Qbeh-1: The Atlas Cube

Qbeh-1: The Atlas Cube

32 ratings
Level Editor 101
By Zhal and 2 collaborators
Learn how to use the level editor to make your own levels.
First Steps
You can get to the Level Editor from the main menu of the game by pressing the Create button.

When you are in the editor you have two choices: start a New Level or open an existing level.

Clicking New Level opens the level name prompt, where you can set a name for your level. When you've set a name you are taken to the main view from which you'll be able to craft your level.

The Open Level window lists the levels it finds in the local Levels directory. To open a level, double click the level name or click it once and then click open.
Main View
This is the main view when you're editing a level. When you create a new level the objects seen in the scene are the basic objects you'll get to start your level with.

At the top left are the File, Settings and Play buttons.

Pressing the File button opens a menu where you can start a new level, open another level, save current level, publish the level and go back to main menu. Pressing Publish doesn't start the Publish process itself yet, but opens a window where you have couple of options to change/check things before Publishing. Read more in the Publish section.

The Settings button opens the Settings window. You can read more about that in the Settings section.

The Play button starts the test run of the level.

Top center are the tools buttons. You can read more about them in the Tools section.

Bottom left is the Create window. This is the window from which you add content to your level. When you move your mouse over this window the familiar crosshair appears in the center of the screen to help you visualize where the object will be created. You can read more about the objects that can be added in Surfaces and Items sections.
Default Controls
Input Name
Move Camera Forward
Move Camera Backward
Move Camera Left
Move Camera Right
Move Camera Down
Move Camera Up
Space Toggle
Move Tool
Edit Tool
Rotate Tool
Add Floor Surface
Add Placement Surface
Add Basic Cube
Add Energy Cube
Add Force Cube
Add Gravity Cube
Delete Object
Duplicate Object

Press and hold the right mouse button then move the mouse to look around.
While holding the right mouse button you can move the camera with W, A, S, D. Use E and Q to move the camera up and down.
Move tool (W)

The fefault tool is the Move tool which you use to move objects around the editor space. The Move tool works by clicking the arrows of the tool and dragging with the mouse. By dragging the red arrow you move the object along X-axis. The Blue arrow moves the object along the Z-axis and green arrow moves it along the Y-axis.

You can press ctrl while moving an object to snap its position instead of moving it freely. If the tools are in World space then the snapping happens in an absolute grid, meaning that the position will snap to integers (or whole numbers), like -1, 0, 1, 2 etc. If the space is set to Self then the snapping happens relatively. So if an object is for example at position 1.32 and you move the object while pressing ctrl then it will snap the position to 2.32 (or 0.32 if moved to the other direction). Snapping can be customized in the settings.

Rotate tool (R)
Rotating works the same as moving, but instead of arrows the tool has three bands that go around the selected object. Click and drag the corresponding band to rotate around that axis. You can also press ctrl to snap the rotation just like moving. Rotation snapping has its own settings too.

Edit tool (E)
The Edit tool only works with Surfaces. With the Edit tool you can manipulate the Surface’s size. Moving the mouse over a Surface with the Edit tool on highlights that Surface’s face. Clicking the left mouse button on a highlighted face adds one cube’s width to the size of the Surface. Pressing shift + left mouse button subtracts a cube’s width from the size. You can also drag highlighted faces to resize them.

Space toggle (Q)
Left of the previous tools buttons is the Space button that changes the space in which the objects are manipulated. World is the default space and it can best be described as manipulating objects without taking their own rotation into consideration. Self space means that manipulating objects happens based on their own rotation. For example, in the above left picture the Surface has been rotated and you can see the red and green arrow point to their respective directions along the Surface, but in the picture on the right the arrows do not point along the Surface. This is hard to explain and grasp in text format so test around in the editor to get a hang of how the objects move and rotate differently in the two spaces.
This Surface is the yellow surface on which the player can place cubes. Placement surfaces cannot be rotated because of the way Force Cube’s collision works.

Hazard surface is the purple semitransparent surface that kills the player when they touch it.

Ice surface is just a transparent icy looking Surface. It does not affect player movement.

Another surface that’s just for visual variation.

Floor, Wall, Colored, Carved 1 & 2
These Surfaces are the different solid Surfaces that are found throughout the worlds in Qbeh-1. Pressing the number adds that type of Surface in the world’s style.
Colored Surfaces are fully colored with the World’s style.
Carved 1 & 2 have two different types of carvings. The carvings are only applied to the sides of the Surface.
Items is the tab in the Create window from where you can add different types of gameplay objects to the level. Similarly to Surfaces some of the objects have the different worlds' styles as numbered buttons.

Special Cubes
These are the cubes that players can pick up and use to navigate levels.
B = Basic Cube
E = Energy Cube
F = Force Cube
G = Gravity Cube

Light Cube
Light Cubes act as light sources. When you click a Light Cube you’ll get an additional properties window from where you can change the Light Cube’s color, intensity and range. The light itself is real-time and won’t have any dynamic shadows because adding too many of them easily brings down the framerate.

Automatic Door
Automatic Doors are doors that open when players approach them. Doors (of any kind) can not be placed inside any other object. When the placement is invalid, the door will turn red. Doors can only be rotated around their up (Y) axis.

Activated Doors
Activated Doors are doors that require activation with an Energy Cube. Provided are the doors that require 1, 2 or 3 activations to open. Doors can be rotated only around their up (Y) axis.

Collapsing Door
Collapsing Doors will drop down when the player walks into its trigger zone.
In the editor you’ll see the trigger zone as a yellow transparent zone. The white zone under the door is the zone where the door will drop. The white zone is in this case the zone that gets validated instead of the door model itself. Doors can be rotated only around their up (Y) axis.

Fans push players around. There are three different strengths (weak, medium, strong) as well as versions that require activation with an Energy Cube.

Platforms, or more precisely moving platforms, are a bit more complex. When you click a Platform, you’ll get an additional window where you can set up the waypoints through which the Platform will move.
You can add new waypoints by pressing the + button next to a waypoint. This adds a new waypoint below that waypoint. Pressing the - button removes the corresponding waypoint. There are also ^ and v buttons next to the waypoints and you can use them to rearrange the waypoints.
Placement of the waypoints happens in the window by changing the X, Y and Z values. These values are relative to the platform’s position and moving the platform will move the waypoints with it.

Platforms have additional validations. The waypoints can not be placed diagonally relative to each other. When such placement happens the grey transparent zone around the waypoint turns red. Also there can not be any objects between the waypoints. This is to ensure that the platforms can move freely between waypoints.

Platforms can not be rotated.
Permanent Objects
There are three objects that are essential for the level and can not be deleted. These are the Start Point, Portal and Directional Light.

Start Point
This is where the player will start your level. When you press Play in the editor, the test run will also start from here. The arrow attached to the object shows the direction the player will look at when the level starts.

The Start Point is part of the validation process so you can not put it inside another object. The model will turn red if it is placed incorrectly.

The Start Point can only be rotated around its up (Y) axis.

The Portal is where the level ends.

Portal can not be placed inside other objects. Model's color will turn red when it's placement is invalid.

Directional light
Directional light works as a “sky light” in Qbeh-1. It’s a light that shines from one direction to everywhere in the level. You can move it around, but its position doesn’t matter and is provided only for the convenience of moving it away if needed. However, Its rotation matters as it determines the direction from which the light shines. When you click the directional light you’ll get an additional properties window where you can change the light’s color and intensity.
Level Validation
When you save the level or press Play, the level goes through a validation process to check if certain items are placed correctly.

The items that get validated are as follows:
  • All the doors
  • Platforms
  • Start point
  • Portal

All the invalid placements need to be fixed before being able to save or play the level in the editor.
In general invalid placement means that the Item has been placed inside another object, but in case of Platforms the waypoint alignment is taken into consideration too.

Publishing to Steam happens from the File menu. Click Publish to open the Publish window.

Level name and description are the same as in the settings window and changes here change them in the settings window too.

If you check Publish preview image the editor will take a new preview before uploading from the current camera view.

Visibility is the Workshop visibility for this level. It can also be changed in the Workshop after the level has been published.

Click Publish to start the upload process. At this point the level is first validated and if the level is valid, the level will be saved and then it will be uploaded to Steam Workshop. A new window will pop up to show the status of the upload.

After the upload is done, the Steam Overlay will open and it will show you the level's Workshop page.
The Settings window is accessed by pressing the Settings button at the top left.
There are three tabs for different types of settings that you can change: Level, Editor and Input.

In the Level settings you can change the level's name and description. The Description will appear in the Community Level Selection when player selects a level.

Below Description is the Sky selection. Clicking a button there changes the level's Sky.

If you scroll down below Sky you'll find the Music selection. The music tracks here are some of the tracks you've heard in the main game. You can preview the tracks by clicking one and then clicking Preview.
When someone plays the levels, the music will be faded in at the start. Then when songs reaches the end it will be faded out and there will be a random delay (10 - 30 seconds) before the songs plays again.


Update Preview On Save
If checked, a new preview image of the level will be taken everytime you save the level. The preview image is always taken from the current camera view. The preview image is shown in the Community Level Selection when the player selects the level. The image is also used in the Steam Workshop page of your level.

Play music in Play Mode
Uncheck this if you don't want to hear the currently selected music of your level when you enter the Play Mode.

Move Sensitivity
This setting controls how "fast" the Move Tool moves the objects.

Move Snap Length
When you press Ctrl and move an object, you snap the object to certain intervals. You can change the interval with this.

Rotate Sensitivity
Same as Move Sensitivity but for the Rotate Tool.

Rotate Snap Angle
Same as Move Snap Length, but for the Rotate Tool's snapping.

Camera Movement Speed
This controls how fast the camera moves when you move it.

Camera Look Sensivity
This controls the mouse look sensitivity for the camera.

Here you can change various Inputs to your liking.
Levels directory structure
User created levels are stored in a directory called Levels that is created next to the game executable. So for example if Qbeh-1 is located at C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Qbeh-1 then the Levels folder is C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Qbeh-1\Levels.

All levels will have their own folder. The name of the folder is the same as the name of the level. In that folder will be a file named lvldata.qbl that holds all the information about the level. Next to that file will be the preview image named preview.jpg.

If you want to move these files around, please move the whole folder.
Freddy 15 Jan, 2023 @ 1:05pm 
Interessiert es überhaupt jemanden wenn man hier was tippt oder was soll der ganze Firlefanz hier ?
Freddy 1 Jan, 2023 @ 8:13am 
Kann man das nicht endlich mal in Deutsch Übersetzten und das man es sich Ausdrucken kann ? steam bekommt echt zu nichts mehr den Arsch hoch so was mal zu Implementieren.
LvKA95 13 Nov, 2021 @ 6:39am 
Hi, I wanted to ask a question about qbeh-1
I am creating a graphic mod (texture)
I sent you the friend request on steam
GAMESweetG 26 Sep, 2016 @ 10:18pm 
Nevermind I forgot to hold the right click mouse button.
GAMESweetG 26 Sep, 2016 @ 10:15pm 
How do you rotate your camera view because I tried using those shortcut rotate keys. But I couldn't change my camera view to see my map in other areas? Because you start off with that default map view. But I want to see the other areas of the base on the other ends.
PurpleTurtle 20 Mar, 2016 @ 5:21am 
There probably is not a way to add water, right? Because that would be cool. And also trees... :atlas:
Torodo 26 Sep, 2015 @ 3:31pm 
I'm just saying that your game is perfect and the level editor is amazing, buuut the level editor has many bugs, as in Vanishing Power Blocks, Transporter going trough placed red blocks, transport blocks that don't reset their route if played in the "test play" and more. I'm begging you to fix this... please ;-;
Mr_Joostik 24 Sep, 2015 @ 5:00am 
Add something new and that maps appear not really beautiful. For example add trees, plants, small lamps with splinters. please! Thanks for attention.:happy_creep:
Reijer 15 Sep, 2015 @ 1:23pm 
There's a typo in the last paragraph, it says "D:\SteamLibrary\..." but it should be "C:\SteamLibrary\"
LvKA95 15 Sep, 2015 @ 10:52am 
Sto provando l'editor, e posso confermarvi che crearci dei livelli è molto facile.
Ma una domanda, dove trovo gli alberi/cespugli/Ventole giganti?