Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

Tyson 30 Jun, 2020 @ 4:53pm
I bought DS I'll mainly play solo , but if I don't straight away purchase DLC's and ♥♥♥♥ should I get DST for solo play or DS?
are the base games really different?

Lets say the price is the same and I would mainly play solo what should I purchase?
Originally posted by licet_insanire:
Before giving you my advice, I’ll tell you how it went for me, and you’ll decide if some of it can apply to you. First of all, I stick to games I like. I have very few games, but hundreds of hours in each. I like to renew my gameplay with mods, and that helps a lot in increasing a game's lifespan.
I initially only bought DST, because a close friend wanted to play with me and prompted me to, but I fell in love with it myself. DST is basically DS + RoG + extra content (new biomes, new bosses, new characters and revamped old ones). After an initial period, I started playing DST mostly by myself, when our free time stopped coinciding (I’m actually more of a solo player too).
I later bought DS + DLCs, all in one pack, during a sale, for 8+something €, and I think that was my best purchase on steam. Mr Aqua said, and I agree, that DS + DLCs > DST: despite some slightly annoying bugs, DS is funnier and more challenging, because certain things work differently (e.g. fires spread much more rapidly), and DDLCs add extra challenges.
But I agree only for the vanilla versions of the two games: if you consider mods, and I’ll link some very relevant ones now, the matter becomes more blurry. 
However, if I understood correctly, you bought DS without DLCs. If you will not consider buying DLCs, I would strongly suggest to refund and get DST. If you ask me, DST+DS+DS’s DLCs are all worth a purchase from the “Don’t Starve Mega Pack”: if I went back in time, I would buy them all once more, even outside of a sale. Of course, it depends if you usually spend a lot of time on games of this type: I saw from your profile that you own a lot of games, so it all depends if you think you’ll stick to this one.

Mods for DST

Apart from browsing the "most subscribed" section of the Workshop, which contains the most valuable client-side mods (like combined status, geometric placement, minimap HUD, etc), you may want to check out the following mods:

Without a doubt the most comprehensive information mod. Great for organising your activities around the base, and avoid wasting time (e.g. evaluate if you have the time to fight the dragonfly before the next hound attack). It also tells you when trees will grow, when food will spoil, how much hit points your armour has left, and how long your clothes will last for. Some players, however, find it a intrusive and borderline OP, so if you don't like it, Show me is a great and well-established alternative. You can find two different versions here and here.

Global Pause
For solo servers, sometimes you'll end up hating how you can't unpause the game, and envy how in DS instead you can. This mod allows you to pause. It can also apply to multiplayer servers, but I don't remember exactly how it works because I only tried it in servers where I play alone. It works very well, except for sometimes disabling the audio, but it's not so often and the game is still enjoyable.

Tropical Experience
This mod adds to DST stuff from Hamlet and Shipwrecked, but it’s very heavy and not very polished: while it adds a LOT of content, it is often not compatible with other mods, and does not provide the same experience as Hamlet or Shipwrecked: I tried it for a little while, and saw mobs behaving differently and particular structures appearing where they shouldn’t have and not doing what they were supposed to do. However, It has been in development since years and is still being updated, so some of these annoying things might be fixed in the future.

Island Adventures
This mod adds content from Shipwrecked only. It however hasn’t been updated in more than a year, which makes problems with the latest updates of DST more and more likely.

Teleportato / Wooden Thing / Worldjump and Adventure Mode (like DS)
Teleportato allows to regenerate your world after major updates of the game. For instance, when new biomes are added, they can only spawn in newly generated worlds. If you don’t want to lose all your progress, by installing the first mod you’ll be able to keep your character and any prebuilt structures, to have a faster start in the new world.
Adventure mode instead is a mod that adds to the game the Adventure mode that is otherwise only available in single player DS. I’ve never tried that though.

Uncompromising Mode [BETA]
This mod complicates the vanilla experience of DST, adding new weathers, changing mob behaviours and sometimes drop, and tweaking specific aspects of the game so that the experience offered is challenging even for advanced players. If you get into the game and after some time want something more from it, give this one a try. Even if it is still in beta, it is very stable and also continuously updated. I’ve played this longer than Tropical Experience, and I prefer it.

The Black Death: Prevention Plans
Here we have a mod that immensely expands a concept that is purely DST: disease. It is completely absent in DS, but it is as interesting as it is annoying. Basically, after some time replanted plants (grass, saplings, berry bushes, stone fruit bushes) will become diseased, and if you don’t notice in time you will lose your whole farm. This mod makes it so that all animals and even the players can get infected, and adds new items to protect yourself and your base from it, and even to make weapons from diseased stuff. It’s very interesting, and can give the environment a very decadent look if played with the right color cube mods.

Wrath of the Giants!
A mod that buffs the giants, ported from RoG. The difference is that it doesn’t require buying DLCs to meet these giants.

Mods that add biomes, bosses and items: Sugarwood Forest Biome, [DST]Legion, Cherry Forest, Maxwell's Revenge, Myth Words theme, Steampunk DST, New Boss - Pig King,…
I’ve never tried them, but they look extremely cool, and I plan to.

This mod takes one of Klei’s original events for DST, called “The Forge”, and allows players to revisit it. It’s very fun, but it’s completely different from normal DS/DST gameplay: it’s a battle arena where team cooperation is vital. I know you said you mostly play alone, but if you decide to refund DS and get DST, be surety give it a try. It will seem very confusing at first, but it’s very fun to play even with randoms (most of them are not toxic), and if you ask for guidance, especially during the first games, they will be patient and you’ll feel less lost. I never play normal DST with randoms, only with friends that I can talk to on the phone while I play, but Forge is very exciting, and for me it’s where I met most of the DST players I play (again, only Forge) with.

This mod that brings back another (the other, as there are only two) original event by Klei, called “The Gorge”. The gameplay of this one is more similar to normal DS/DST gameplay (you have to fetch resources and cook), except that the starving being is a giant mouth (Gnaw) that impends on the world’s sky. It’s a giant mouth that you have to feed the foods that it demands, while gathering resources to escape alive. If you lose, you’ll turn into a monster called “merm” (a type of mob from DS/DST). This is also a fun (although really hectic) way to approach multiplayer for DST.

Mods for DS

Just like before, apart from browsing the most subscribed section of the workshop, you may want to check out these mods:

Same thing as Insight for DST. Unfortunately, Show me for DS doesn't exist.

[DST]Skins of Wardrobe&Emotes and [DST]Skins of items
One of the things that are cute about DST, as also other users have noticed, is the ability of personalising items and character: e.g. building structures and items that look different from the base versions, or dressing up your character. This mod adds many skins to DST, with the difference that you don’t have to unlock them or buy them to use them.

Mods that revamp bosses: Wrath of the Giants (requires RoG), and Wrath of the Sea Beasts: Re-Buff the Quacken! (requires SW)

Mods that add biomes, bosses and items: Hero in the Dark, Steam Biome: Forgotten Forge, Steam & Punk, Emeralds, Tiny Alchemy Powers, Myth Worlds,…

There are certainly a lot more interesting mods, and if you play for a while you’ll end up finding them in the workshop yourself sooner or later ;)
< >
Showing 1-13 of 13 comments
Narue 30 Jun, 2020 @ 5:01pm 
It's very diff and they both offer diff experience imo..

If you like to play game with more updates in the future and cosmetics to go with your character you can pick DST even if you play Solo..

I also play solo and spend most of my time in DS and it's DLC cause I like to spend my times on more selection of type of worlds..
DS is already completed as per Devs said so updates won't be coming or planned anymore, unless ofc they suddenly want to add something just like Hamlet DLC is also because of a special reason..

Mods are available in both DS & DST but DST modders are more active and if you perhaps one day will play with perhaps DST would be better for you..

All in all, you can also always take the Mega Bundle for getting both imo :)
Narue 30 Jun, 2020 @ 5:02pm 
*perhaps one day will want to play with people
Tyson 30 Jun, 2020 @ 5:08pm 
Originally posted by Naru:
It's very diff and they both offer diff experience imo..

If you like to play game with more updates in the future and cosmetics to go with your character you can pick DST even if you play Solo..

I also play solo and spend most of my time in DS and it's DLC cause I like to spend my times on more selection of type of worlds..
DS is already completed as per Devs said so updates won't be coming or planned anymore, unless ofc they suddenly want to add something just like Hamlet DLC is also because of a special reason..

Mods are available in both DS & DST but DST modders are more active and if you perhaps one day will play with perhaps DST would be better for you..

All in all, you can also always take the Mega Bundle for getting both imo :)
First I appreciate the help.

Look I don't really know if I'll really get into the game, so I'm currently thinking about these options.

Continue owning DS and play solo as I like and maybe buy some DLC's in the future.
Refund DS and buy DST and maybe play with friends in the future which could be kinda cool and it has more content currently than DLCless DS.

third option is maybe buying the pack or buying dlcs to dont starve but I'm not sure if I'd really play that so maybe it doesn't worth the money
Tyson 30 Jun, 2020 @ 5:09pm 
Originally posted by Naru:
*perhaps one day will want to play with people
Yea exactly maybe I'd like to play with people.
But the same goes for maybe I'd like to play DLC's
- T - 30 Jun, 2020 @ 5:37pm 
There are mods in DST that allow you to play content from DS's dlc's. Some of them may not be very stable but you can enjoy them without too many problems.
Tyson 30 Jun, 2020 @ 5:43pm 
Originally posted by 󰀈 T 󰀈:
There are mods in DST that allow you to play content from DS's dlc's. Some of them may not be very stable but you can enjoy them without too many problems.
If I buy the pack of both games and the DLC's would I get a copy for a friend too?
I might just get that pack and stick to the solo game and maybe gift a copy in the future to play with a friend.
Wheastonian 30 Jun, 2020 @ 6:41pm 
DST is very fun solo IMO, but can get old fast if you play too much
Narue 30 Jun, 2020 @ 7:22pm 
Originally posted by Labrador:
If I buy the pack of both games and the DLC's would I get a copy for a friend too?
I might just get that pack and stick to the solo game and maybe gift a copy in the future to play with a friend.

Nope you only get a copy for friend if you buy DST without bundle..

Originally posted by Labrador:
Look I don't really know if I'll really get into the game, so I'm currently thinking about these options.

Continue owning DS and play solo as I like and maybe buy some DLC's in the future.
Refund DS and buy DST and maybe play with friends in the future which could be kinda cool and it has more content currently than DLCless DS.

third option is maybe buying the pack or buying dlcs to dont starve but I'm not sure if I'd really play that so maybe it doesn't worth the money

If that's the case I would suggest DST, as you can set the world setting of DST to be like vanilla DS (which is easier), the Standard DST world default is essentially similar with DS vanilla + RoG DLC
LeEsSsshHaaAA 30 Jun, 2020 @ 7:47pm 
(I only glanced over everyone's comments - sorry if this is repeating someone elses)

Personally, I first got into the game playing DS and haven't found my click yet for DST, anyways everyone's pretty right about the variety in DST especially since its always being updated.

But for me, I would say if you're even uncertain if you even like the game. Begin in it's origins DS because there's so much hidden lore - hidden adventures like unlocking adventure mode for example - for you to get immersed (I mean if that's your style) DS is also maleable in world creature but not as much as DST - the dlcs are pretty great in DS, adding a harder element too.

To my knowledge, most people prefer DST over DS so upto you
Mr. Aqua 30 Jun, 2020 @ 8:00pm 
I would say it depends on how much content you are looking for between the two. DST has more content than vanilla DS, however I should say that DS + DLCs > DST. There's a lot more to explore in the DLCs than DST, but none of the DLCs are really lore significant (if you care about that). The DLCs also allow for much different play styles, whereas with DST you can just do the same strategy again and again without failure.

DS doesn't get updated anymore though, and it and the DLCs have some bugs that need fixing. DST is well alive and well supported by the devs, and it is currently being expanded.

Seeing as you play mostly solo, and as a primarily solo player myself, DS + DLCs would be the best choice.
Airvanz 1 Jul, 2020 @ 4:42am 
DS its Uncompromising Survival Game While DST its Survival Sandbox Game
The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic.
licet_insanire 1 Jul, 2020 @ 7:24am 
Before giving you my advice, I’ll tell you how it went for me, and you’ll decide if some of it can apply to you. First of all, I stick to games I like. I have very few games, but hundreds of hours in each. I like to renew my gameplay with mods, and that helps a lot in increasing a game's lifespan.
I initially only bought DST, because a close friend wanted to play with me and prompted me to, but I fell in love with it myself. DST is basically DS + RoG + extra content (new biomes, new bosses, new characters and revamped old ones). After an initial period, I started playing DST mostly by myself, when our free time stopped coinciding (I’m actually more of a solo player too).
I later bought DS + DLCs, all in one pack, during a sale, for 8+something €, and I think that was my best purchase on steam. Mr Aqua said, and I agree, that DS + DLCs > DST: despite some slightly annoying bugs, DS is funnier and more challenging, because certain things work differently (e.g. fires spread much more rapidly), and DDLCs add extra challenges.
But I agree only for the vanilla versions of the two games: if you consider mods, and I’ll link some very relevant ones now, the matter becomes more blurry. 
However, if I understood correctly, you bought DS without DLCs. If you will not consider buying DLCs, I would strongly suggest to refund and get DST. If you ask me, DST+DS+DS’s DLCs are all worth a purchase from the “Don’t Starve Mega Pack”: if I went back in time, I would buy them all once more, even outside of a sale. Of course, it depends if you usually spend a lot of time on games of this type: I saw from your profile that you own a lot of games, so it all depends if you think you’ll stick to this one.

Mods for DST

Apart from browsing the "most subscribed" section of the Workshop, which contains the most valuable client-side mods (like combined status, geometric placement, minimap HUD, etc), you may want to check out the following mods:

Without a doubt the most comprehensive information mod. Great for organising your activities around the base, and avoid wasting time (e.g. evaluate if you have the time to fight the dragonfly before the next hound attack). It also tells you when trees will grow, when food will spoil, how much hit points your armour has left, and how long your clothes will last for. Some players, however, find it a intrusive and borderline OP, so if you don't like it, Show me is a great and well-established alternative. You can find two different versions here and here.

Global Pause
For solo servers, sometimes you'll end up hating how you can't unpause the game, and envy how in DS instead you can. This mod allows you to pause. It can also apply to multiplayer servers, but I don't remember exactly how it works because I only tried it in servers where I play alone. It works very well, except for sometimes disabling the audio, but it's not so often and the game is still enjoyable.

Tropical Experience
This mod adds to DST stuff from Hamlet and Shipwrecked, but it’s very heavy and not very polished: while it adds a LOT of content, it is often not compatible with other mods, and does not provide the same experience as Hamlet or Shipwrecked: I tried it for a little while, and saw mobs behaving differently and particular structures appearing where they shouldn’t have and not doing what they were supposed to do. However, It has been in development since years and is still being updated, so some of these annoying things might be fixed in the future.

Island Adventures
This mod adds content from Shipwrecked only. It however hasn’t been updated in more than a year, which makes problems with the latest updates of DST more and more likely.

Teleportato / Wooden Thing / Worldjump and Adventure Mode (like DS)
Teleportato allows to regenerate your world after major updates of the game. For instance, when new biomes are added, they can only spawn in newly generated worlds. If you don’t want to lose all your progress, by installing the first mod you’ll be able to keep your character and any prebuilt structures, to have a faster start in the new world.
Adventure mode instead is a mod that adds to the game the Adventure mode that is otherwise only available in single player DS. I’ve never tried that though.

Uncompromising Mode [BETA]
This mod complicates the vanilla experience of DST, adding new weathers, changing mob behaviours and sometimes drop, and tweaking specific aspects of the game so that the experience offered is challenging even for advanced players. If you get into the game and after some time want something more from it, give this one a try. Even if it is still in beta, it is very stable and also continuously updated. I’ve played this longer than Tropical Experience, and I prefer it.

The Black Death: Prevention Plans
Here we have a mod that immensely expands a concept that is purely DST: disease. It is completely absent in DS, but it is as interesting as it is annoying. Basically, after some time replanted plants (grass, saplings, berry bushes, stone fruit bushes) will become diseased, and if you don’t notice in time you will lose your whole farm. This mod makes it so that all animals and even the players can get infected, and adds new items to protect yourself and your base from it, and even to make weapons from diseased stuff. It’s very interesting, and can give the environment a very decadent look if played with the right color cube mods.

Wrath of the Giants!
A mod that buffs the giants, ported from RoG. The difference is that it doesn’t require buying DLCs to meet these giants.

Mods that add biomes, bosses and items: Sugarwood Forest Biome, [DST]Legion, Cherry Forest, Maxwell's Revenge, Myth Words theme, Steampunk DST, New Boss - Pig King,…
I’ve never tried them, but they look extremely cool, and I plan to.

This mod takes one of Klei’s original events for DST, called “The Forge”, and allows players to revisit it. It’s very fun, but it’s completely different from normal DS/DST gameplay: it’s a battle arena where team cooperation is vital. I know you said you mostly play alone, but if you decide to refund DS and get DST, be surety give it a try. It will seem very confusing at first, but it’s very fun to play even with randoms (most of them are not toxic), and if you ask for guidance, especially during the first games, they will be patient and you’ll feel less lost. I never play normal DST with randoms, only with friends that I can talk to on the phone while I play, but Forge is very exciting, and for me it’s where I met most of the DST players I play (again, only Forge) with.

This mod that brings back another (the other, as there are only two) original event by Klei, called “The Gorge”. The gameplay of this one is more similar to normal DS/DST gameplay (you have to fetch resources and cook), except that the starving being is a giant mouth (Gnaw) that impends on the world’s sky. It’s a giant mouth that you have to feed the foods that it demands, while gathering resources to escape alive. If you lose, you’ll turn into a monster called “merm” (a type of mob from DS/DST). This is also a fun (although really hectic) way to approach multiplayer for DST.

Mods for DS

Just like before, apart from browsing the most subscribed section of the workshop, you may want to check out these mods:

Same thing as Insight for DST. Unfortunately, Show me for DS doesn't exist.

[DST]Skins of Wardrobe&Emotes and [DST]Skins of items
One of the things that are cute about DST, as also other users have noticed, is the ability of personalising items and character: e.g. building structures and items that look different from the base versions, or dressing up your character. This mod adds many skins to DST, with the difference that you don’t have to unlock them or buy them to use them.

Mods that revamp bosses: Wrath of the Giants (requires RoG), and Wrath of the Sea Beasts: Re-Buff the Quacken! (requires SW)

Mods that add biomes, bosses and items: Hero in the Dark, Steam Biome: Forgotten Forge, Steam & Punk, Emeralds, Tiny Alchemy Powers, Myth Worlds,…

There are certainly a lot more interesting mods, and if you play for a while you’ll end up finding them in the workshop yourself sooner or later ;)
Last edited by licet_insanire; 28 Nov, 2020 @ 4:09am
Tyson 1 Jul, 2020 @ 10:52am 
Originally posted by licet_insavire:
Before giving you my advice, I’ll tell you how it went for me, and you’ll decide if some of it can apply to you. First of all, I stick to games I like. I have very few games, but hundreds of hours in each. I like to renew my gameplay with mods, and that helps a lot in increasing a game's lifespan.
I initially only bought DST, because a close friend wanted to play with me and prompted me to, but I fell in love with it myself. DST is basically DS + RoG + extra content (new biomes, new bosses, new characters and revamped old ones). After an initial period, I started playing DST mostly by myself, when our free time stopped coinciding (I’m actually more of a solo player too).
I later bought DS + DLCs, all in one pack, during a sale, for 8+something €, and I think that was my best purchase on steam. Mr Aqua said, and I agree, that DS + DLCs > DST: despite some slightly annoying bugs, DS is funnier and more challenging, because certain things work differently (e.g. fires spread much more rapidly), and DDLCs add extra challenges.
But I agree only for the vanilla versions of the two games: if you consider mods, and I’ll link some very relevant ones now, the matter becomes more blurry. 
However, if I understood correctly, you bought DS without DLCs. If you will not consider buying DLCs, I would strongly suggest to refund and get DST. If you ask me, DST+DS+DS’s DLCs are all worth a purchase from the “Don’t Starve Mega Pack”: if I went back in time, I would buy them all once more, even outside of a sale. Of course, it depends if you usually spend a lot of time on games of this type: I saw from your profile that you own a lot of games, so it all depends if you think you’ll stick to this one.

Mods for DST
Tropical experience
This mod adds to DST stuff from Hamlet and Shipwrecked, but it’s very heavy and not very polished: while it adds a LOT of content, it is often not compatible with other mods, and does not provide the same experience as Hamlet or Shipwrecked: I tried it for a little while, and saw mobs behaving differently and particular structures appearing where they shouldn’t have and not doing what they were supposed to do. However, It has been in development since years and is still being updated, so some of these annoying things might be fixed in the future.

Island Adventures
This mod adds content from Shipwrecked only. It however hasn’t been updated in more than a year, which makes problems with the latest updates of DST more and more likely.

Teleportato / Wooden Thing / Worldjump and Adventure Mode (like DS)
Teleportato allows to regenerate your world after major updates of the game. For instance, when new biomes are added, they can only spawn in newly generated worlds. If you don’t want to lose all your progress, by installing the first mod you’ll be able to keep your character and any prebuilt structures, to have a faster start in the new world.
Adventure mode instead is a mod that adds to the game the Adventure mode that is otherwise only available in single player DS. I’ve never tried that though.

Uncompromising Mode [BETA]
This mod complicates the vanilla experience of DST, adding new weathers, changing mob behaviours and sometimes drop, and tweaking specific aspects of the game so that the experience offered is challenging even for advanced players. If you get into the game and after some time want something more from it, give this one a try. Even if it is still in beta, it is very stable and also continuously updated. I’ve played this longer than Tropical Experience, and I prefer it.

The Black Death: Prevention Plans
Here we have a mod that immensely expands a concept that is purely DST: disease. It is completely absent in DS, but it is as interesting as it is annoying. Basically, after some time replanted plants (grass, saplings, berry bushes, stone fruit bushes) will become diseased, and if you don’t notice in time you will lose your whole farm. This mod makes it so that all animals and even the players can get infected, and adds new items to protect yourself and your base from it, and even to make weapons from diseased stuff. It’s very interesting, and can give the environment a very decadent look if played with the right color cube mods.

Wrath of the Giants!
A mod that buffs the giants, ported from RoG. The difference is that it doesn’t require buying DLCs to meet these giants.

Mods that add biomes, bosses and items: Sugarwood Forest Biome, [DST]Legion, Cherry Forest, Maxwell's Revenge, Myth Words theme, Steampunk DST, New Boss - Pig King,…
I’ve never tried them, but they look extremely cool, and I plan to.

This mod takes one of Klei’s original events for DST, called “The Forge”, and allows players to revisit it. It’s very fun, but it’s completely different from normal DS/DST gameplay: it’s a battle arena where team cooperation is vital. I know you said you mostly play alone, but if you decide to refund DS and get DST, be surety give it a try. It will seem very confusing at first, but it’s very fun to play even with randoms (most of them are not toxic), and if you ask for guidance, especially during the first games, they will be patient and you’ll feel less lost. I never play normal DST with randoms, only with friends that I can talk to on the phone while I play, but Forge is very exciting, and for me it’s where I met most of the DST players I play (again, only Forge) with.

This mod that brings back another (the other, as there are only two) original event by Klei, called “The Gorge”. The gameplay of this one is more similar to normal DS/DST gameplay (you have to fetch resources and cook), except that the starving being is a giant mouth (Gnaw) that impends on the world’s sky. It’s a giant mouth that you have to feed the foods that it demands, while gathering resources to escape alive. If you lose, you’ll turn into a monster called “merm” (a type of mob from DS/DST). This is also a fun (although really hectic) way to approach multiplayer for DST.

Mods for DS
[DST]Skins of Wardrobe&Emotes and [DST]Skins of items
One of the things that are cute about DST, as also other users have noticed, is the ability of personalising items and character: e.g. building structures and items that look different from the base versions, or dressing up your character. This mod adds many skins to DST, with the difference that you don’t have to unlock them or buy them to use them.

Mods that revamp bosses: Wrath of the Giants (requires RoG), and Wrath of the Sea Beasts: Re-Buff the Quacken! (requires SW)

Mods that add biomes, bosses and items: Hero in the Dark, Steam Biome: Forgotten Forge, Steam & Punk, Emeralds, Tiny Alchemy Powers, Myth Worlds,…

There are certainly a lot more interesting mods, and if you play for a while you’ll end up finding them in the workshop yourself sooner or later ;)
I really appreciate that response. I think that I'll take the pack with both games and play mainly DS+DLCs but DST for multiplayer. Again respect for that response, I hope I'd like the game.
< >
Showing 1-13 of 13 comments
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Date Posted: 30 Jun, 2020 @ 4:53pm
Posts: 13