Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara Croft

Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara Croft

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Virutah 21 Nov, 2024 @ 11:36am
TR3: I can't skip level, commands don't work
In TR3 I can't use any command after last update. when I want to skip level, Lara explodes and when I want infinite items commands or Lara to explode don't work neither!!! I hace my controls perfectly, classic controls, and when I make every step of the cheats, Lara does them correctly, I can see.

If I can't make the cheats... I don't want to play these games, I already have played and I bought the remake for the memory, I want the cheats... I don't know what's going on, so annoying.
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
Nightmare 21 Nov, 2024 @ 1:02pm 
Then just download a savegame.
But I don't really understand the sense behind "buying and not want to play".
I also have games which I've not played yet because of time problems, but of course I WANT to play them 😉
Lanzagranadas 21 Nov, 2024 @ 3:10pm 
I just tested and it works, are you sure you're using the correct core?
Virutah 21 Nov, 2024 @ 5:20pm 
Originally posted by Lanzagranadas:
I just tested and it works, are you sure you're using the correct core?

Hi, I guess you are spanish (yo también jajaja pero por si acaso te respondo con mi pésimo inglés)
Thank you a lot for the video. I guess that the problem is my "crouch" button, because when I press it, Lara doesn't go down and stay, she go down AND go up automatically. I don't know why... so I guess that the game read this command like 1 crouch (down) and not 2 (down + up). I'm going to try configuring my controls... :(
Thank you so much.
Virutah 21 Nov, 2024 @ 5:33pm 
Originally posted by Lanzagranadas:
I just tested and it works, are you sure you're using the correct core?

I have a question... when you press croach, did you press the button 1 time? or 2? (for get up too).

Also 3 months ago when I started the game I made the infinty items cheat and worked, now I try and not. I don't understand what's going on :(( I haven't changed anything...
Lanzagranadas 22 Nov, 2024 @ 5:32am 
^ La acción de agacharse funciona manteniendo la tecla/botón presionado, no hay que volver a presionar para levantarse. Con apretar y al instante que Lara se agachó soltar tiene que funcionar.

¿Por casualidad no estarás intentando usar los cheats en NG+? Porque están bloqueados en ese modo, sólo funcionan en partida normal.
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