 7. juni 2017 kl. 3.07 
The irony is that as French i cant access to they whole subtility of the dialogues, my english isn't that good....
imraindel 20. juli 2017 kl. 22.01 
I must say that, as a French guy proficient enough in English to fully enjoy the game, those french "gros mots" really didn't go with the rest of the game...
EvathCebor 25. des. 2017 kl. 20.46 
Ouah, I have to agree with this thread. Like very much. I thought this game was absoultely perfect about how it is using french language, until I read "this murderous put.e". I think "this muredrous wh.ore prost.itute eating satan's d*ck" would have been less vulgar and less violent. Seriously, some bad words perfectly fit in the text ("we're in deep mer.de" is very funny), but others are really ruining your game. It's such a shame ; too bad, really. They are like screamers with scat porn in the middle of a regular movie. They really do not fit in your game. Like not at all. It's not just about "I like this kind of jokes" or not. They REALLY are out of the picture. Some bad words are ok to use here, but some others clearly arn't. It is obvious the guy who wrote this understands what the word means, but does not understand how violent, vulgar and inappropriate it is. That is the difference between knowing a word and understanding it. That is not a "choice" or a "joke" but a mistake, a mistake made by someone who does not really master what he is toying with, as a grammar mistake would be.

"this murderous pu.te", really ? You serious about that ? Are you out of your mind or just using google translate thinking the word "b*tch" would be funny ? You should know that b*tch and p*te are two very different words.

please apologize my english. And thank you very much for your fantastic game. Well, almost fantastic. If the Lion King had a few videos of people farting and singing "I love eating sh*t" poping in the middle of the movie, it would not be as awesome as it is. That's a real waste. And that's how awkward and vulgar you are when you are using bad words you don't really understand.

Seriously, it's unbelievable you didn't update your game yet, that is such a huge mistake. I'm still shocked, did I read what I just read ?! And believe me, I'm a very vulgar person in everyday's life. Thank you very much and congratulations for your great game, love from France, etc. etc. But seriously....you don't realize how much you messed up here. Your game is so clever, so respectful, so well done, so interesting. You can't seriously let it be this way.
Sist redigert av EvathCebor; 25. des. 2017 kl. 21.29
EvathCebor 25. des. 2017 kl. 21.07 
(Cela dit, je dois avouer que je signerais des deux mains pour voir un film médiéval d'époque premier degré avec Sami Naceri dans le rôle principal, juste pour la curiosité de la chose)
Speedwagon 26. des. 2017 kl. 3.25 
Yup, cant stop agreeing here. If the devs agree, I'm even willing to proof-read some of the french script, free of charge of course.
trippywood [QC] 24. nov. 2020 kl. 8.44 
Ce sentiment quand ton assistant te traite de fils de pute devant ta nouvelle cliente~
yosegaman 12. nov. 2021 kl. 23.04 
je suis pas trop mauvais en anglais (assez pour comprendre des jeux de mots dans cette langue) mais franchement ça me désole de voir un aussi joli jeu qui se passe en France et qui n'est pas traduit dans la langue de Molière !
y a t'il un fichier traduit par un fan francophone quelque part pour traduire le jeu ?
Ghylard 18. des. 2021 kl. 1.08 
J'ai engagé la traduction de ce jeu et voici un petit aperçu de l'introduction.
Ce sera un travail de longue haleine car ce n'est pas mon seul chantier de traduction.
J'essaierai de prendre en compte vos remarques pour retranscrire au mieux le langage utilisé au 19e siècle

I have started the translation of this game and here is a small preview of the introduction.
This will be a long-term job as it is not my only translation project.
I will try to take your comments into account to transcribe the language used in the 19th century as well as possible.
Sist redigert av Ghylard; 18. des. 2021 kl. 1.11
SickRamen 18. des. 2021 kl. 15.05 
N'oublie pas de traduire fidèlement tous les "FDP" ;-)
Wok 18. des. 2021 kl. 15.06 
SickRamen 18. des. 2021 kl. 15.08 
Par example en mettant de l'allemand.

Moi, mademoiselle? Me mésallier avec ce gros Skatophiler Scheissfresser? Pas le moins du monde.
[FR] Genroa 12. feb. 2022 kl. 4.18 
Opprinnelig skrevet av Ghylard:
J'ai engagé la traduction de ce jeu et voici un petit aperçu de l'introduction.
Ce sera un travail de longue haleine car ce n'est pas mon seul chantier de traduction.
J'essaierai de prendre en compte vos remarques pour retranscrire au mieux le langage utilisé au 19e siècle

I have started the translation of this game and here is a small preview of the introduction.
This will be a long-term job as it is not my only translation project.
I will try to take your comments into account to transcribe the language used in the 19th century as well as possible.

J'ai attaqué la même chose pour voir si c'était faisable. J'ai tenté de modifier le package pour ajouter les bons accents dans le Font Sprite, mais j'ai des espaces indésirables... Je vois sur ta vidéo qu'ils apparaissent correctement. Comment as-tu fait?
Dredd 11. mars 2022 kl. 11.00 
Opprinnelig skrevet av Ghylard:
J'ai engagé la traduction de ce jeu et voici un petit aperçu de l'introduction.
Ce sera un travail de longue haleine car ce n'est pas mon seul chantier de traduction.
J'essaierai de prendre en compte vos remarques pour retranscrire au mieux le langage utilisé au 19e siècle

I have started the translation of this game and here is a small preview of the introduction.
This will be a long-term job as it is not my only translation project.
I will try to take your comments into account to transcribe the language used in the 19th century as well as possible.
Excellente nouvelle! J'utilise déjà un certain nombre de tes traductions précédentes (Gemini Rue, Cognition...) et suis ravi d'apprendre que tu t'attaques à ce jeu que j'ai depuis un bon moment et que je n'ai pas fait pour le moment à cause du niveau d'anglais... Bon courage dans cette entreprise.
Sist redigert av Dredd; 11. mars 2022 kl. 11.03
flo-12 21. jan. 2024 kl. 18.29 
Opprinnelig skrevet av Dredd:
Opprinnelig skrevet av Ghylard:
J'ai engagé la traduction de ce jeu et voici un petit aperçu de l'introduction.
Ce sera un travail de longue haleine car ce n'est pas mon seul chantier de traduction.
J'essaierai de prendre en compte vos remarques pour retranscrire au mieux le langage utilisé au 19e siècle

I have started the translation of this game and here is a small preview of the introduction.
This will be a long-term job as it is not my only translation project.
I will try to take your comments into account to transcribe the language used in the 19th century as well as possible.
Excellente nouvelle! J'utilise déjà un certain nombre de tes traductions précédentes (Gemini Rue, Cognition...) et suis ravi d'apprendre que tu t'attaques à ce jeu que j'ai depuis un bon moment et que je n'ai pas fait pour le moment à cause du niveau d'anglais... Bon courage dans cette entreprise.

Idem, j'attendrai le temps qu'il faudra mais c'est une très bonne nouvelle . Merci encore pour toutes tes traductions . :steamthumbsup:
< >
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