Life is Strange™

Life is Strange™

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t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m 2015년 5월 20일 오후 1시 07분
Turkish Character Support
First of all thank you DONTNOD; for making two of my favourite games. I really want this game to be known in my country. So I want, and am trying to translate the game into Turkish.

The existing so-called "translation" is insufficient at best. It totally misses the slang or local language etc. and people are getting charged for this bad and broken (using alternate characters for the ones not supported) "translation"

With one of the recent patches,
I was able to use Ç,Ö,Ü,ç,ö,ü;
but I still can't use: Ğ,İ,Ş,ğ,ı,ş characters.

I tried to edit the files by myself but I'm not knowledgeable about this.

* I extracted the UPK and got fonts as texture2D files which I can't open
* I extracted the UPK file in a different way and got the fonts as .tga file
* I was able to add some characters by modifying the file in Photoshop
(Switched supported but unused £ character with ş for an example)

Now all I need is a way to pack the .dds or TARGA fonts into a .texture2D file

Of course an official update with updated fonts would be more elegant but I believe we'll accept any other way, too.

P.S. I'm already working on translating the content. If DONTNOD decides to add Turkish support to the game, I am willing to share the translations without any kind of expactations.
Also, I believe I have some documents about my proficiency in English.

Thanks for your masterpieces of art and thanks in advance!!
t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2015년 5월 20일 오후 1시 09분
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5개 댓글 중 1-5개 표시
Kaupp 2015년 5월 20일 오후 1시 10분 
Yo do this
Kaupp 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2015년 5월 20일 오후 1시 10분
Ammarth 2015년 5월 20일 오후 1시 20분 
As my friend said, thank you for making this wonderful game. You Rock!

In Turkey, English is not a language that majority of people can speak. Supporting Turkish language could make huge impact on players who wants to play.

Please, help my friend to complete his translation and to make this game popular for Turkish players.
proqress 2015년 5월 21일 오전 2시 30분 
Supporting Turkish chars would be great for Turkish players.
LV5Death 2015년 5월 22일 오전 8시 52분 
I wholeheartedly support this.
Sandakelum 2015년 7월 30일 오전 10시 31분 
I'm also trying to translate this into Sinhala in Sri Lanka, but missing unicode characters got me stucked as well. I would love to translate this game into Sinhala if devs can add Unicode ranges for Sinhala (also known as Sinhalese) in their font packages... :(
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5개 댓글 중 1-5개 표시
페이지당 표시 개수: 1530 50

게시된 날짜: 2015년 5월 20일 오후 1시 07분
게시글: 5