Steam for Linux

Steam for Linux

usb handbrake no longer being detected in Proton
My usb handbrake is no longer being detected within Proton.

This device was working fine in various games last time I used it about 2/3 weeks ago last time I tried (Dirt Rally1/2, EA WRC, WRC 10, WRC Generations) and now suddenly its not working in any of them.

The device is still being detected by:
* the O/S correctly.
* jstest-gtk lists it and can be calibrated just like before.
* sdl-jstest/sdl2-jstest see it correctly.
* evtest sees it.
* Steam itself sees it.

If I run native software outside of Steam its working ok.

If I run software in WINE (via Lutris) its working fine, using wine-ge-8-25-x86_64 to run the Rally Sims Fans version of Richard Burns Rally.

It does not seem to matter which version of Proton I use, 6.3, 7, 8, 9/Experimental.

If I run joy.cpl outside of Steam (without Steam active) via Protontricks:
SDL_JOYSTICK_DEVICE=/dev/input/js0 protontricks -c 'wine control joy.cpl' nnnnnnn
It no longer sees my usb handbrake, when it used too.

I noticed that Steam and Steam Runtimes have moved over to SDL3, so wondered if it was that and have just spent a large amount of time converting sdl2-jstest to sdl3-jstest only to find that it is working fine under SDL3 too!

$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/[user]/.steam/debian-installation/ubuntu12_64 ./sdl3-jstest -l Found 1 joystick(s) Joystick Name: ' Hand Brake' Joystick GUID: 0300a1db861a00003a6d000000010000 Joystick Number: 0 Number of Axes: 1 Number of Buttons: 8 Number of Hats: 0 Number of Balls: 0

Anyone else suffering from this? Or have a solution?