No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky

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Combat System in No Man's Sky NEEDS to be changed or polished.
PVE and PVP in this game is awfully boring and not as exciting. The npcs fight so easily and boring that it just feels just as repetitive and dull as mining materials. There needs to be a more difficult or complex aspect to the enemies in PVE and some sort of group dedicated for PVP. The AI needs to be polished so they won't fight so predictable and so boring, it's like the combat was designed for kids who cannot handle fast paced and intense combat. There needs to be variety and more effectiveness to the way pirates and ally star ships fight, the frigates need to move on their own and fight, the guns on the capital ships need to be accurate and consistent to even be worth being a threat, the giant sentinel walkers needs to be more complex and difficult cause it's so easy to beat them even in the highest difficulty setting, they are so dumb to fight that it all just makes me fall asleep while playing. There needs to be better animation to the way the bugs fight, all they do is just stand there and like shooting fish in a barrel.
Hello Games, You need to learn how to make combat enjoyable to make this game more desirable to come back to, take some inspirations from Helldivers, Elden Ring, even the total war franchise. I want to love this game but when the only things you have left to do is to do tedious tasks, explore worlds with little threats to them (which gets boring fast, even the giant worms that come out of the ground can't kill you no matter what), it all just gets so boring!! Make exploring the universe more risky and dangerous, make the AI the NPCS more of a threat, make more environmental threats, just make me fear for my in-game life and feel a sense of accomplishment overcoming dangerous enemies and worlds.
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UTMaster 8 grudnia 2024 o 11:12 
As I've said to countless other Discussions, No Man's Sky is NOT a combat oriented game, it is an Open Galaxy Exploration Sandbox game.
Kasten Jenkins 8 grudnia 2024 o 23:55 
@UTMaster Such a dumb answer. This game might as well remove all combat mechanics and systems in the game if that's your case. Then the game will be twice as boring and dull. IT NEEDS A GOOD COMBAT SYSTEM.
Mr. Bufferlow 9 grudnia 2024 o 0:44 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Kasten Jenkins:
@UTMaster Such a dumb answer. This game might as well remove all combat mechanics and systems in the game if that's your case. Then the game will be twice as boring and dull. IT NEEDS A GOOD COMBAT SYSTEM.
You are currently experiencing the improved combat mechanics in the game. It was much simpler before they made the changes. Unlikely they are going to do much more with it. As with most of the options outside the main game play loop of exploring, none of it is very deep except base building.

If they wanted a combat game, they could have gone with just having a dozen systems that were hand built. A downside of procedural generation on the scale of NMS, it is does not do unique and it is impossible to build remarkable combat AI scenarios.

What you are seeing is the best it is likely ever going to get. Don't like it, play some game that does focus on combat. I hear that Starfield game has a lot.
Kasten Jenkins 9 grudnia 2024 o 15:36 
@Mr. Bufferlow It's obvious they wanted a form of combat in this game from the start of it's creation. Obviously it isn't good and still isn't good cause the changes are not even noticeable. All I'm saying is that the way the AI fight is boring, the way random combat events happen is boring, the way the sentinel fight is boring, the way the player fight is low tier-mid at best. There needs to be more features to combat, more complexity, more threats, and more strategy to the way the AI fights. I'm not saying it all needs to be a "scripted scenario event". It needs a better way to develop a more exciting combat game-play for the player and AI, aside from being safe the entire time.

They need to make it better. Cause exploration of randomly generated planets with two flavors of surfaces such as land and water, get's boring real fast. It's all just rinse and repeat with simple fetch quests and easy bounty missions and non threatening enemies. Cause once you seen one type of atmosphere of a planet, you've seen them all. Maybe there's one little thing that's new on that random planet, but that feeling of satisfaction is so damn fleeting cause it's so insignificant.

Lore is alright tho, but not as engaging after a while.

And you're recommending Starfield to me?! Ha! Bugger off with that low tier abomination Bethesda has birthed out their nonsensical minds.
Lindy Bomber 9 grudnia 2024 o 17:57 
Combat is one of the pillars of the game, but it is not the main pillar of the game. Comparing it to a shooter like Helldivers, isn't a fair comparison. Combat has to be balanced with building, exploration, and trade. Not all players like hard core combat, it is a matter of taste not whether or you are a "little kid".

HGs have made incremental improvements to the combat and will likely make more, but the game is never going to be Helldivers, Elden Ring, even the total war franchise. Personally I am okay with that as are many other players.

I hope you find a game that fits your taste better.
Kasten Jenkins 9 grudnia 2024 o 21:24 
@Lindy Bomber, I said take some "inspiration" from them if they ever do decide to take a deeper analysis of their combat system or dangerous environment design to see what sells or what can they improve upon to make an engaging combat system. And I claim that the combat system is quite frankly immature and bland as a fact. If anything, this should be taken as valid criticism but you shills don't seem to get that, and are quick to defend HG as if you're the meme "LEAVE HER ALONE! LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE! :revsad:".

And it's not like I'm not acknowledging what they've accomplished already, credit given where credit is due.

I still stand by my criticism.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Kasten Jenkins; 9 grudnia 2024 o 21:24
Mr. Bufferlow 9 grudnia 2024 o 22:59 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Kasten Jenkins:
@Lindy Bomber, I said take some "inspiration" from them if they ever do decide to take a deeper analysis of their combat system or dangerous environment design to see what sells or what can they improve upon to make an engaging combat system. And I claim that the combat system is quite frankly immature and bland as a fact. If anything, this should be taken as valid criticism but you shills don't seem to get that, and are quick to defend HG as if you're the meme "LEAVE HER ALONE! LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE! :revsad:".

And it's not like I'm not acknowledging what they've accomplished already, credit given where credit is due.

I still stand by my criticism.
No one was taking exception to your criticism...just reality of what is possible and what is likely to actually happen. HG is a very tiny group of programmers. The games that have been mentioned are gigantic in comparison for programming staff. They could...given we let them work on it exclusively for ten something that might meet your expectations.

Since they have shown over the years, that is not the direction they want to take this game...probably never going to happen. You are right to not like that they are not going to give you what you is just two ships passing in the night. Kiss it goodbye and find your pleasure elsewhere.
Zak 10 grudnia 2024 o 8:16 
No, there is no need for more improved combat in this game. You're just not the target audience for this game. This is not where the devs want to go with this game. The overwhelming majority of NMS players like it the way it is now. I specifically enjoy this game because the combat is so low key and so basic so I can do other stuff without worrying about being jumped on by pirates, like in Elite Dangerous. This is not a game for people who like complex combat, space or ground. There are other games that do space combat better, so consider playing a different game maybe? This is fine as it is.
While I don't think it is that bad, I also think there is room for improvement in the game's combat.

It is indeed an exploration and base building game, but it is clear for me that combat and survival is a part of it. It doesn't need to be like Helldivers or Elden Ring, just more enjoyable.

Also, I think it doesn't need to get very complex. We should have new kinds of enemies, new ways of killing them or new mechanics like dodging. I would also like to see humanoid enemies.
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