Killing Floor 2

Killing Floor 2

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Bruxo 23 Apr, 2015 @ 10:14pm
KF 2 did everything fine!

Except for hosting games. Not enought server's to play with your friends.

I'm here to explain how to create a DEDICATED SERVER FOR KF 2.

Seriously, this is EASY PEASY LEMON SQUEZY. Just follow steps one by one and have fun.


On the END of the post you'll find common issues with servers and how to fix them.




I usually have to open ports on my modem, for hosting something.

I didn't for that, i just did those steps right there and everything is Working.


IF doesn't works AND you need to open your ports, here what you need:

7777 UDP
27015 UDP
8080 TCP
20560 UDP

Open all ports for UPD AND TCP, and you should be fine.

I have 30 mb of download and 3 mb of UPLOAD. Everyone get's 60-70 of ping. If is "international" player, gets 120-140 ping.



For beta servers, check beta instructions on step 5.


Download steamCMD.exe

( you need it for download the "dedicated server" files for kf 2, you'll use it only to download the server files once, that's no reason to run this or keep it running after that. You will need this to UPDATE the server, if kf 2 recieve any updates. Keep that in mind.)

Step 2:

Execute steam cmd.

This step will trigger automatic update, and will download the cmd files to current folder.

( do not open on desktop, if you want to keep on desktop just create a folder and put it inside. You dont want 40 files on your desktop.)

After update is done, exit the program and go to next step.

Step 3:

Open it again, and type:

Login anonymous

Wait for steam connection. Once connected, go for next step.

Step 4: ( OPTIONAL)

*If you dont want to choose the folder and let it inside steam.cmd folder, just skip this step.*

Type this command line: "force_install_dir " plus directory you want to kf 2 server will be downloaded.

For exemple: force_install_dir c:\KF2Server\

The program will "lock on" the directory.


Step 5:

Type this command line: "app_update 232130" to DOWLOAD the KF 2 Server files.

Once download is finished, close the CMD. You won't need him again until they update the game.


To update your kf 2 server to currently patch, just type:

force_install_dir *your kf 2 server directory* ( if you don't choose the path, just skip directly for the command_line for update)


app_update 232130 validate

The cmd will verify the files and download the update when finished.

To update your server to BETA patch, you just need to add the beta "code" on the end.

For example, i want to host my server for playing the new beta patch ( Firebug and Demo)

I'll type this command line:

app_update 232130 -beta preview

With this command, you can update to recent beta. Enjoy.


Step 6:

Now, you downloaded all the files you need. You'll just config the server. Nothing more.

Execute your server first time, for default configurations appears.

just go for your kf2server folder and execute : KF2Server.bat

( I really recommend to create an shortcut for desktop, for easy acess.)

Wait until he loads the map, will take some time on the first time. When the server is done and executing, this thing will appears on KF2Server.bat window:

KF2 Version XXXXX
Initializing game engine completed.



This last one: "STEAM GAME SERVER UID" Indicates that your server is working and communicating with steam servers just fine.

If this don't appears try to execute again.

If is not working yet, get back to CMD and try to verify the kf2 server files with the command line: "app_update 232130 validate"

This will repair any missing files or missing patchs.

Now, try to join on "LAN" servers on your browser and wait a little for some one connects if you want to test. or invite a friend to play.
( it's really fast to some one join, if takes more then 5 minutes something is wrong. )

Congrats, your server is running. I'll teach you to config the server right now.

If you did everything right, should work. CHECK your firewall and anti-virus programs, make sure nothing is blocking the server to works.

After you joing the game and test, close it and close KF2server.bat window for config the server on next step.

Step 7:


Here you can control everything. Kick, ban, password, maps and difficulty of your server.

You just need your IPV4.

Go to WINDOWS cmd and type ipconfig

Copy your IPV4 and go to your browser.

Now, just add :8080 on the end of it and try to acess.

Should look like this :

LOGIN admin

Have fun.

NOTE: This can ONLY be used if the server is running.


You will ONLY need this if you CANT acess the webadmin.

Webadmin is much better.

Go to KF 2 Server folder, and go to>KFGame>Config

And open this file on TXT


You'll reach the games config, i'll put here the lines and what it does.

GameDifficulty= change the difficulty of the game. 0 for normal, 1 for hard, 2 for suicidal and 3 for HoE.

GamePassword= Set the password to join the server

GameLength= Set the number of waves, 0 for 4 waves, 1 for 7 waves, 2 for 10 waves.

------------------------------------------------------------COMMON ISSUES------------------------------------------------

-STEAM UID line is not appearing on server note.

> First of all, this represent your server ID on STEAM servers. So, this will appear everytime when the server is working and sending info to steam. Try Close the game before running the server, Open your ports or make an exception for KF servers on firewall or anti-virus.


>To config DMZ, you'll need to find out your IP adress.( the local one)

Go to CMD, type : ipconfig

Copy the IPV4 Adress into DMZ.

Save and restart the modem.

- Can't acess WEBADMIN

>Go to your server files, one special line is about enable WEBADMIN.

Try to check it.

-I Can see the server but friends can't join and neither appears on serverbrowser.

> Probably Bad DMZ configuration or port fowarding.

- KF 2 server won't download on steamCMD

> Try to put it on another disk or folder. Execute on ADMIN mode.



that's all you need to config the basis of server. I wont put here Advanced config's cuz you dont need it.

Every time you want to host, open the kf2server.bat and have fun. Remember to update the server everytime the game recieve a patch, and saying the obvius, do not close the KF2server.bat when you are hosting! THANKS CPT OBVIUS.

You're done here!!

Wtf, are you still here? GO PLAY KF2 WITH FRIENDSS!!! 10/10 GOTY
Last edited by Bruxo; 8 Sep, 2015 @ 5:45pm
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Showing 1-15 of 652 comments
Bruxo 23 Apr, 2015 @ 10:16pm 
IF some one need's help, just ask here and i'll reply

Thumbs up for everyone who need it!!
Last edited by Bruxo; 23 Apr, 2015 @ 10:17pm
Duskeez 24 Apr, 2015 @ 4:22am 
Originally posted by NickRawrrr:

Is the server local when its creating the server on your local adress?

[0008.18] ScriptLog: Web Server Created Port: 8080 MaxCon 18 ExpirationSecs 86400 Enabled True

It worked 2 days ago but then they updated the server and now friends cannot join and they dont get any error message but my console says a steam ID and all ports are open

this is the complete cmd process:

[0000.50] Log: Executing Class Engine.ServerCommandlet
[0001.08] Log: Initializing Game Engine...
[0001.08] Log: Checking to see if current resolution is supported ....FAIL
[0001.46] Warning: Invalid movie stream data for TextureMovie UI_Managers.MenuBG
[0001.48] Log: Loaded 1 ETQ templates
[0001.48] Log: Loaded 0 behavior tree templates
[0001.49] Log: Steam Client API is unavailable (not required for servers)
[0001.49] Log: LoadMap: KF-Outpost?Name=Player?Team=255?adminpassword=rawrrrultra
[0001.64] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'AUD_RO2_Impacts': Can't find file for package 'AUD_RO2_Impacts' while loading ..\..\KFGame\BrewedPC\Packages\Gamepla
[0001.64] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'AUD_RO2_Impacts': Can't find file for package 'AUD_RO2_Impacts' while loading ..\..\KFGame\BrewedPC\Packages\Gamepla
[0001.64] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'AUD_RO2_Impacts': Can't find file for package 'AUD_RO2_Impacts' while loading ..\..\KFGame\BrewedPC\Packages\Gamepla
[0001.65] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'LD_Toolbox.Prefabs.Windows:PrefabSequence_5'! Referenced by 'LD_Toolbox.Prefabs.Windows:PrefabSequence_1.SeqAct_Play
Sound_0' ('Engine.SeqAct_PlaySound:PlaySound').
[0001.65] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'AUD_RO2_Impacts': Can't find file for package 'AUD_RO2_Impacts' while loading NULL
[0007.87] Log: Game class is 'KFGameInfo_Survival'
[0007.96] Log: NetMode is now 1
[0008.05] Log: Bringing World KF-Outpost.TheWorld up for play (30) at 2015.04.24-12.27.37
[0008.05] Log: Initializing Steam game server
[0008.06] DevLobby: LobbyJoinGame ServerIP=
[0008.17] ScriptLog: Recording game events with KFGameplayEventsWriter
[0008.18] ScriptLog: Web Server Created Port: 8080 MaxCon 18 ExpirationSecs 86400 Enabled True
[0008.33] WebAdmin: Starting Killing Floor 2 WebAdmin...
[0008.33] WebAdmin: Creating IWebAdminAuth instance from: BasicWebAdminAuth
[0008.33] WebAdmin: BasicWebAdminAuth does not support hash algorithm sha1
[0008.33] WebAdmin: Creating ISessionHandler instance from: SessionHandler
[0008.36] WebAdmin: Updating news...
[0008.36] WebAdmin: No OnlineNewsInterface; news desk is unavailable
[0008.39] Log: Bringing up level for play took: 0.429498
[0008.39] Log: ########### Finished loading level: 6.900932 seconds
[0008.39] Log: KF2 VERSION 1005
[0008.40] Log: Initializing Game Engine Completed
[0009.06] Log: Steam game server UID: 90095279507215363

You have to update your server, by going back to steamCMD, logging in as anonymous, and typing app_update 232130.
1006 is latest, had to update today my self.
Bruxo 24 Apr, 2015 @ 2:06pm 
Originally posted by NickRawrrr:
Whats wrong with steam? did they remove the tool for dedicated server?!

you need to specify the server folder location.

For exemple, my server is on : c:\KF2Server\

So, you login on CMD with anonymous account, an type:

force_install_dir c:\KF2Server\

After that, you can update your server with the command line:

app_update 232130 validate

Do this and will work fine.
Shure Iam 29 Apr, 2015 @ 6:53am 
i tryed this, i downloaded the server i launched it and then i coudnt see it on the lan list
Bruxo 29 Apr, 2015 @ 4:40pm 
Originally posted by KiritoVeres:
i tryed this, i downloaded the server i launched it and then i coudnt see it on the lan list

Check your ports. Maybe you'll need to "foward" them.
Hildiglúmur 29 Apr, 2015 @ 4:50pm 
can someone tell me how to enable friendly fire?
edit: nvm found it
Last edited by Hildiglúmur; 29 Apr, 2015 @ 5:01pm
Lusipius 29 Apr, 2015 @ 7:31pm 
Please help, I updated my server after KF2 was alerting me that it was out of date. after successfully updating the app (it told me it was successful), i try and connect to my server and it says "Downloading package 'FX_Gameplay_EMIT' failed: Error opening file." I restarted my server, reinstalled it, and reinstalled kf2 all to no avail. I own my server through, much obliged!
Last edited by Lusipius; 29 Apr, 2015 @ 7:32pm
ZombiedGoat 29 Apr, 2015 @ 7:38pm 
Hello, just updated to 1007. previously when people joined via command it would then ask them for the password in the gui. Now, however, it simply states that they can't join because they don't have the password. I am wondering what is the correct syntax for putting the password in the command line. Thank you.
ZombiedGoat 29 Apr, 2015 @ 7:41pm 
Nevermind, trial and error have saved me again. directly after the ip put "?Password=yourpasswordhere"
LSA King 29 Apr, 2015 @ 7:44pm 
Question: Never ran a dedicated server before, but thinking of doing so. Can you run more than one dedicated server per machine? Does it go based off the folder you initially create for SteamCMD or would you need to run multiple OSes (i.e. Virtual Machines)?
Bruxo 29 Apr, 2015 @ 8:39pm 
Originally posted by Kartafla:
can someone tell me how to enable friendly fire?
edit: nvm found it

There is a command line on the .txt file named "friendlyfirerate". I never tested thoug.
Bruxo 29 Apr, 2015 @ 8:42pm 
Originally posted by LSA King:
Question: Never ran a dedicated server before, but thinking of doing so. Can you run more than one dedicated server per machine? Does it go based off the folder you initially create for SteamCMD or would you need to run multiple OSes (i.e. Virtual Machines)?

Good question, i never hosted more than 1 game. You should download the server on two folders and will run just fine i guess.
Bruxo 29 Apr, 2015 @ 8:44pm 
Originally posted by WubbaLubbaDubDub:
Please help, I updated my server after KF2 was alerting me that it was out of date. after successfully updating the app (it told me it was successful), i try and connect to my server and it says "Downloading package 'FX_Gameplay_EMIT' failed: Error opening file." I restarted my server, reinstalled it, and reinstalled kf2 all to no avail. I own my server through, much obliged!

What commands line you use?
Lusipius 29 Apr, 2015 @ 9:12pm 
login anonymous
app_update 232130
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Date Posted: 23 Apr, 2015 @ 10:14pm
Posts: 652