Steam Deck

Steam Deck

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Lawrence 28 Feb, 2022 @ 4:07pm
Steam Deck Support
Hi all,

If you're running into issues with your Steam Deck, check out for support and troubleshooting information. If you don't find support for your issue, please contact Steam Support and create a ticket.

The team will also be keeping an eye on these forums for bug reports.


General guidelines for reporting a bug:

First make sure your issue is actually a bug. A bug is:
  • Any error in the program that produces an incorrect or unexpected result
  • Caused by a mistake in the coding or design of the software
  • Different from a feature you’d like to see added to the program, which you should instead share in the Feature Requests sub-forum.

To report a bug:
  • Only report one issue per comment in the discussion. This allows us to identify and track each issue uniquely.
  • Always identify the issue, what you were doing when the issue occurred, what happened as a result, and what you instead expected to happen
  • Include the list of steps you took as the bug occurred
  • If you’re able to host a screenshot, include one if you think it might be helpful
Last edited by Lawrence; 28 Feb, 2022 @ 4:16pm