Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur's Gate 3

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Mister Magician 19 Jul, 2024 @ 6:36am
Some final thoughts about baldur's gate 3
Note: If any want to have an honest conversation about the game, just quote me and we can talk even if you disagree, Just block the trolls and ignore them despite them going into a frenzy at the moment (when are they not, really); they will try to bite but you can put them in a cage with the block function.

Since the dlc (which I am assuming was the usual "definitive edition" that comes out on the 1 year anniversary of every larian game) was canceled, I think this game is just about done. So it's far to just give a conclusive opinion on it all.

Here are my final thoughts about the game as it is to actually play, versus the usual analysis in the style of a narrative:

Progression / game loop:

- Game is totally linear and it never opens up.
- Who the hell thought NECESSARY platforming in a game like this was ideal, especially when some jumps require a minimum distance you can only get with 10 strength.
- Maps are actually quite large but any area that doesn't have a main quest target has nothing in it (take for example the entire second level of the grymforge that I didn't even know was there after multiple runs).
- All early sidequests are just disquised endgame main quests.
- All side content is just required content that is missable; and it's quite easy to ruin your first run by always being prepared so you don't have to search every corner of the maps like the quest dialogue insists you do.
- There are a lot of ways to brick your saves or just ruin your desired run "story" by clicking one wrong dialogue choice on accident.
- There is a highly specific order you have to do the game in unless you want to miss content or lock yourself out of entire storylines, or worse put you into impossible fights that you can only win on lesser difficulties with higher level characters.

Bugs / annoyances:

- Too many to count.
- A base requirement I would say for any wanting to actually play is
1) Know there is a TINY button in the bottom left corner that lets you turn off aoe after combat (why it doesn't instantly go off on it's own is anyone's guess).
2) Install the mod that allows you to revive any npc with the revive spell, it will stop you from ruining major quests when you accidentally kill multiple major enemies that are supposed to go to important dialogue at 1 health rather than just die.
3) Install the mod that makes knock a ritual (ALL of my runs had the lockpicking bug) and gives everyone a free mistystep/dimension door.
- without the above, the entire experience is dragged down by things outside of your control.


- Every bloody fight is a half hour slog.
- you can actually brick your save by not having dimension door, misty step, or at least 10 strength on your characters due to the required platforming (worst by far are the giant climbing sections all over required main quest areas in act 3, up to and including two giant chasms you have to jump over just to even start the final boss fights).
- Major plot points and massive power boosts are completely out of reach unless you have shadowheart, wyll, And lae'zel as your party; this combination also leads to the most banter as you are going through the world.
- Without doing EVERYTHING you will not reach max level unless you mod.
- All content finished is not even enough to get you to level 20 in the mods that increase the level cap and halve the xp to compensate.
- Class and skill balance is so terrible you will gravitate to specific builds every run unless you are purposely challenging yourself.
- Swords bard is so absurd you could solo honor mode with it, and you basically get free dialogue choices because you can have two dice for every roll no matter the situation.
- The Paladin+warlock lets you have up to 9 attacks per turn.


- There is only one Good path through the game, so every run will be the same unless you are a mass murdering psychopath (and even then you are just getting a barely different story).
- All of the returning characters are either totally different than their previous incarnations or actively insulting to their fans; plus all of the characters from past games that you can get for your party do not have full dialogue trees (not to mention you don't get them until act 3).
- Characters have no reason to exist outside of the story.
- The constant vulgarity and brutality just makes you groan halfway through, it's like being imprisoned in the mind of a very specific type of person.
- All the intricacies of the world exist only to either allow faster traversal on repeat playthroughs or to ruin your first by making you miss major content.
- A large portion of the game either requires a guide or knowledge from a past playthrough to complete without ruining your experience.
- Certain characters didn't even have stories at release.

"dating sim" aspects:

- Despite the general perception of the game on reddit is that this game is a "dating sim," ALL of the "relationship/sex" content of the game is completely missable unless you understand it's an all/nothing thing during the "party" at the end of act 1,
- No matter how a character feels about you, you can start a "relationship" with them by picking a single line of dialogue for each of them during said "party." If you don't, the entire thing is outright removed from your playthrough with no way to get it back.
- male companions get "approval" points at a minimum of ten times the rate of female companions when you play a male character; without even trying to pick options that male companions approve of, they can easily be at 90-95% approval by midway through act 1. For example, you might get only about 5-10 approval points with shadowheart or lae'zel across the entire act 1 if you only choose options they want, as opposed to the 50+ points you get with the male companions even if you purposely choose options they hate (as long as you don't kill innocents).
- Amusingly, karlach gets approval rating about half the speed of male characters, with her being around 75 approval at the end of act 1 no matter what you do (as long as you don't kill innocents).
- karlach has no difference in how she treats you, no matter her "approval" rating, unless you pick a very specific option "I have been wanting to tell you how much I like you" during the "party" after act 1 at which point she's suddenly a raging sex fiend and wanting to be your girlfriend.

With the cancelation of the dlc/extra content it's clear larian did not enjoy working on this and just want it over with.

Someone on the forum or reddit around release time said this game has 1.5 playthroughs of content: The first is under the impression the game is vast and massive and deep, and the second involves instant burnout halfway through when you realize there is only one intended path throughout it all.

As I said elsewhere, Dragon Quest 11 did the "triliogy of games in one" thing years ago FAR better and without all the baggage.

Originally posted by Mister Magician:
Originally posted by Fluffykeith:

Every time he gets called on this point he shifts the goalposts.
One of the main trolls have openly admitted that by just forgoing 4-5 side quest chains, they ONLY got to level 12 at the last bosss.

At no point have you "established" anything because I'm the only person here who's actually analyzed the game as both an experience and looked at the internal files.

I will also not allow you to try to gaslight everyone into claiming that a game that has no meaningful xp, items, or story/lore/narrative inside of the main quest somehow doesn't treat "side content" as essential.

The main quest is designed to be done last. Not only are there LARGE jumps in difficulty between each, the main quest always amounts to something like "complete the final area on the end of the map" with little rewards given and NO STORY. IN FACT DOING THE SINGULAR MAIN QUEST PER ACT LOCKS YOU OUT OF ALL SIDEQUESTS AND ENDS THE ACT!

For a narrative based game, it's odd how not one bit of lore or important revelation is actually given in the main quest. It makes perfect sense when you realize the game IS the "side content" and the main quest is just there to end the act to move on.

All you have done is lie, use tricks, and whatever knavery you thought you could to instantly disagree with me by bad-faith fixating on single, arbitrary points. you have done this for a solid year while having your struggle sessions in my threads, and it's gone.

Only reason you trolls are even allowed to post in my threads is because the block function on steam is on my end. your ultimate goal is to simply hijack the thread because you are afraid of honest discussion.

To that point, I recommend every person who wants to have an honest, rational discussion put all of the trolls on your block list and I will respond and we can talk. I will no longer respond or even acknowledge the trolls.

Originally posted by Punished Jeremy:
"I wont get enough attention if I make a negative review, so i'll post it to the forums instead"
I have made multiple threads analyzing this game.

This is the third and final part of that, and my review for the game is actually positive as long as you ignore the surface level issues often mentioned on the boards. That said, it's a solid 6/10 and Dragon Quest 11 does the entire concept better in EVERY way.

Originally posted by Vixziค็็็็็n:

So you already made an admission of saying this And sometimes people just, don't make great opinions and they get made fun of. Its the circle of life. And then you make comments about skill issue, make condescending comments, talk about goalpost shifting, etc. It's a pattern.

Let's see...something in the forum rules says something about.. Being combative, argumentative, harassing, or rude... I wonder what making fun of people would be categorized under?

I'm interested in the back and forth of the OPs point, what I'm not interested in is people becoming rude and resorting to their usual disparaging tactics. It's clear the OP took the time to make points. Seems to me the respectful thing to do is have a friendly discussion/debate on the OPs talking points.
They can't, they cannot address or even disagree, they just need to silence.

We're long past arguing the facts against the law, or the law against the facts, they are right down to slamming their fists on the table.

My point is that EVERYONE not only SHOULD but MUST block them so we can have a legitimate conversation.

Originally posted by Punished Jeremy:
Originally posted by Mister Magician:
For a narrative based game, it's odd how not one bit of lore or important revelation is actually given in the main quest. It makes perfect sense when you realize the game IS the "side content" and the main quest is just there to end the act to move on.
Well thats just unmistakably wrong and i question whether you are coming at this in good faith if that is your takeaway from this game

Even if the game was just side content im not sure how thats an issue. The question would be whether or not that side content is good or not. You seem to arbitrarily attribute importance to certain aspects of this story and if they dont meet that standard you dismiss them for some strange reason. I dont think a single person is going to agree with you on this specific criticism
Multiple people already have agreed with me here. It's the only rational, common sense position available, or else I would have come to another conclusion.

The simple point is, it's not "side content" then if the entire game IS the "side content,"

Therefore there is no "side content" because the only "main quest" amounts to "I've done all the other stuff in this area, let's go to the next."

Just about all of the busywork or meandering nonsense around the map has direct effect on player power, narrative, and levels.

If you want to experience the story and not be left with massive gaps, you have to do everything. Unfortunately because narrative is the only meaningful content in the game, that means they have to balance xp gains around doing all of it. This is not fun and drags what is consistently touted in game as a "WE HAVE TO DEAL WITH THE MAIN QUEST NOW OR EVERYONE'S DEAD" into an 80 hour epic slog where you are required to do EVERYTHING BUT the main quest.

It's neither good writing nor good game design to have all story elements be about urgency and a ticking bomb, but then force you to take your sweet time doing nonsense instead.

your entire post is just a rewording of the same bad-faith attacks I have seen for a whole year, you are only even mentioning that term to try to project your doings onto me.

When an entire side's unified tactics are described by aphorisms like "ends justify the means," "freeze, polarize, politicize," and "accuse your enemies of what you do" it not only outs who and what you are, where you are coming from, and what your goal is.

for a side that basically cannot withstand even the lightest scrutiny, outing yourself so publicly every chance you get is just not working for you.

Originally posted by Punished Jeremy:
Originally posted by Mister Magician:
My point is that EVERYONE not only SHOULD but MUST block them so we can have a legitimate conversation.
Blocking people doesnt do anything forum side. It doesnt prevent them or you from seeing each others comments or responding to each others comments. Stop being spiteful
spite is what drove you and a host of utterly indistinguishable trolls to have struggle sessions in every thread on this board for a year now or more.

by blocking you, your posts are hidden from us. Unfortunately it won't stop trolls from being able to post, but it will allow honest posters a chance to talk amongst ourselves without seeing the inflammatory, hateful, and utterly vile repulsiveness trying to distract us from being able to simply talk in ways and on topics you and your status quo does not approve of.

We even have one user here using slurs and demeaning language who insists my thread is "agaisnt the tos" simply because they somehow implicitly assume:
- threads that disagree with them
- threads that they don't approve of.
are somehow bannable offenses.

Maybe they are, as all moderation on here is totally arbitrary to one specific side anyways, but it would certainly make for a nicer experience for everyone to block the trolls and just ignore them.

I have received multiple requests over the past year to have my threads be posted on another forum or medium so they can interact without having to be assaulted by the trolls. I wish I knew a place where I could have done that instead, but here we are.

There is only one problem with the "ignoring the trolls" tactic, and that is in my previous thread the trolls started sending death threats after a short amount of time. The forum really allows no Good solutions to any issue unfortunately, but it's the best we have here.
Last edited by Mister Magician; 21 Jul, 2024 @ 6:43am
Originally posted by TapewormJim (TJ):
Originally posted by Mister Magician:
"dating sim" aspects:


With the cancelation of the dlc/extra content it's clear larian did not enjoy working on this and just want it over with.

The final part in particular is well-stated…

Larian (IMO) simply don’t like working with the dictators behind this franchise. I always got that impression from Sven Vincke, starting with the first nervous/awkward ‘showcase’ of BG3, where he delivered the presentation as one wriggling from a hook.

There’s a tweet he made that always struck me as a clever dig at those who originally held Larian in their mandibles: "I'm really sorry to hear so many of you were let go," he continued. "It's a sad thing to realise that of the people who were in the original meeting room, there's almost nobody left." (re: WOTC layoffs).

Of course some don’t read between the lines, or even know how, but to me the lingo is lukewarm to the point of chuckingly insincere.

I read it as ‘well, you *** really made it difficult for us to like your rules, and you treated us like you were some authority in fictional shenanigans and we should defer - now you’re all sacked, haha - I’m delighted’.

But maybe I’ve just a dark sense of humour.

Tangentially, interesting points about the dating sim element. Never engaged with it after accidentally triggering some insanity with Gale re: the weave (this was pre-Gale-corrected patch and I admittedly was quick-clicking through the dross) - but that was the end of any further dialogue with these oddballs (thought you were into women dude?)

So the males are programmed to be even more ‘receptive’ to any positivity than the females.

Well, I’ll admit that kinda tracks - gay men are definitely more forward with men than straight women, who (again IMO) are borderline never forward.

I’d let them off with that, except for the fact the game is so woked up that it throws every natural rule out the window. So if everyone’s somehow bisexual and easy-to-please, you’d think they’d also ‘tweak’ the gals to be completely unnaturally horny too.

Ultimately, just playing it last night on Big Screen Beta in VR, SH (the girl with dumbest name in fantasy fiction) is the only female companion who’s borderline ‘familiar’ as female. Karlach is some butch pseduo-male. La’thing looks like a frog-human hybrid and is female ‘DOM’ number 2 out of 3.

And SH, with that haircut, and that face, looks like an unsexy goth - and some of those goth girls can be very good looking.

IMO, it’s an LGBT fantasy dating-sim game, with a crap story and snoozy, ‘safe-bet’ combat.


I always said, if LGBT’s just wanna create their own idea of what the world is, and they’re talented enough to do that, all power to them.

But I’ve a funny feeling 90% of Larian studios isn’t LGBT. They just had to ‘make it so’, because they’re now in the AAA spotlight.
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Showing 1-15 of 238 comments
Lord Adorable 19 Jul, 2024 @ 6:38am 
Originally posted by Mister Magician:
Since the dlc (which I am assuming was the usual "definitive edition" that comes out on the 1 year anniversary of every larian game) was canceled, I think this game is just about done. So it's far to just give a conclusive opinion on it all.

With the cancelation of the dlc/extra content it's clear larian did not enjoy working on this and just want it over with.
Uh.. there was never going to be DLC m8.

As for the rest:
calabacina 19 Jul, 2024 @ 6:39am 
I've only made 2 characters so far, and I'm having 2 completely different gaming experiences, if this were all "linear" games I'd put my signature on them.
larhtas 19 Jul, 2024 @ 6:39am 
After 1000h+ of gaming i can really certified that the game is everything but linear.
Last edited by larhtas; 19 Jul, 2024 @ 6:40am
The_Dipl0mat 19 Jul, 2024 @ 6:45am 
Hasn't been peoples gripe with act 3 that you get to the last level about midway through and it doesn't feel like you get much progression past that beyond story? Thus meaning that they...
Don't need to do everything?
Mister Magician 19 Jul, 2024 @ 6:46am 
Originally posted by calabacina:
I've only made 2 characters so far, and I'm having 2 completely different gaming experiences, if this were all "linear" games I'd put my signature on them.
There is a very specific line of things to do, and a best time to do it all; the fact all things interrelate means that powering through act 1 will make acts 2 and 3 completely barebones. You either didn't pay very close attention or you never got past act 1.

With how slow you level you just about need to do all side quests as well just to keep up with the main quest.

Like elden ring (which is a linear game with the illusion of choice) you have the option to stumble on areas and fights you simply can't win yet, or accidentally lock yourself out of major storylines you have to know ahead of time even exist let alone what to do for them.
The difference is that elden ring explicitly assumes you are playing with a guide or abuse glitches, and is balanced to compensate. Not to mention, elden ring lets you platform around just about every obstacle alongside have lots of grinding areas to level up if you want to skip content.
Lord Adorable 19 Jul, 2024 @ 6:49am 
Originally posted by Mister Magician:
Originally posted by calabacina:
I've only made 2 characters so far, and I'm having 2 completely different gaming experiences, if this were all "linear" games I'd put my signature on them.

With how slow you level you just about need to do all side quests as well just to keep up with the main quest.
You literally don't though? I have 11 playthroughs under my belt and not once has this been true.
There are so many awful takes in one post, I can't even.
calabacina 19 Jul, 2024 @ 6:52am 
Originally posted by Mister Magician:
Originally posted by calabacina:
I've only made 2 characters so far, and I'm having 2 completely different gaming experiences, if this were all "linear" games I'd put my signature on them.
There is a very specific line of things to do, and a best time to do it all; the fact all things interrelate means that powering through act 1 will make acts 2 and 3 completely barebones. You either didn't pay very close attention or you never got past act 1.

With how slow you level you just about need to do all side quests as well just to keep up with the main quest.

Like elden ring (which is a linear game with the illusion of choice) you have the option to stumble on areas and fights you simply can't win yet, or accidentally lock yourself out of major storylines you have to know ahead of time even exist let alone what to do for them.
The difference is that elden ring explicitly assumes you are playing with a guide or abuse glitches, and is balanced to compensate. Not to mention, elden ring lets you platform around just about every obstacle alongside have lots of grinding areas to level up if you want to skip content.

I think it's a problem of approach, I come from pen and paper RPGs, when I start an adventure I take it for granted that I won't be able to see everything, on the contrary, I think that a good role-playing game must put you in front of choices that will preclude you options (otherwise they wouldn't be choices, it would be cosmetic text), in short, I believe that games like skyrim where you could be the leader of conflicting guilds at the same time is the death of RPGs on PC.

I don't pretend that my opinion is universal, you might want to play differently, but I like BG3 and how open it is. ;)
Detective Costeau 19 Jul, 2024 @ 6:54am 
I mean, sure, the game's 'linear' in the sense there are designated start and end points, and the breakpoints between acts are in the same place in the story every time.

I just don't understand why that would be thought of as a worthwhile criticism. Every story-heavy RPG I'm aware of does this in one way or another. The Dragon Age games do it, the Mass Effect games do it, both Pathfinder games do it, both Pilliars of Eternity games do it (though PoE 2 does give you a lot more freedom what stories you do in what order, but each individual story still has fixed beginning and end points with relatively limited variations). For that matter, both of the original Baldur's Gate games did it.

A criticism that applies to effectively every game in an entire genre isn't very meaningful, IMO.
Mister Magician 19 Jul, 2024 @ 6:57am 
Originally posted by The_Dipl0mat:
Hasn't been peoples gripe with act 3 that you get to the last level about midway through and it doesn't feel like you get much progression past that beyond story? Thus meaning that they...
Don't need to do everything?
I have never heard that, not even once. I know you're dishonest, but this is only if you do everything in the previous acts, assuming it's even true at all.

I love to mod and hack my games, so I look at the internals a lot.

The xp curve for bg3 is very fast from 1-4, a massive increasing wall to level 10, then 11 and 12 are practically instant with how much xp is at the end.

Another issue for what you mention is simple to explain:

Act 1 has a lot of content but little reason to do it unless you want all the story. You can skip most of it but then you lose out on major storylines. The design is a no-win scenario where if you want the story you have to overlevel the content just because all story related things shovel out xp, and if you skip content to maintain challenge the game has no coherent narrative.

Act 2 is a massive difficulty spike with nearly no content to it and very little story, so people hang out here a lot and do every bit of the little content available to just to make it out. Honestly, I think the biggest issue with the game is that act 2 even exists at all, because it's bad mechanics on top of hard fights that force you to grind away all the challenge of act 3 just to pass act 2.

Act 3 either has one major questline or a dozen, and it's entirely based on what you knew ahead of time to do in the first acts. Because of this, act 3 has to have enough xp and challenge to get you to the end of the game with just the main quest alone, but depending on your choices previously you might end up with another 40 hours worth of questlines on top of it. Each questline in act 3 HAS to give levels worth of xp because it might be your only questline available to you because there is no true side-content in the game.

In other words, you are talking past me while making my point for me, and are too hostile to see it. A quality you have not deviated from once since I met you a year ago.
hermit0wl 19 Jul, 2024 @ 6:59am 
Originally posted by Mister Magician:
- Characters have no reason to exist outside of the story.
This part is my favorite.
FunkyMonkey 19 Jul, 2024 @ 7:00am 
Well, reading this has been a waste of time.
Echsrick 19 Jul, 2024 @ 7:00am 
if only more people could see how the game is actualy not open and is just a straight line or all of the other things...if only
Lord Adorable 19 Jul, 2024 @ 7:01am 
Originally posted by Echsrick:
if only more people could see how the game is actualy not open and is just a straight line or all of the other things...if only
Feel free to paint us a map.
Mister Magician 19 Jul, 2024 @ 7:03am 
Originally posted by calabacina:
Originally posted by Mister Magician:
There is a very specific line of things to do, and a best time to do it all; the fact all things interrelate means that powering through act 1 will make acts 2 and 3 completely barebones. You either didn't pay very close attention or you never got past act 1.

With how slow you level you just about need to do all side quests as well just to keep up with the main quest.

Like elden ring (which is a linear game with the illusion of choice) you have the option to stumble on areas and fights you simply can't win yet, or accidentally lock yourself out of major storylines you have to know ahead of time even exist let alone what to do for them.
The difference is that elden ring explicitly assumes you are playing with a guide or abuse glitches, and is balanced to compensate. Not to mention, elden ring lets you platform around just about every obstacle alongside have lots of grinding areas to level up if you want to skip content.

I think it's a problem of approach, I come from pen and paper RPGs, when I start an adventure I take it for granted that I won't be able to see everything, on the contrary, I think that a good role-playing game must put you in front of choices that will preclude you options (otherwise they wouldn't be choices, it would be cosmetic text), in short, I believe that games like skyrim where you could be the leader of conflicting guilds at the same time is the death of RPGs on PC.

I don't pretend that my opinion is universal, you might want to play differently, but I like BG3 and how open it is. ;)
I sincerely don't see any recognition of the game as it actually exists in any of your posts. All your advice does not apply, because this is not a well-designed tabletop campaign nor is it anything like a tabletop campaign.

So I'm talking about the game as it actually exists and you are talking about some idealized situation in your own head.

Not only CAN you see everything, but you should just to level because of how borked the progression is.

You can end act 1 at level 3 if you know what to do. If you're not level 7 by the time you get to act 2 you will want to quit the game not just because of the hard fights but because you will have no idea what's going on. How do you square that circle.

This stems from the fact that act 2 has no reason to even exist, and that the game has no true side content. All side-quests directly tie into major parts of act 3. If you skip the sidequests you could very easily find you won't have anything to do in act 3 and you will be terribly underpowered for the final battle that is a massive difficulty spike.
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Date Posted: 19 Jul, 2024 @ 6:36am
Posts: 238