ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

Mesozoic Era (V10.9)
Servers Running this Mod
New World Mesozoic Era Tx15 EPx10 Hx10
pve Ragnarock
1.Mesozoic Era
2.HG stacking mod
4.Super spy glass
5.Upgrade station
6.Builders Helm
7.Awesome teleporters
8.Tek bench
9.Bulk Crafter
10.Dino Pick up
11.Level Up Counter
12.Auto trough
13.Egg n Poop Collector
15.Kibble Table
16.Pimp My Home
17.Pimp My Home Building Parts
18.Advanced Architecture Mod
20.Castles, Keeps, and Forts Medieval Architecture
21.death recovery mod
22.Xtreme Pearl Converter
23.Super Tranq
24.Tek armor And More
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Mesozoic Primitive Kingdoms PVE 10xG/XP_75T
Join IP:

Primitive style gameplay without having to run the full Primitive+ conversion. No guns or metal structures, no electricity... just you and your arrows to tame the creatures of the Mesozoic Era.

Includes some great building mods such as Casltes and Keeps, Ozocraft and Ecos Stable Structures and Medieval Structures 2.

Mesozoic Era
Classic Flyers
Wildlands+ RP (however no RP required to play on this server)
HG Stacking Mod 5000-90
More Narcotics & More Tranq Arrows
Castles, keeps and Forts Medieval Architecture
Medieval Structures 2
Medieval Props
Super Spyglass
Death Recover
Pet Finder
Kibble Table
Meat Spoiler
Ark Fog Remover
Dino Pick Up Mod
Dino Aid
eco's RP Decor
eco's Stable Structures and Decor
Mesozoic Era Open-12.10-300-LV, Т-50,ORP-25X

Ip -

Mods -

Mesozoic Era
Super Spyglass
Dino Tracker
HG Stacking Mod 10000
Small Super Fast Forge
Upgrade Station
Hover Platforms
Mesozoic Mayhem and Malfeasance
Map:Crystal Isles

Discord "The Beaver Dam"

PVE/ X 1 XP/ X10H/ X 20 Taming Official Difficulty =20
Player LVLUps=202 Dino LvlUps=250

Mesozoic Era (V10.9) 897771438
Super Structures 1999447172
Death Recovery Mod (v1.11.0) 751991809
Platforms Plus (Open Source) 719928795
Unlock Haircuts and Emotes 942185438
Tools Evolved 1256264907
Awesome Spyglass 1404697612
EZ Mind Wipes 1327835335
Dino Storage v2 1609138312
Awesome Teleporters! 889745138
HG Stacking Mod 5000-90 V310.1 849985437
Simple Spawners 1295978823
Advanced Engram Unlocker 1114986779
Upgrade Station v 1.8i 821530042
Eternal Glider Suit Standalone 2101866886
Best Eggs! 1931415003
All Dinos Allow Guns 1440414363
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