The House of Da Vinci 3

The House of Da Vinci 3

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MsTyroCat 24 Aug, 2024 @ 1:53pm
Help with crossbow in Chapter 3
I'm having problems with the crossbow after reloading it. The first time I loaded and used it without issues, but I ran out of arrows, so I had to go back to the workshop to reload the magazine. I was able to place the magazine in the crossbow, but I can't shoot. I get the following message: "I can't shoot unless the crossbow is wound". I notice also that the sight guide is down. I can't remove or change anything on the crossbow now. I have restarted the chapter to see if that would sort out the problem, but it persists. I have watched a walkthrough for that specific scene and I can't see that I'm doing anything wrong. What am I missing?
Last edited by MsTyroCat; 9 Oct, 2024 @ 1:05am