Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition

Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition

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Capcom Customer Service  [developer] 23 jun. 2015 às 11:33
Crash and Bug Report Thread
Hey there Demon Hunters,

While we hope that everyone will have a great time with Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition, there are always hitches and hiccups that may happen along the way, be they software or hardware issues or any other number of unforeseen problems. That said, we're creating a thread here for crash and bug reports that can be passed on to the development team for review.

Before submitting feedback, please try the following:

Verify the game's cache in Steam
If the game is crashing, you're getting black screens, or something is just off with the game in general, try verifying the game's files as outlined here. If files are missing or corrupted, Steam will replace only those files without needing to re-download and re-install the entire game. As part of this process, please disable your anti-virus to ensure that Steam is able to properly access files.

For NVIDIA SLI / ATI CrossFire Users
We strongly recommend disabling multi-GPU technologies such as SLI and CrossFire. DMC4SE does not support these technologies, and there is a possibility they may interfere with the game.

If you're experiencing a start-up crash or black screen, please post in our detailed feedback thread using the outlined provided there - it will help the development team investigate those specific issues.

To submit feedback, please use the following outline:

Feedback Outline
A) Your System Specs (Please be as specific as possible!)
  1. CPU name and model
  2. Graphics card/chip model
  3. Video driver version number
  4. Monitor refresh rate
  5. System memory size
  6. OS version (Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 64-bit/32-bit, etc.)
  7. OS language
  8. In-game settings (fps, resolution, anti-aliasing, refresh rate, v=sync, etc.)

B) Specific issue
Please share the specific issue and the area where you are experiencing the said behavior - if it's something happening outside of the game, such as a crash before the game starts, letting us know how you're trying to start the game or any messages that come up beforehand are helpful, too.

C) Detailed reproduction steps, if consistently reproducible.
This step in particular is extremely helpful for the development team. The more detailed info you can provide, the quicker the team can reproduce the error state and (hopefully) fix the issue.

D) A DxDiag report, hosted through an external service.
A DxDiag report -- a file generated from the DirectX Diagnostics Tool -- will provide detailed hardware, software, and driver setup for your PC. Directions on how to generate this file can be found here[]. You can upload this file to a service such as Dropbox, Google Docs, etc., and link to the file for us to review. Please do not post the entire text of the DxDiag in the thread!

Please note that any discussion unrelated to crashes or bugs may be deleted to keep the thread organized. Thank you for your feedback and cooperation!

- Capcom Customer Service

[Updated 06/24/15 to add a few troubleshooting steps and reorganize the feedback outline.]
Última alteração por Capcom Customer Service; 25 jun. 2015 às 9:36
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A mostrar 1-15 de 531 comentários
Nobody 23 jun. 2015 às 12:08 
fixed it
i set my res to 1080p before starting the game and now i can play at 2160p
Última alteração por Nobody; 25 jun. 2015 às 7:48
Syphedias84 23 jun. 2015 às 12:13 
Okay... here I go...I hope the problem is getting solved, as the game is currently not playable for me now.

Intel Core i5-4570 @ 3,20 GHz
NVIDIA Geforce 970GTX
353.30 driver (release 22.06.2015)
Standard (59/60 Hz)
16GB Ram
Windows 8.1 Professional x64
Standard ingame Settings from "first launch". That means 720p on windowed mode


The problem is explained quick and simple.
As soon as I set the ingame option to full screen mode and confirm, the game switches to fullscreen but completly deadlocks my pc. I can tell because the integrated clock in my G510s keyboard stops responding, the mouse icon freezes and the numlock key is not working anymore. I cannot switch back to the desktop pressing alt+tab or entering the taskmanager by pressing ctrl+alt+del.
The only way is to do a complete reset.

I also verified the game files. Nothing was downloaded, so I assume everything is fine at least with the files.
SoulReaver 23 jun. 2015 às 12:14 
CPU fx8350
nvidia gtx680 sli
driver version 353.30
Monitor refresh rate 60 Hz
16 Gb
Windows 8.1
v-sync on
all setings max 1920*1080
sometimes FPS drop (lag) during the battle. DMC4 went smoothly. Please help. Sorry for my English
PS:SLI not working
Última alteração por SoulReaver; 23 jun. 2015 às 12:14
Shifty 23 jun. 2015 às 12:16 
  • The game no longer supports 16:10 resolutions. I can select 1920*1200 as I could with vanilla, but it now renders letterboxed instead of full-screen.

  • In addition to the above, visual artifacts are present that indicate the game is rendering at 1920*1200, then scaling it down to letterboxed 1920*1080.

  • Anti-aliasing options above 8x have been removed. Vanilla supported several more intensive types of anti-aliasing, such as 16x and 16xQ.

  • The anti-aliasing option is named 'MSAA' in the PC Settings menu, but is notated in config.ini as CSAA. This is misleading, and should be rectified.

  • Various new post-processing effects such as Motion Blur, Depth-of-Field Blur and God Rays / Light Shafts are enabled at all times. This inflates the base system requirements for the game, and forces some users (such as myself) to live with certain effects that they would rather disable. Options should be added for each of these.

  • The red door transition effect is noticeably lower-quality than it was in vanilla. It looks like the game uses a lower-resolution framebuffer to capture the screen before applying the distortion effect.

  • Post-process effects aren't captured for door transitions, causing a noticeable drop in image quality during the animation.

  • The mouse doesn't get hidden when using a gamepad.

  • The game handles alt-tabbing very poorly, causing the game window to float over the desktop and obscure everything.

CPU: i7-3770k
GPU: GTX 680 2GB
Driver: GeForce 353.30
Refresh rate: 60Hz
OS: Windows 8.1
OS Language: UK English

In-game settings
Resolution: 1920*1200
MSAA: 8x
Full Screen: On
Display Frequency: 60Hz
Texture Resolution: Super High
Vsync: On
Frame Rate: 60FPS Max
Shadow Quality: Max
Quality: Super High

All in all, the port is much better than I expected after RE5 Gold / Steamworks. It would however, be nice to see the various missing functionality from the vanilla release make a return.
Última alteração por Shifty; 25 jun. 2015 às 15:41
Cold Embrace 23 jun. 2015 às 12:18 
CPU: Intel Core i7 4770K
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770
GeForce Game Ready Driver version: 353.30
Refresh rate 144 hz
Memory size 32 gb
OS Windows 7 Ultimate
Language is english
in game settings? I don't even get that far. Crashes on startup every time. Tried restarting steam, computer, reinstalling, verifying cache, installing video drivers, nothing.


The message i get is "Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition has stopped working"
Última alteração por Cold Embrace; 23 jun. 2015 às 12:34
Leptune 23 jun. 2015 às 12:29 
CPU: AMD FX-8350 4.2GHz
GPU: R7 250 4gb
Driver: AMD catalyst 15.5 if you prefer the dx diag version then it's 14.502
Refresh rate 60Hz
Windows 8.1 Pro
Portuguese (Brazil)
I tried all the settings

Again, Capcom. I brought a game trusting in you guys again and only got sad again. My game freezes at a black screen everytime a try to start a new game or the performance test. I can only get to the menu. Thanks, Capcom. Hope you can fix soon.
Dagothwave 23 jun. 2015 às 12:30 
Intel Core i5-2450M CPU @ 2.50 GHz
Driver 347.88
Monitor 60 Hz
Windows 7
I don't think the settings need, as I flew under any
watch the cutscene crashes, play 2 minutes crashes again, and again. Fix it pls=)
lostsomething 23 jun. 2015 às 12:41 
i7 920
GTX 780 ti
Driver 353.30
120 hz BenQ xl2420t 1920 x 1080
Windows 7 64-bit

Weird issue concerning trying to run the game at greater than 60 hz. The original DMC4 had no problem with it but the SE version will always be limiting itself to 60 fps if v-sync is enabled *unless* you change either the resolution or refresh rate to something else and back at which point it's happy to run a v-sync'd 120 fps again and will continue to do so until the next time you start up the game at which point it reverts.
Iokaru Ashibaal 23 jun. 2015 às 12:48 
CPU: Intel Core i3 CPU M 380 @ 2.53 GHz(4 CPUs) ~2.5 GHz
Graphics: Intel HD Graphics(Core i3)
Video Driver: WDDM 1.1 Version
Memory: 4GB RAM
Moniter Refresh Rate: 60Hz
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate(6.1, Build 7601)
OS Language: English
in game settings: occurs regardless of settings chosen

Issue: it appears as if the models are not appearing with their hitboxes. For example, in mission 1, I played as Lady, and her body appeared to be sideways some distance away from the camera, but her belt and the blade of Kalina Ann were where they should be. In that same mission, Dante's hitbox was where it should be, but his model had veered off to the side and kept walking down into the floor(i took pictures, ill link them).

In mission 2, i had the same problem with Lady, but the scarecrow enemies seemed to have disappeared except for their weapons, which remained with their hitboxes. The same thing happened to all the enemies that appeared during the performance test.

Replication: I cannot get the game to play how it should no matter what i try, and it always happens when I try to play, without fail thus far.

Link to DxDiag:

Link to gallery of screenshots displaying the bug:

MatchaPanda 23 jun. 2015 às 12:48 
At some point will we get an option to turn off Motion Blur? It has a big impact on performance?
Mr.Bray 23 jun. 2015 às 12:57 
1) CPU Intel Core i5-3470
2) GeForce GTX 970
3) Drivers, direct x, vcredist, etc all stuff fresh and up to date
4) Standard (59/60 Hz)
5) RAM 16gb
6) OS Windows 8.1pro 64bit Build 9600
7) Russian
8) -


Game just wont start, black window and nothing else appears. Black screen and nothing else, nothing at all.
screenshot just in case:

pls helb
The Merchant 23 jun. 2015 às 13:06 
1) i5 2430
2) Radeon HD 6770M
3) Up to Date
4) 60 Hz
5) 6 GB
6) Windows 7 Basic
7) English
8) N/A

Settings menu can't be accessed, game freezes and crashes the moment it is selected, regardless if it's via the mission or the main menu, needless to say i can't tell the game settings at all
Stand with Ukraine 23 jun. 2015 às 13:40 
1. Intel i5 3570k
2. ASUS Nvidia GTX 660
3. 353.06
4. 60hz
5. 8 GB
6. Win 7 x64
7. Russian
8. 1920x1080, MSAA: None, Full Screen: On, Texture Resolution: Super High, VSYNC: On, Frame Rate: 60 FPS max, Shadow Quality: Max, Quality: Super High
Grid-shaped artifacting of textures and the picture overall, especially in motion.
Forcing adaptive VSYNC and/or anisotropy through the Nvidia Control Panel seems to cause this problem.

On an unrelated note, Capcom, please make it possible to bind Numpad buttons to actions, also the non-lettered buttons like ~ , ; , ' etc. It's really frustrating, being unable to simultaneously move and shoot and change targets while locked on because i can't spread my key bindings from WASD to numpad.
Última alteração por Stand with Ukraine; 24 jun. 2015 às 9:31
IchigoMait 23 jun. 2015 às 14:03 
1. Intel Core i7 3770K @ 3.50GHz / Ivy Bridge 22nm Technology
2. 4095MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 (Gigabyte)
3. Driver version
4. VX2703 SERIES (1920x1080@60Hz)
5. 8.00GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 798MHz (7-8-7-24)
6. Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit SP1
7. English (United Kingdom)

Problem being that I can't use steam screenshot with break button, also windows own Print Screen/SysRq doesn't even work when the game is on top.
Última alteração por IchigoMait; 23 jun. 2015 às 14:05
UltraTou 23 jun. 2015 às 14:05 
Operating System
Windows 8.1 64-bit (English)
Intel Core i5 3427U @ 1.80GHz
Ivy Bridge 22nm Technology
8.00GB Single-Channel DDR3 @ 798MHz (11-11-11-28)
Generic PnP Monitor (1600x900@60Hz)
Intel HD Graphics 4000 (Lenovo)

Game Settings:
FPS: 19-27
Resoluition: 1600x900 (says Resolution: UNKOWN in config.ini file)
AA: none
Refresh rate: 60

DirectX Diagnostic txt file:

Specific issues:
-Cannot enter into the game's PC settings, if it is selected, the game screen turns black and a pop-up window says "Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition has stopped working", cannot change any game settings to make game run better.

-Tried editing the config.ini but when saved the changes would not change ingame, game would not work in fullscreen when ini file was changed. could not modify config.ini file in any way to improve games performance.

-Cannot disable post-processing effects such as motion blur and depth of field, which cause performance issues on lower end machines.

-The original DMC4 PC ver ran on very low-end hardware, this port seems very shoddy, and cannot run on low-end hardware
-The post-processing effects are hindering the games perfomance on people's PCs (motion blur, depth of field)
Última alteração por UltraTou; 23 jun. 2015 às 14:55
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