Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Network Extensions 2
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
sniggledigit  [developer] 7 Dec, 2016 @ 1:00pm
What this mod has in it (and feature requests)
I put the feature list in here because it is is long...and will get longer :D

Current support
-1 lane Oneway [G]
-2 lanes Alley [G]
-2 lanes Road with turning lane [G/E/B/T]
-3 lanes Oneway [G/E/B/T]
-3 lanes Assymetrical (2+1) [G/E/B/T]
-4 lanes Assymetrical (3+1) [G/E/B/T]
-4 lanes Oneway [G/E/B/T]
-4 lanes Small Road [G/E/B/T]
-4 lanes Road [G/E/B/T]
-4 lanes Road with turning lane [G/E/B/T]
-8 lanes Road with median [G/E/B/T]
-2 lanes National Road [G/E/B/T]
-2 lanes Highway [G/E/B/T]
-4 lanes Highway [G/E/B/T]
-5 lanes Highway [G/E/B/T]
-6 lanes Highway [G/E/B/T]
Plain Street [G]
Zonable Promenade [After Dark required] [G/E]
Zonable Pedestrian Tiny Stone Road [G/E]
Zonable Pedestrian Gravel [G/E]
Zonable Pedestrian Tiny Gravel Road [G/E]
Zonable Pedestrian Pavement [G/E]
Zonable Pedestrian Tiny Pavement Road [G/E]
Support for Road Color Changer Continued
-Road Zoning Modifier Tool
-Road Color Changer Mod support
-After Dark Expansion
-Snowfall Expansion
-Natural Disasters Expansion

-[BETA] 2 lanes Busways [G/E/B/T]
-[BETA] 2 lanes Busways Oneway [G/E/B/T]
-[BETA] 6 lanes Roads with Bus lanes [G/E/B/T]

(Ground / Elevated / Bridge / Tunnel)
Last edited by sniggledigit; 7 Dec, 2016 @ 1:07pm
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Showing 1-15 of 499 comments
Cobalt_Blue 7 Dec, 2016 @ 9:13pm 
Would an asymmetrical 3 lane Ave with a turn lane be possible? (General Purpose Lane + Turn Lane + Two General Purpose Lanes).

Also, your “2 lanes Road with turning lane” is awesome, but a lot of roads like this also have bike lanes as well as parking. Is that possible someday?

Lastly, a compact 4 lane barrier divided highway (2 lanes each direction) would be awesome. This highway type is extremely common, at least around my part of the world, and it would be cool to have such a roadway in game. (See:,-123.7659542,3a,75y,271.1h,77.85t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1shqBXFG9QgvKBAoPicTtimQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en )

Sorry for so many suggestions.... but regardless, keep up the amazing work, your mod definitely makes the game worth playing.
sniggledigit  [developer] 7 Dec, 2016 @ 9:41pm 
This section is for nothing more than suggestions so suggest away! Your third suggestion has been requested numerous times. It will require some pathfinding changes if you want junctions that won't allow traffic to cut through the barrier but I have started work on it a while back...
zordork4 7 Dec, 2016 @ 10:21pm 
i would love to see some cobble streets also roads with bus and tram lanes would be cool
Silly Lilly 7 Dec, 2016 @ 10:39pm 
could you add tiny roundabouts? it's a real pain to form them out of one way roads in tight spaces
sniggledigit  [developer] 8 Dec, 2016 @ 4:20am 
@zordork: GCVos had been working on those. Not sure if he was still planning on releasing them I will check with him on that.

@Bright_Foal: That is what the asset editor is for. Just fire that up, select 'intersections' make your roundabout once, and it should be in the intersections tab in the game forever. Alternately you can download one from the workshop.
Rubber Duck 8 Dec, 2016 @ 5:19am 
How about buslanes with buildable zoning?
and maby a road with buslanes in the center with a stroke of green between the buslanes and the normal roads. And also a 6 lane road with a tramline in the center
Henshel 8 Dec, 2016 @ 5:42am 
Is it possibly to see 4-lane road with trees splitting walkway and cars?
Something like this
Last edited by Henshel; 8 Dec, 2016 @ 5:44am
HockeytownGuru 8 Dec, 2016 @ 6:53am 
No parking on main roads policy possible? Or a highway with carpool lines?
Sparky66 8 Dec, 2016 @ 7:17am 
A four lane national road would by far be the most useful road type to add next. Plus asymmetrical versions (3+1 and 2+1) for making turning lanes. They would be really useful when the single lane road isn't enough but you don't want to have to build a separated highway.
JANXOL 8 Dec, 2016 @ 7:51am 
How about some more variety for roads with trams? Like a road that has a tram on the side of it? (For example tram-lane-lane-tram, or lane-lane-tram-tram) So far I am using non-road tramways laid parallel to roads, but making junctions is a pain, even with road anarchy. For example something like that:,21.0723483,3a,60y,269.31h,77.29t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s5G-QRpMrfbnD8TFJho5KNg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
sniggledigit  [developer] 8 Dec, 2016 @ 10:26am 
@Sparky66 The 4L national road has been requested a lot. I will probably start another discussion to see how people think junctions should work. 3+1 and 2+1 asym roads already exist under the small heavy road menu.

@cejanek: Tram lines cannot be enjoyed by everyone (Only those with snowfall). Also does putting the tram lines on the sides add functionality or is it just for aesthetics?
Ganaram Inukshuk 8 Dec, 2016 @ 2:46pm 
I have a, uhh, long list of things ranging from what I feel should definitely be added and what I feel needs to have a discussion before they get added at all, so I'll probably start with the easiest ones first, with reasoning (the others involve tram tracks, bus lanes, parking spaces, and bike lanes):

- 6 lane road with median; there's already a 4L road with and without median, and the 6L road that does exist has no median, so this would fill in a missing feature. Probably would be nice if a grassy and with-trees variant were added because that's typical with these roads.

- 2 lane road with median; probably useful as a small decorated road leading up to a residential block, particularly if grassy and with-trees variants are included.

- 2+1 National Road; think climbing lanes and those 2+1 roads that you hear about in Sweden; these have a different status from the regular 2+1 roads.

- 6 lane road with turning median; yeah, the more lanes you have, the trickier it is to use the actual median, so 6 lanes may be the cutoff point.
sniggledigit  [developer] 8 Dec, 2016 @ 2:53pm 
Well you are in luck. All of those roads (with the exception of the 2+1 national road) are planned. I will have to release the 4L national road first before I decide what to about asymmetrical versions.
Cobalt_Blue 8 Dec, 2016 @ 8:40pm 
Originally posted by Lazarus*Man:
This section is for nothing more than suggestions so suggest away! Your third suggestion has been requested numerous times. It will require some pathfinding changes if you want junctions that won't allow traffic to cut through the barrier but I have started work on it a while back...

Glad to hear you're working on a 4-lane barrier divided highway. I see what you mean with the intersections. For interchanges that would be problematic, but a lot of these highways also have at-grade intersections.... I suppose you could just use small 4-lane avenue segments for those intersections....

Since I can make suggestions.... any chance at landscaped options for some of your existing roads? Not sure how difficult that is to make, but having landscaping does make a difference, both visually and for noise pollution. Just a thought.

Anyways, thanks for the reply and keep up the great work.
mikamaty 8 Dec, 2016 @ 9:19pm 
Are you working on a 2+3 asymmetrical road?
And how hard is it to implement outside connections to the already included roads?
BloodyPenguin brought out a new mod which allows outside connections with all vanilla roads.
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