7 Days to Die

7 Days to Die

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So I'm playing...a different game...one that....isolates you. It is very...alien...to the style of 7DtD. Hehe.

Anyways there is flamethrower in the game. Using it is very fun!

How fun would it be if this game had a flamethrower. I mean I guess it'd be useless on horde night, but plenty of weapons are useless on horde night.

This isn't really a big deal. I think it'd just be fun.
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Näytetään 1-15 / 17 kommentista
If it's anything like Molotov's, I'd would just Set my Face of Fire Faster...

That is really NOT as Fun as it Sounds. Pretty soon, you burn sumthin' 'portant.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Ensign Toby; 18.11.2024 klo 20.06
Only benefit I have ever seen of setting baddies on fire has been to make sure they are dead without having to check if my exp went up.
I’m surprised the above two comments are saying it’s not as fun as it sounds (each to there own though).

If anything, this games needs MORE iconic/fun weapons. A badass chainsaw that shreds through zombies (one currently in game is lacklustre), a katana to decapitate every zombie you meet, a flame thrower to turn the hordes into rotten roast meat and so on so forth.

I’m not saying the ones we currently have are bad or anything, just a bit boring and forgettable. Though the intellect weapons do a good job of being fun to use.
ChumSickle lähetti viestin:
Only benefit I have ever seen of setting baddies on fire has been to make sure they are dead without having to check if my exp went up.

Molotovs are a great way to kill them behind doors or walls. The fire spreads trough them, just throw it on the door and watch them burn while they can´t get you.
william_es (Porttikiellossa) 19.11.2024 klo 3.29 
Setting zombies on fire is generally, not a good idea. They don't feel pain. So 10 seconds after you set them on fire, you'd have a zombie ON FIRE trying to grab and eat you.
onanonehand8 (Porttikiellossa) 19.11.2024 klo 4.36 
How about light sabers?
NUCLEAR Hard Grenades... Fight Me! - if you DARE (I've got Nukes).
There are already mods (e.g. Darkness Falls) that allow you to use flamethrowers, give one of them a shot. Just keep in mind that Fire doesn't kill nearly as fast as bullets, so it'll be similar in effect to surrounding your walls with campfires and having them all turned on (pretty terrible for horde night, since each campfire only has 100HP, so they die fast to grenades, cops, or stray bullets. It's a good idea to have the camp fires die out before morning... or there will be Screamers).
NHL12 (Porttikiellossa) 19.11.2024 klo 7.00 
this game would benefit from a lot of cool things were added

but you know, they don't care so... gg
As a side note, in blocks.xml there is a hidden flamethower block:
<block name="flamethrowerTrap">
<property name="Extends" value="dartTrap"/>
<property name="CreativeMode" value="None"/>
<!-- <property name="StartSound" value="darttrap_start"/> -->
<property name="BurstFireRate" value="0.3"/>
<property name="AmmoItem" value="ammoGasCan"/>
<!-- <property name="UnlockedBy" value="craftingTraps"/> -->
<property name="DisplayType" value="blockElectricalHardenedMulti"/>
<property name="Model" value="Entities/Electrical/flameThrowerTrapPrefab"/>
<property name="ModelOffset" value="0,.5,.5"/>
<property name="MultiBlockDim" value="1,2,2"/>
<property name="WaterFlow" value="permitted"/>
<property name="OnlySimpleRotations" value="true"/>
<property name="TraderStageTemplate" value="electricTier3"/><!-- flamethrowerTrap -->
<property name="SortOrder2" value="0020"/>
<!-- <property name="Tags" value="trapsSkill"/> -->
onanonehand8 (Porttikiellossa) 19.11.2024 klo 9.43 
JoeSloeMoe lähetti viestin:
As a side note, in blocks.xml there is a hidden flamethower block:
<block name="flamethrowerTrap">
<property name="Extends" value="dartTrap"/>
<property name="CreativeMode" value="None"/>
<!-- <property name="StartSound" value="darttrap_start"/> -->
<property name="BurstFireRate" value="0.3"/>
<property name="AmmoItem" value="ammoGasCan"/>
<!-- <property name="UnlockedBy" value="craftingTraps"/> -->
<property name="DisplayType" value="blockElectricalHardenedMulti"/>
<property name="Model" value="Entities/Electrical/flameThrowerTrapPrefab"/>
<property name="ModelOffset" value="0,.5,.5"/>
<property name="MultiBlockDim" value="1,2,2"/>
<property name="WaterFlow" value="permitted"/>
<property name="OnlySimpleRotations" value="true"/>
<property name="TraderStageTemplate" value="electricTier3"/><!-- flamethrowerTrap -->
<property name="SortOrder2" value="0020"/>
<!-- <property name="Tags" value="trapsSkill"/> -->
Thanks for that, not skilled enough to implement that into a base design, Wish that I were.
onanonehand8 lähetti viestin:
Thanks for that, not skilled enough to implement that into a base design, Wish that I were.
You can create a mini mod to do that or change the actual xml (not advised at it updates a lot and your changes wont be permanent).

If you dont know how to create your own mod, there is a brief description in this thread:

Create a file called recipes,xml put the following into it:

///begin code///
<append xpath="/recipes">
<recipe name="flamethrowerTrap" count="1" craft_area="workbench">
<ingredient name="resourceForgedIron" count="20"/>
<ingredient name="resourceMechanicalParts" count="6"/>
<ingredient name="resourceElectricParts" count="4"/>
<ingredient name="resourceOil" count="5"/>
///end code///

The above code makes a recipe for the flamethrower block - it is generally the same as the Dart Trap recipe except the name is changed to the flamethrower block.

If you create a mod shell then add the above code, put the above recipes.xml file in your [mod]/config directory.

When you run the game, look in you crafting menu (or the workstation crafting list) and the "Flamethrower Trap" recipe will be available for build in the workstation. (it costs the same as a dart trap but you can modify the recipe any way you want.

EDIT: Disclaimer! I have no idea if the Flamethrower Trap works, but this one way to add it to the game based on the game's existing code.

EDIT2: removed passive perk effect as the flamethrower is not linked to a perk in the recipe
Viimeisin muokkaaja on JoeSloeMoe; 19.11.2024 klo 17.53
onanonehand8 (Porttikiellossa) 19.11.2024 klo 20.55 
JoeSloeMoe lähetti viestin:
onanonehand8 lähetti viestin:
Thanks for that, not skilled enough to implement that into a base design, Wish that I were.
You can create a mini mod to do that or change the actual xml (not advised at it updates a lot and your changes wont be permanent).

If you dont know how to create your own mod, there is a brief description in this thread:

Create a file called recipes,xml put the following into it:

///begin code///
<append xpath="/recipes">
<recipe name="flamethrowerTrap" count="1" craft_area="workbench">
<ingredient name="resourceForgedIron" count="20"/>
<ingredient name="resourceMechanicalParts" count="6"/>
<ingredient name="resourceElectricParts" count="4"/>
<ingredient name="resourceOil" count="5"/>
///end code///

The above code makes a recipe for the flamethrower block - it is generally the same as the Dart Trap recipe except the name is changed to the flamethrower block.

If you create a mod shell then add the above code, put the above recipes.xml file in your [mod]/config directory.

When you run the game, look in you crafting menu (or the workstation crafting list) and the "Flamethrower Trap" recipe will be available for build in the workstation. (it costs the same as a dart trap but you can modify the recipe any way you want.

EDIT: Disclaimer! I have no idea if the Flamethrower Trap works, but this one way to add it to the game based on the game's existing code.

EDIT2: removed passive perk effect as the flamethrower is not linked to a perk in the recipe
Thanks again, I do appreciate it.
If you don't care about your base completely burning down, then a flamethrower sounds like fun.

If you want to use it to clear houses, you should expect to having to search for loot in the ashes of the ruins you created.
🎇TYPHOON🎇 lähetti viestin:
If you don't care about your base completely burning down, then a flamethrower sounds like fun.

If you want to use it to clear houses, you should expect to having to search for loot in the ashes of the ruins you created.

There is no fire spreading in the vanilla game. You literally can´t burn blocks. Sure you can break them if it has blockdamage but there is no fire spreading.
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Näytetään 1-15 / 17 kommentista
Sivua kohden: 1530 50

Lähetetty: 18.11.2024 klo 18.09
Viestejä: 17