Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

Horror SNPC Revamp
Error whenever the NPC gets shot for the first time.
[VJ Base] lua/entities/npc_vj_creature_base/init.lua:1335: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'stopActivitiesTime' (a string value)
1. VJ_ACT_PLAYACTIVITY - lua/entities/npc_vj_creature_base/init.lua:1335
2. RunFlinchCode - lua/vj_base/npc_general.lua:1662
3. DoFlinch - lua/vj_base/npc_general.lua:1680
4. unknown - lua/entities/npc_vj_creature_base/init.lua:2820

After this the SNPC ceases to do anything.
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Beiträge 12 von 2
yeah it sucks
Same issue here
< >
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