Conquest of Elysium 5

Conquest of Elysium 5

pixelgeek 15 Sep, 2021 @ 4:52pm
Thinking of creating a mod editor
So I was thinking about trying my hand at a mod for the game. I think this is probably the first time I have wanted to do something like that since Quake had me writing weapon mods.

I have a few ideas for a new class but as I was thinking about building it I started thinking more and more about what features I would want in a mod editor for CoE5. Sadly that is just the kind of geek I am.

So I posted a few ideas[] to one of my blogs and I thought that before I started throwing code at my code editor that I would get some feedback from people here.

So would people be interested in a mod editor? As per the blog post the initial idea would be to make it easier to write code and then toss everything you need into a build directory for deployment to Steam.

If you were interested what sort of things would you want to see in an initial release?

Also, I am curious if the folks at Illwinter would want a tool like that released?

The idea is that I would create an initial release and then post the source etc to github where people could help out if they wanted but also make their own builds etc etc.

So let me know what you think?

And if anyone is curious I never finished my Quake weapon mods but I did write an app to validate your code (for those people not using a c compiler) and also wrote another tool to help people track and rate the Quake maps and mods they had.
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Showing 1-15 of 16 comments
While more talent is always welcome, I have my doubts about the need for a new modding tool unless it can provide some genuinely new functionality, like being able to easily set new definitions or modify currently inaccessible parts of the game (vanilla events and VoE ceremonies, for example).

There's not much need of a validation tool right now, as the .exe checks for a wide range of faults both on start and in-game. I suppose it could be improved upon, since several faults aren't picked up on start, making things like typos for recxcost a bit harder to pick up on than is strictly necessary in some cases.

Other modders might weigh in, but that's my two cents on the matter.
MachineZenic 15 Sep, 2021 @ 9:44pm 
I'd have to agree with CJF, CoE modding is already really simplified, I literally write my mods in wordpad and the only features I can think of that would be useful would be one that helps search/index separate entities but I already accomplish that by adding extra newlines. CoE modding is a headache and not as user friendly as it could be, however I still struggle to think of a way to improve it other than more thorough documentation.
Originally posted by MagnaZenic:
I literally write my mods in wordpad

You absolute monster. Why would you subject yourself to M$ Wordpad?

Jokes-that-are-no-joke aside, what the modding community needs right now is for someone to pick apart the .exe and catalogue all the new content as was done for previous titles, as I've not seen the tool Marlin used and have no real desire to write one from scratch, as I can get most of what I need with the built-in inspector. Having fully updated unit/ritual/class/item
lists would be great for modding QoL, but I personally can't justify the effort.
pixelgeek 16 Sep, 2021 @ 8:00am 
I didn't have a c compiler when I was building Quake mods and I had to do it all in a text editor. It was a nightmare. I salute anyone who does that.

What would people want in a docs/syntax browser?
MachineZenic 17 Sep, 2021 @ 10:25am 
If you had a feature that would let you cycle through major identifiers such as newclass, newmonster, newitem, newweapon, copymonster... anything that starts creating a new element. It would be a useful feature, beyond that not sure.

Originally posted by Commisar Jon ♥♥♥♥♥♥:
You absolute monster. Why would you subject yourself to M$ Wordpad?

I like the simplicity lol, also I do agree, a compendium of everything in CoE5 would be the ideal resource for us.
dustin1819 17 Sep, 2021 @ 11:31am 
I'd be content with something as simple as a custom language for notepad++, but if you can make a small program that would give me at least that much functionality, I'd use it.
pixelgeek 17 Sep, 2021 @ 11:55am 
What does Notepad++ use? Is it an LSP?

I am currently working on building a spreadsheet of all the commands as of 5.06
✏pencils✏ 19 Sep, 2021 @ 6:54am 
There's a .xml file for Dominions mod syntax that does syntax highlighting in Notepad ++ floating around somewhere. I haven't used it myself but I did update it once.
dustin1819 19 Sep, 2021 @ 12:33pm 
I think there may have been syntax for CoE4 as well but it's been a long time so I don't remember for sure and absolutely don't know how to find it.
Dakkon 20 Sep, 2021 @ 12:28pm 
If one were to create a mod editor in the vein of mod editor for Dominions 4 by larzm42, I'd guarantee you'd see an explosion of new mods. I can not into coding, and a graphical interface helped me immensely when I was monkeying around with mods for Dominions 4.
Last edited by Dakkon; 20 Sep, 2021 @ 12:29pm
Bulby 21 Sep, 2021 @ 2:39am 
Originally posted by smokestriker:
If one were to create a mod editor in the vein of mod editor for Dominions 4 by larzm42, I'd guarantee you'd see an explosion of new mods. I can not into coding, and a graphical interface helped me immensely when I was monkeying around with mods for Dominions 4.
pixelgeek 21 Sep, 2021 @ 7:08am 
I am checking the app out. I am not on a PC myself so I may have to borrow a machine to poke around in it
BLloyd 21 Sep, 2021 @ 11:00am 
Originally posted by smokestriker:
If one were to create a mod editor in the vein of mod editor for Dominions 4 by larzm42, I'd guarantee you'd see an explosion of new mods. I can not into coding, and a graphical interface helped me immensely when I was monkeying around with mods for Dominions 4.
Agreed, I'd love to do some goofy little mods like creating new units that become accessible when you get hold of weird, out the place citadel locations but I don't even know where to start.
Saturn EL ite 27 Sep, 2021 @ 5:23pm 
Originally posted by Bulby:
Originally posted by smokestriker:
If one were to create a mod editor in the vein of mod editor for Dominions 4 by larzm42, I'd guarantee you'd see an explosion of new mods. I can not into coding, and a graphical interface helped me immensely when I was monkeying around with mods for Dominions 4.
YES me too my mind dont work for modding Dominions 5 and COE. With the Mod tool It helped me out in keeping up with all the abilities and stats Visually. I loved modding Dom4, cant finish a mod without the editor even tho I got tons of Ideas. Some peoples minds work different. love COE and dominions, Glad to see COE5!
Satan-Sama 28 Sep, 2021 @ 1:47am 
I would probably enjoy an editor, especially if it helps to simply put things into it and have it sort them all out for me >.< I'm pretty bloody terrible at makin it work, and after years only just recently figured out how it works.
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