Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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M.S.Referee 8 12 Mar, 2021 @ 12:34pm
[Look Here]For everyone Perplex Confused Fear to Mods [Mods Helper]

This is a "Lazy Pack". That's mean if you don't want to think, and got lots of confused about use mods, you just need followed this list to subscrible them (Pick up some or all). And don't worry about that, those mods are picked up by my test all page of mods, and work fine togather.
(這是個“懶人包”。意思是,如果你懶得思考並且對選擇Mod很困惑,那麼你只需從"Final List"中挑選一些或是全部,不用擔心是否會有問題,因為能放在"Final List"表列中的所有Mod,都是從工坊中的所有Mod頁面經過測試後挑選出來的。它們相互運作正常。)

And the "Final List" is what I'm using all of mods now in-game.
("Final List"中的所有Mod就是我現在正在使用中的,一切正常。)

(To Avanya, if it possible, hope can pin this post.)

Those are VERY IMPORTANT you have to keep in mind (ensoul)!!!

(1). You better take all of mods you want before start a new game.

(2). DO NOT start or loading a save after enabled mods. You need EXIT GAME once then start game again. And this step you need to do each time after you enable one or more mods.

(3). DO NOT start or loading a save after you changed some options in main screen "Settings" from mod option, You need EXIT GAME once then start game again. And this step you need to do each time after you changed one or more some options in main screen "Settings" from mod option.

(4). DO NOT did 'Back to Main Menu' then start a new city or loading a save, that's will boken everyhing.

(5). Each time before you start or loading a save, you better to do start game to main screen, then exit once, then restart game again and start or loading a save.

(6). MOST IMPORTENT!!! This setp will almost avoid problems for each time you added or updated mods during game, before you loading the save, to do setp '(3).', '(4).', '(5)'. Then in main screen and go to click 'Settings' -----> Loading Screen Mod -----> Enable those 3 options that 'Remove All vehicle agents', 'Remove all citizen agents', 'Try to recover from Simulation Errors' from 'Load next save in Safe Mode' and with enabled those 3 options to load the save.

Why like that??? Because if you don't followed those steps, you will high probability of encountering various known and unknown problems.

So don’t be disgusted with the troublesome behavior, you better do it to avoid problems to the greatest extent possible.

And use 'No Border Mode' more good than Full Screen Mode. If you followed my mod list, you don't need to enable create log file. This will increase loading speed and low memory useage. And put those command to steam.

-popupwindow -- -window-mode exclusive -nolog


"Harmony 2"

Those two are key for all mods, lots of problem made because they don't got both.
And after enable those two in Content Manager, exit game once, then restart game. Remember you need do like this for avoid problem to enable other mods later.


Yep, you have to subscrible it!!!
"Loading Screen Mod" --------- Check look this page, you will know that HUGE DIFFERENCE with or wihtout it!!!


"FPS Booster"

Hight recommend to set to '15' FPS (don't over 30 FPS).

And in fact, Hight FPS not the final targat. The real targat is smooth and at the same time your computer can save power and prolong using life.

So, set the limit to 15 FPS (don't over 30 FPS) in mod option and play with a huge city can keep 15FPS (or 30 FPS), that's mean you successed. And this '15 FPS' means not your hardware no good, it's strong to let mod keep limited to you set it to targat FPS. And play with mod limited '15 FPS', you wouldn't feel not smooth. It's absoutly different between hardware got so hard working can't got smooth and mod limited '15 FPS'.

Hardware Hard Working = Hardware got so hard working can't got smooth when city grow up to large.
mod limited '15 FPS' = Hardware got only mod tell it to work at FPS, and keep smooth at same time.

For my test and feeling, if you can see the mod limited '15 FPS' in-game not changed whatever you do, and I don't feel lag, slow etc...... untill the frame dropped under mod limited '15 FPS', you will feel the game start lag, slow.

So, concluded that the mod FPS limited option not kill your FPS, it just set a criterion limited FPS to keep smooth. If no set limit, hardware will maximum to run for take smooth, and mod FPS limited option just tell hardware to keep 'I tell you to do and stay', so as long as hardware can reach and stay in mod FPS limited, and it don’t need to do extra calculation, and this is why you can got smooth and saving power at same time.

Special Note Mod

1- "ExtendedGameOptions"
You need to do those step for use it, otherwise it will cause problems.

(1-1). Disable 'Enable achievements' option, because "Achieve It" mod got full work than it.

(1-2). Disable 'Set number of purchasable areas (uncheck this if using 81 tiles mod)' option, like it shows you, if you using "81 Tiles" mod.

(1-3). To set 'Resources depletion rate' to 1%. This option control those 4 type of resources depletion speed. For example, you got oil Industry Area, and those building need oil from your terrain, set it to 1%, means those building take oil from your terrain and oil depletion speed is slower than game 99 times.

And about other options, choose you need.

Break Other Mods

All "District RCI" mod, it break other mods UI like "Forest Brush 1.3", "Building Vehicle Manager" panel, drop performance when use "FPS Booster", and break 'Cinematic Camera Mode' after loaded a save. etc......

And you need to use "District RCI 2".
Last edited by M.S.Referee; 22 Dec, 2022 @ 10:51am
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Showing 1-8 of 8 comments
M.S.Referee 8 12 Mar, 2021 @ 12:34pm 
-------------> Click here to see Mod Collection Page <-------------

AchieveIt -----> Continue to achieve achievements when you use mods.
AdjustableBusinessConsumption2 -----> Reduce the consumption rate of industrial raw materials and commercial inventory, thereby effectively reducing traffic jams caused by traffic flow.
AdjustPathfinding -----> Redefine the nature of the accessibility of roads, roads that are more accessible are more likely to attract vehicles.
AdvancedOutsideConnection -----> The import and export status of road, sea and air can be controlled in great detail. The import and export status of all or some items can be completely closed.
AdvancedStopSelection -----> Control the stops of passenger trains for easy route setting.
AdvancedVehicleOptions -----> Customize the numerical details of each type of vehicle and allow or not be used.
algernon_Arson -----> You can fire to any building by yourself with a command.
algernon_AdvancedBuildingLevelControl -----> Control single and district building levels and whether to enable the 'Historic Building' property. Also replaced "Historical Districts" mod.
algernon_BOBtheTreeAndPropReplacer -----> Trees and props in both the map and buildings can be fully controlled and replaced.
algernon_CurbHeightAdjuster -----> Shoulder height control.
algernon_EnlightenYourMouse -----> Enhanced control of mouse lights at night.
algernon_TransferController -----> The replacement mod to "Enhanced District Services" mod.
algernon_TransitVehicleSpawnDelay -----> Added reasonable departure wait times for mass transit vehicle departures. This mod fixes distorted starting conditions.
algernon_GarbageBinController -----> Residential garbage bin number and property control.
algernon_LifecycleRebalanceRevisited -----> Citizen age speed and health status detail control.
algernon_PloppableRICO -----> Freely set and plop any game default and workshop buildings properties.
algernon_RealisticPopulation2 -----> Residential, commercial and industrial detail control. The number of households, commercial sales speed, industrial product production speed, etc. can be set.
algernon_Repaint -----> Freely recolor buildings in-game.
algernon_RONTheNetworkReplacer -----> All types of road replacement tools.
algernon_ZoningAdjuster -----> Controls road can zoning or not while replacing "Zoning Toolset" mod.
AmbientSoundsTuner2 -----> Replaces the sound effects tool for the entire game.
AnimUVParams -----> Dynamic 2D animation effect recognizer.
AnyRoadOutsideConnections -----> Allows self-built sea, land and air networks with 'green arrow' functions.
UnlimitedOutsideConnections -----> The main program mod for "Any Road Outside Connections" mod.
AutomaticPedestrianBridgeBuilder -----> Automatically build pedestrian bridges on top of existing roads.
AutoRocketLaunch -----> Set the conditions for rocket launch.
BargesCargoFerries -----> Strengthen maritime cargo facilities and functions.
BetterHealthCareToolbar -----> Enhanced medical menu.
Breakdown -----> You can view the entire activity route of the selected vehicle and building. Can view single or area.
BrokenNodesDetector -----> Find and delete spooky road nodes or segments.
BuildingSpawnPoints -----> Freely set the vehicle entry and exit points of the building.
BuildingUsage -----> More detailed Building InfoView window.
BuildingVehicleManager -----> Information about vehicles entering and leaving the building.
BetterTrainBoarding -----> Fixed game default stupid boarding logic.
CameraPositionsUtility -----> Game camera enhancements to disable camera collisions, adjust FOV etc. For example, the camera penetrates the interior of the building.
CinematicCameraExtended ----->Enhance the function of the movie camera, you can set the position and so on.
Camera Movement Mod -----> Use smooth 'Free Camera' movement in regular camera.
ChooseYourRocket -----> Choose the rocket you want to launch.
CityDrive -----> Choose a vehicle type freely, set a route yourself, and go!
ClimateControl -----> Details Weather Control Tool.
CommonGround -----> Enables the display of unpurchased tiles details.
CommuterDestination -----> See the destination of all passengers waiting at a public transport stop. Useful for fixing overcrowded stops.
CrossTheLine -----> Can place things in unpurchased tiles and out of map edge.
CustomAnimationLoader -----> Set and read custom building animations.
CustomEffectLoader -----> Read custom effects.
CustomizeIt -----> Modify various parameters of various types of buildings.
Compass -----> Let the game have a compass.
CallAgain -----> Let yourself call services for you.
ChangeScreenshotPath -----> You can change game default Screenshot path to any location.
DateChanger -----> Change the in-game date freely.
DecalHoverArea -----> Decal visual distance setting.
DemographicsJobsWorkplaces -----> Detailed work status of educated citizens.
DistrictRCI2 -----> Make a special trip to see the demand within this District.
DistrictStats2 -----> Learn more about the various conditions within this District.
DynamicResolution -----> In-game resolution rendering levels can be adjusted on real-time.
EcoStats -----> Check out the city's economic development.
ElevatedStopsEnabler2 -----> Mass transit stops can be placed on elevated roads.
EmergencyLightsManager -----> Change the lights of police cars, fire trucks and ambulances.
EmergencyVehiclePriority -----> Change the driving privileges of police cars, fire trucks and ambulances on the road. For example, it is possible to pass directly through the traffic jam.
EminentDomain -----> Destroying residential, commercial, and industrial buildings with bulldozers incurs high compensation costs. This means that if you push down more of these buildings at will, your municipal finances will go bankrupt.
EmployOvereducatedWorkers -----> Give highly educated citizens the freedom to choose where to work.
EnhancedOutsideConnectionsView -----> The Import/Export panel of InfoView displays enhanced tools.
EnhancedZoomContinued -----> Enhanced depth of camera movement in all directions, with first-person perspective and an alternative to the "No Border Limit Camera" mod.
EnlightenYourMouse -----> Enhanced night mouse light tool.
EnvironmentChanger -----> The map season attribute can be switched at will before the map and save are loaded.
ExpressBusServices -----> Let the bus directly ignore the bus stop when there is no one.
ExpressBusServicesTLMPlugin -----> The plugin for "Transport Lines Manager" mod.
ExtendedGameOptions -----> Strengthen the game settings, which has a function to adjust the decay speed of map resources, which is very practical. When using with "Achieve It" and "81 Titles", turn off the corresponding options in the mod.
ExtendedInfoPanel2 -----> A very versatile menu bar that combines multiple functions. For example, with 6 speed levels, hidden UI function, dynamic temperature display, real time and playing time, view all InfoView panels and more.
ExtendedManagersLibrary -----> The almost completely rewritten Props system library, the performance is at least 2 times higher than the game default.
ExtraLandscapingTools -----> Terrain extension tools, such as water sources can be placed anywhere on the map, etc.
ExtraTrainStationTracks -----> Specifically designed to support mods with custom workshop tracks.
FavoriteCims -----> Check out the Citizen Details tool.
FindIt2 -----> A powerful tool for finding assets throughout your game.
FireSpread -----> Allows fire to spread to adjacent buildings.
FishWarehousing -----> Allow warehouses to store fish.
FlagParams -----> Some 'Flag' assets properties are read exclusively. If you do not subscribe to this mod, an error will be reported when using related assets.
ForestBrush -----> Tree blending brush tool with more detailed parameters.
FPSBooster -----> A really powerful mod that improves game performance!
FPSBooster_PatchLoader -----> FPSBooster's necessary mod.
GameDayTimer -----> Count the length of 'a day' in the game, also with frame rate monitoring.
GrantMeMoney -----> Enter any numbers to add or subtract your money amount.
GravitativeCableCar -----> Fixed buggy gravity issue on cable cars.
Harmony2 -----> Absolutely necessary mod core support library, not subscribing to this support library accounts for a large proportion of almost 99% of the mod problems encountered by players.
HideIt -----> A comprehensive tool to hide almost all types of games throughout the game.
ImportsAndExportsCEO -----> A mods that full control Imports and Exports from all facilities that can be imported or exported.
ImprovedLaneConnections -----> Enhanced mods specifically for road lane selection and use. Compatible with TMPE.
ImprovedWindSimulation -----> Mods that improve the entire 'Wind' system in the game.
InstantReturnToDesktop -----> Does the super slow speed drive you crazy when you exit the game? This mod is the king that solves this problem completely.
IntercityBusControl -----> Mods dedicated to improving "Intercity Bus".
IntersectionMarkingTool -----> Very powerful road marking tool.
Klyte45_AddressesNames -----> You can create your own '.txt' file for citizen names, road names, district names, and city border names to read in-game via mods. And this mod brings the 'address' system to the whole game.
Klyte45_FineRoadAnarchy -----> The “Fine Road Tool” 's companion mod.
Klyte45_FineRoadTool -----> When building a road, different contact properties can be adjusted when the road is in contact with the ground.
Klyte45_TransportLinesManager -----> A more functional and detailed mass transportation management module. And some players like to use IPT2. Only one of these two mods can be used. I personally prefer to use TLM.
Klyte45_UpgradeUntouchable -----> Are you distressed that the road that comes with default the building cannot be deleted? This mod is the best solution.
Klyte45_WriteTheSigns -----> Add a dynamic label and temperature display to your mass transit vehicle, or put a thermometer with a dynamic display on the road? Yes mod will bring this to you.
LeftHandNetworkFix -----> Fixed issues with building mods in "left handed mode" such as the wrong orientation of the fence.
LoadingScreenMod -----> Yes! Another essential mod that really boosts the performance of the game. Still draining your computer memory and Pagefiles for games? Subscribe to this mod now!
MetroOverhaul -----> A powerful mod that improves the game's native MRT system.
Minimap -----> To generate an instant thumbnail minimap viewing window for the map you are currently using, use the mouse to click anywhere in the minimap window to move to that location.
More City Statistics -----> A powerful city statistics mod.
MoreCitizenUnits -----> Expanded the limit of the game's default 'Citizen Units' number.
MoreDiverseCrowd -----> More citizens of different occupations can be randomly generated on the street to eliminate the sense of singleness.
MoreFlags -----> Replacing and placing various props with the property 'flag' in the game.
MoreNetworkStuff -----> Sea and air lanes in map edit mode can be used in-game mode.
MorePathUnits -----> Expanded the limit of the game's default 'Path Units' number.
MoreVehicles -----> Expanded the limit of the game's default 'Vehicles' number.
MovableBridgeMod -----> A dynamic opening and closing bridge function mod.
MoveIt -----> A super mod that selects, moves, copies, removes anything in the game.
More Shortcuts -----> You can add custom shortcuts for either game defaults or other mods. For example, add a shortcut key for "Reset Stuck Cims and Vehicles" of TMPE, so that you don't have to always go to 'Option' window all the time to click.
NetworkExtensions2 -----> A similar 'Official' road pack mod.
NaturalDisastersOverhaul -----> Enhanced, more realistic and smart disaster system.
NetworkMultitool -----> Yes, road detail adjustment artifact.
NetworkS.k.i.n.s -----> Enhanced version of road decoration, beautification replacement mod.
NetworkTiling -----> A mod that lets the game recognize and read custom road textures.
NodeControllerRenewal -----> A mod dedicated to controlling road nodes.
NoSoUniqueBuildings -----> A mod that let you placing as many Unique Buildings as you want. The game defaults to only one building of each type.
NursingHomesWithEldercare -----> The enhanced version of the nursing home mod can be set to a complete public welfare system or a profit system.
OneWayStreetArrows -----> Displays green 3D arrows on one-way roads. Very handy to see which sections of road are one-way streets.
OptimisedOutsideConnections -----> Control and regulate the frequency of trains, ships, and aircraft entering your map from the edge of map. The default frequency of the game is too frequent, so you will see classic pictures such as 'a ship stacking line'. It also causes your performance to drop dramatically, because really too many of them cause your computer's computational stress to multiply.
OtherRailTrackSpeedIncreaser3 -----> Control the speed limit of your train, MRT and monorail tracks. The slowest is 0 km/h and the fastest is 2000 km/h.
ParkingLotSnapping -----> A mod specially designed to solve the problem that this set of assets parking grids is attached to the road. (
Picker -----> Game item straws, use it to suck such as roads, props or trees, etc., and the mod will directly help you find their position in the menu.
PipeChanger -----> Automatic upgrade of standard water pipes to large water pipes with heating function. Of course, you have to make sure you have enough upgrade fees before upgrading.
PopulationDemographics -----> Detailed population viewing function window.
PowerStorage -----> A professional energy storage function mod.
PrecisionEngineering -----> Ruler measurement tool when you are building roads.
PrefabHook -----> Another core library like "Harmony 2". Many players got problem when using "More Flags" mod because they do not subscribe to this core library.
Last edited by M.S.Referee; 22 Dec, 2022 @ 10:54am
M.S.Referee 8 12 Mar, 2021 @ 12:35pm 
PostProcessFX -----> Enable Antialiasing, Ambient Occlusion, Bloom, in-game mode. (Better performance than "Render It" mod.)
PrisonHelicopter -----> Let your police department use helicopters to transport prisoners to any prison.
Public Transport Unstucker -----> Optimize various types of public transportation to stop and drive at stops without getting stuck.
PropAnarchy -----> This mod combines the features of "Prop Anarchy", "Prop Snapping", "Decal Prop Fix", "Prop Precision", "Prop Line Tool", "Additive Shader", "Prop Resizing", "Prop Painter" into one. Now this mod is part of the "Extended Managers Library" family. It needs to be used together with "Extended Managers Library" and "Tree Anarchy" at the same time.
PropRotatingParams -----> A mod that reads custom rotation prop properties.
PXPVehicleInfo -----> Alternative version of the "Simple Stats" mod. It is convenient to know how many kinds of things exist in your map. Such as the type and number of cars running on the road and so on.
QuayAnarchy -----> Remove the limit when build quay, you can build quay anywhere on the map after use this mod.
RealTime -----> The craziest mod for realists. Being able to play this game for a 'real' duration is really very different. You'll find that the in-game 'One Day' allows you to gain and do a lot to usher in a day and night cycle.
Rainfall -----> A powerful 'rain' system that complements the game's missing drainage system.
RainFirefighting -----> Buildings that can be put out on fire when it rains.
RandomTrainTrailers -----> Randomly assign the type of train festival, or you can set it yourself.
RealisticWalkingSpeed -----> Fixed the walking speed of citizens. By default, every citizen glides on the road like superman.
Relight -----> The mod that adjusts the light and shadow of the game is one of the necessary mods to beautify the game.
RotorsFlipXZ -----> Fixed the wrong orientation when reading some 3D models.
RoundaboutBuilder -----> Road torus creation tool. Select a node of the road, then this module will automatically generate a circular road.
ReversibleTramAI -----> Let the tram go backwards.
ShadowDistanceFix -----> The shadow display enhancement mod, which removes the limitation of the field of view and also improves the performance at same time, it's perfect.
SharedStopEnabler -----> Multiple mass transit stops can share the same stop sign.
ShipPathAnarchy -----> Removed the limit that you can only build in water with sufficient depth when creating a ship path. Used in conjunction with the "More Network Stuff" mod.
Skyscape1 -----> A replacement of night sky mod.
ShadowStrengthAdjuster -----> Adjust shadow lighter or darker in-game.
SharpTextures -----> Adjust sharp rate of texture in-game.
ShowIt -----> View detailed information on each residence.
SingleTrainTrackAI -----> An improved version of the one-way rail AI mod.
SlowTrashProduction -----> Reduce the speed of waste generation for city. Greatly reduces the burden on garbage collection and disposal systems. The game's default garbage generation rate is too fast, so that leads to the same classic problem, when you have a big city, your garbage collection and disposal system simply can't keep pace. It is because the garbage multiplication rate brought about by the rapid rate of garbage generation in the whole city is too large. If you don't have this mod, and you want to solve the garbage problem hard, then you can only plan out maybe a quarter of the city area or more to build a very large number of garbage treatment facilities, and then bring a huge amount of 'garbage trucks traffic' , and there is no guarantee that it will actually be able to cope when your city still growing. And you may also encounter another problem, when the amount of garbage generated is very large, it will make your garbage collection system enter a kind of crash 'fake bug' state. This means that you will find that your garbage truck does not start at all, and the reason is not really a bug, but the search structure of the game makes the garbage truck unable to determine which building to start collecting, because every second generates There are so many garbage multipliers that the garbage truck doesn't even know where to start.
SmarterFirefightersImprovedAI -----> In fact this is a very important mod, even though it is 'small'. A firefighting system without this mod is a fool, you can easily see that the fire truck will only go to one target and then return, completely ignoring other fire points on the road. It really made me laugh to cry. But with this mod, you will see a 'real firefighting system'.
SmartIntersectionBuilder -----> Improved intersection building and snapping mods. With this mod you don't have to worry about building a new intersection on an existing highway over its existing roads. Because the mod automatically covers the construction directly on the existing highway.
Snooper -----> When you click to select a citizen, you can see more information about the citizen displayed in the window.
SpecializedIndustryFixRedux -----> Fixed an issue with forest fire danger zones, and also fixed an issue where Industry and Commerce in Specialized Administrative Zones frequently jumped between 'Operational' and 'Non-Operational'.
SpeedSliderV2 -----> This mod adjusts the speed to directly adjust the CPU's input processing amount to the game's operation. This means that, for example, in the 100% state, the CPU input for running the game is assumed to be 100, and increasing the value of the module is equivalent to multiplying the value by 100, which will allow the CPU to invest more in processing. The opposite is to reduce input processing. Sure, investing more processing means more CPU usage, more CPU power consumption and heat generation, and if the CPU can't load the settings, the game performance will be greatly decreased. On the other hand, if you lower the mod percentage setting, the game performance will be greatly improved, but you will find that your entire game has entered the 'slow motion' state, because the CPU processing input is reduced, sure, the processing process is also reduced at the same time, the result is Got it: slow motion.
Stats -----> An adjustable, full, multilingual replacement for the "City Vitals Watch" mod.
SubBuildingsTabs -----> View sub-building mod that some buildings have.
SunShafts -----> When you face a tree and look towards the sun, you can see the 'ray of light' effect.
SurfacePainter -----> Ground drawing tools, such as drawing a concrete surface onto a certain ground.
ThemeMixer2 -----> Very powerful map texture replacement tool, those very realistic and beautiful map styles are the features of this mod.
Tides -----> A true tidal system mod.
Tiles81 -----> By default, only 8 regions can be used, and some other mods can only open 25 regions. And each map is created with 81 areas, so this mod is the ultimate land area mod that opens all 81 areas. And sure this mod is also one of the most controversial. However, in my test, I didn't find any problem with it. Most of the problems are actually caused by other mods that don't support the 81 areas of the map themselves, not this mod made.
TinySegments -----> Fixed an issue where there was a gap in the spacing between Props and Props. For example, when building a fence, there will be gaps in front of the fence.
ToggleIt -----> Mod that can define whether to enable tile boundaries, whether to display the icons and names of administrative districts, whether to display map contour lines, etc.
TrafficManagerPresidentEdition -----> The revolutionary road system 'rebuild' mod. This mod makes the game's default road system seem non-existent.
TransportTool -----> A quickly check look all type of transport line stats mod.
TrafficReport -----> Click to select a vehicle to view its walking details. Such as target, routes, and destinations.
TrailerVariationLoader ----->A mod that randomly assigns cargo train section loads.
TrainDisplay -----> An intuitive station-to-station viewing mod for trains and MRT systems.
TramStationTrack -----> A mod specially designed to solve some custom tram assets track recognition problems.
TransferInfo -----> The "Cargo Info" alternative mod that many players ignore. This mod directly allows you to open a new window to view related information, instead of the original version where you can only click on a facility to view it. Once the facility window is closed, the module window will also be closed at the same time.
TransferInfo_PanelHook -----> "Transfer Info" mod need support library.
TransportVehicleReturnPatch -----> Fixed mass transit system returning to the terminal with passengers still in the vehicle. With this mod, vehicles will only return to the terminus if they are completely empty of passengers.
TreeAnarchy -----> This mod combines the features of "Unlimited Trees", "Unlimited Trees: Revisited", "Tree Snapping", "Lock Forestry", "Prop Painter", "Tree LOD Fix", "Random Tree Rotation", "Tree Movement Control", "Random Tree Rotation for Natural Disaster", "Plant Scaling" into one. Now this mod is part of the "Extended Managers Library" family. It needs to be used together with "Extended Managers Library" and "Prop Anarchy" at the same time.
TreeFireControl -----> Improved controls for tree fire probability, range, etc. Also comes with an additional 'one-click fire extinguishing' function for all trees.
TrolleybusTrailerAI -----> Mods that improved trolleybus' trailer AI.
Toggle EdgeScolling -----> A mod that enables or disables the "edge scrolling" feature.
UltimateEyecandy -----> A powerful visual beautification tool that can change the game's global lighting, sun position, 24-hour time span, day and night cycle speed, and more.
UltimateLevelofDetailUlod -----> A visual range detail adjustment mod that specializes in solving various types of things in the game.
UnifiedUI -----> An extension toolbar that brings together multiple mods here. After this mod is opened with an icon button, other mods are opened from it. It is a tool that simplifies the game interface.
VehicleEffects -----> Vehicle effect enhancement module. With the function of closing the echo effect of the game too large.
VehicleEffectsExtra -----> Supplementary mod for "Vehicle Effects" mod.
WatchIt -----> With a part of the basic service information viewing function, the existing problem prompt function in the city and the viewing of the maximum limit number of each type of the entire game and the number of existing players.
YetAnotherToolbar -----> A better performance, simple and practical menu bar extension mod.
YouAreFired -----> Let high education citizen can over non-education citizen when workspace of buildings already full.
ZoneColours -----> The default color of the Zone area can be changed. For example, the default zone color for residential areas is green, you can change it to any color you want with this mod.
ZoneInfo -----> See all category counts and totals for Zones in your entire city.
ZoningAndDistrictsCoViewer -----> Districts areas are also displayed when the Zone menu is opened.

---------Additional Choosable Mods Work with 'Final List'---------
BulldozeIt (More good than use "AutomaticBulldozeV3")
CSLMusicMod (Including all other 'Music' and 'Radio' additional mods)
CubemapReplacer (Including all other 'HDIR' additional mods)
ExpressBusServicesForIPT2Plugin (Need unsubscrible "TransportLinesManager" and subscrible IPT2)
FirstPersonCamera (Better don't with "EnhancedZoomContinued")
MMCMultimonitorCities(Need config .xml file)
ProceduralObjects(For me, no error jump, but I can't see any options of mod in-game)
TwitchTV Viewers

MoreBeautification (This mod can be abandoned, because "Find It 2" will got everything, and this mod sure samll break natural disasters menu.)


If you used mods not in those two list, you better don't use them. Because those two mod list almost including whole functional categories of the game. And other not in those two mod list, it's duplicate function or it is outdated and incompatible, and it's no longer useful.
Last edited by M.S.Referee; 24 Aug, 2022 @ 1:47pm
dnking21 3 May, 2021 @ 7:59pm 
M.S.Referee 8 4 May, 2021 @ 2:23am 
macluk 120 26 May, 2021 @ 5:14pm 
What about Speed Slider mod? :)
Will this collide with one of the functions here in your mod? :)
M.S.Referee 8 26 May, 2021 @ 5:28pm 
To macluk

When I test "Extended InfoPanel 2", you can't see the slider of "Speed Slider [v2]". So have to give up it. And the speed x1 in "Extended InfoPanel 2" improved performance then before, so maybe don't need "Speed Slider [v2]" anymore.

Edited: OK, after test again with "Harmony 2.0.4-4", "Speed Slider [v2]" work again.
Last edited by M.S.Referee; 27 May, 2021 @ 7:57am
macluk 120 26 May, 2021 @ 5:58pm 
I just checked it. I Still have that slider... Probably because I had moved before as it was blocking previous panel . And don't know how it works with just your mod but both, your mod and the speed slider combined change to the speed is amazing! 😉
M.S.Referee 8 27 May, 2021 @ 2:40am 
OK, great to hear, and I will test again. Thank you to feedback.
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Date Posted: 12 Mar, 2021 @ 12:34pm
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