Neospace: Prologue
Demo Test
- The game starts with swearing, and the cutscene could not be skipped. There is a female voice asking us to wake up, but this isn't possible and on gaining control nobody's there.

- The default key "H" is not in range of the WASD scheme so it was remapped to TAB, but later it was found that TAB is already in use so it was remapped to R, even though TAB wasn't listed as in use.

- It is dark, an unattractive grey dark, not atmospheric dark. it's like they forgot the lighting.

- Some yellow items can be picked up, while others surprisingly cannot.

- After finding an unclear log entry, tried to enter a door but couldn't open it. Then tried other door and found some squares where the player is supposed to jump from one platform to the next. However, the controls are so floaty it's not fun or immersive. But then trying to quit the game using ESC it gave an error message stating it's not possible during hacking, so it had to be force-closed.

Hope this helps.
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กำลังแสดง 1-9 จาก 9 ความเห็น
ShizzyDE  [ผู้พัฒนา] 20 ก.ค. @ 12: 56pm 
Hey, first of all thank you for your feedback the trailer will only play the first time after that never again, the fact that the female voice is not there is intentional, there is more about this in Chapter 1.
The H is an interaction system which only serves to show you the objects if you get stuck. Therefore it is on H for Help.
There is a tablet in the game where you can read through the found disks so that you can then open the doors. The hacker game is already listed on our road map and will be completely removed and something cooler will go there.
We've heard that the game is too dark twice now, we ourselves and most of the people who have given us feedback have taken it as appropriate, but we've decided to expand the settings again so that you can adjust the brightness yourself. Thank you for your feedback, we put a lot of work into our games and are trying very hard to fix it.

I thank myself
Robin Hoffmann
Right then. Of course, M for map and J for journal date back to ancient times. It's fairly ergonomic for an octopus. In contrast, human players would have to move their hand from either WASD or mouse to reach it, same with H. Since it's for when we get stuck, it seems like having the handbrake in the boot.

I didn't mind not being able to open the doors, but being drawn into a minigame without the ability to decline or exit felt odd. I'm unsure whether there is a lack of accountability and dismissal of valid criticism, or whether this falls under "trying very hard to fix it" and goes without saying.

The reply seems to use fallacious reasoning to deflect valid criticisms of the game, such as relying on the "appeal to accomplishment" to downplay flaws by emphasizing the effort put into the game, and the "appeal to popularity" to dismiss concerns about the darkness issue implies that since it wasn't a widespread problem, it shouldn't be considered a valid concern. While brightness adjustment may help telling things apart and not getting stuck, it does not address the lack of immersive lighting and ambiance.

Furthermore, the developer's response to the missing body for the female voice in the cutscene appears to be a red herring, as they suggest an explanation will be provided in Chapter 1 instead of addressing the player's immediate feedback and concerns about the onboarding narrative.

One way to address lighting and atmosphere could be to improve the overall art design and environment. This could involve adding elements such as lighting effects, weather effects, sound design, HUD effects, and audiovisual cues and background music to enhance the atmosphere. Also, adding dynamic lighting or environmental effects could help to create a more immersive gameplay experience. Another option could be to incorporate a day-night cycle, god rays, or different lighting settings that change throughout the game to create a more dynamic and engaging atmosphere.
ShizzyDE  [ผู้พัฒนา] 21 ก.ค. @ 4: 26am 
Hey, so H is really supposed to be for emergencies and is not intended to be used permanently, so it is not directly accessible on the keyboard. And if it bothers someone, you can change it yourself if necessary

The female voice is one of the most important things in the entire story and is never shown, but I don't want to say anything more about it. The history of Neospace comprises almost 36 hours of story that we have been thinking about and writing down for 4 years. So this is all very well thought out.
Chapter one has been in development for 2 months and it's a lot about the female voice in your head.

We will definitely do the Jumpandrun from scratch, it's on our roadmap. Everyone in our team can give ideas about it and the majority would definitely add a Jumpandrun now that many people don't like it and we will respond to feedback of course do this again.

We have released 6 hotfixes and 1 major update so far and almost everything we have patched is feedback and criticism from the community - it is really important to us. So far we have been highly praised by everyone for the sound/music of the visual effects and the general atmosphere in Neospace. We are making visual improvements in the 1.5.0 update. There, voices still get effects and new effects are generally added to improve the gaming experience.

We have now had the brightness criticized twice. We assume that it must be a problem with the monitor or something else because it has never been criticized in letsplays, streams, play testers and feedback. But of course we want everyone to be able to enjoy the game, which is why we added an option where you can adjust the brightness yourself.
Please add a skip key to the intro in your next update.
Much appreciated
ShizzyDE  [ผู้พัฒนา] 3 ส.ค. @ 6: 16am 
Hey, do you mean the game trailer at the beginning or the in-game cutscenes in general?
The game trailer at the beginning.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย ShizzyDE:
Hey, so H is really supposed to be for emergencies and is not intended to be used permanently, so it is not directly accessible on the keyboard. And if it bothers someone, you can change it yourself if necessary

The female voice is one of the most important things in the entire story and is never shown, but I don't want to say anything more about it. The history of Neospace comprises almost 36 hours of story that we have been thinking about and writing down for 4 years. So this is all very well thought out.
Chapter one has been in development for 2 months and it's a lot about the female voice in your head.

We will definitely do the Jumpandrun from scratch, it's on our roadmap. Everyone in our team can give ideas about it and the majority would definitely add a Jumpandrun now that many people don't like it and we will respond to feedback of course do this again.

We have released 6 hotfixes and 1 major update so far and almost everything we have patched is feedback and criticism from the community - it is really important to us. So far we have been highly praised by everyone for the sound/music of the visual effects and the general atmosphere in Neospace. We are making visual improvements in the 1.5.0 update. There, voices still get effects and new effects are generally added to improve the gaming experience.

We have now had the brightness criticized twice. We assume that it must be a problem with the monitor or something else because it has never been criticized in letsplays, streams, play testers and feedback. But of course we want everyone to be able to enjoy the game, which is why we added an option where you can adjust the brightness yourself.

Dear ShizzyDE,

Thank you for engaging with the community's feedback regarding Neospace. I appreciate the effort the team has put into the game and the acknowledgment of player concerns. However, I’d like to clarify a few points and misunderstandings.

  • Key Mapping and Accessibility: While I understand that 'H' is intended for emergencies and not for permanent use, the placement of such a key outside quick access is problematic for standard WASD and mouse controls. Ergonomics are important for all players, not just for octopus-like creatures. While the option to remap is appreciated, having the key for emergency functions in reach would help user experience. It's crucial to understand that game fluidity hinges on reaction speed, which again depends on keys positioned close to one another and the least distracting way for game and menu navigation, such as using RMB to back/cancel. When utilizing an intuitive control scheme out of the box, users don't have to customize their settings, leading to better onboarding and a seamless experience.
  • Minigame Mechanics: The concern about being drawn into a minigame without an option to decline is valid. This can lead to frustration, especially if players feel stuck. Adding an option to exit or decline would provide a smoother flow and respect the player’s agency. This point is relevant for general accessibility and the philosophy of design, and while this is just one case, it could be indicative of several others.
  • Addressing Lighting Concerns: I understand that the brightness has only been mentioned a couple of times. However, we recognize that players can have differing experiences based on their individual setups and preferences. It’s great that you’ve included brightness adjustments. The team could also consider further improving the lighting design for better immersion and atmospheric depth.
  • Story and Character Development: Regarding the female voice, while it’s clear you have significant narrative plans, the feedback from players still holds value. Providing an on-the-spot understanding will not only improve player trust but also enhance their immediate engagement with the story. To be clear, the current introduction isn't particularly strong, and the wording seems eerily familiar. Your argument does not effectively address my point regarding the lack of clarity in the narrative as opposed to the intention. We do not progress far enough for your point to resonate, as the animation simply fails to convey what you intend to communicate.
  • Continuous Improvement: I commend you for the hotfixes and updates based on feedback. Considering player feedback, it's great when the team regularly checks in with a wider range of players and testers, as experiences can vastly differ. Some criticisms might not have been vocalized widely but could still be significant.
  • Improving Atmosphere and Art Design: To enhance overall gameplay, it is a good idea to delve into aspects of art design that contribute to ambiance. Exploring dynamic lighting, environmental sound design, and other atmospheric effects could greatly elevate the player's experience. However, an intuitive control scheme and QOL seem required to maintain immersion in the first place.

In conclusion, I appreciate what you’re doing and completely understand that game development is a process filled with challenges. Open dialogue and consideration of various perspectives leads to a more polished and enjoyable gaming experience. Thank you again for your dedication, and I look forward to seeing where Neospace goes from here!

Hope this helps.
ShizzyDE  [ผู้พัฒนา] 3 ส.ค. @ 7: 31am 
Okay yes because we have actually deliberately left it in as it is only played the very first time at the start of the game then never again, we want to make in the future for the main game always for each chapter a small thing in it that fits the next chapter, there will be a total of 5-6 chapters that you can then select in the hub. This would actually be very purely programmed by us to change that we have to invest several weeks to rebuild several systems there is our question it really bothers so much because it really only comes at the first game start
ShizzyDE  [ผู้พัฒนา] 3 ส.ค. @ 7: 44am 
Hey first of all, thank you very much for your detailed feedback.
We have already improved a few things in the "demo" but we have been working on neospace for 3 years and we are now much better in terms of programming, we have built in many bugs that we can only fix in chapter one (which will be out this year) as the first major update is at the top of our list a revision of the settings which gives a self-adjustable layout, offers controller support, and adds many other important settings that have been requested. Chapter one will directly clear up the open question with the voice that this could have been better implemented in the "demo" I agree with you completely we wanted to make sure that you ask yourself who was the voice who is that? We will also pay more attention to the atmosphere, we are really keen to respond to feedback and try to improve everything to the best of our ability for the players. For the minigame which we have already renewed with the last update, we would also like to hear your opinion on whether you like it.
We have built in a tutorial there that if you lose, it will be easier afterwards. In chapter one we will be able to build in that you can also leave.

We thank you for your feedback
Robin Hoffmann
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ต่อหน้า: 1530 50

วันที่โพสต์: 20 ก.ค. @ 11: 32am
โพสต์: 9
