Arma 3
New York City, USA [WIP]
warflak 2. März 2021 um 23:35
Restarting development
I will begin by stating my wholehearted belief that nothing will be done and this entry may well go unread and I don't believe anything will come of this, but I would at least like to express my feelings. Pessimism aside, now more than ever is a great time to begin a new development, most likely with new developers. Lumnuon did wonderful work with what he alone could do, but indeed, a team of people would be needed to successfully create something out of this. Consider this a call for anyone up to the challenge. The assets available to us today are not the assets Lumnuon had to work with 5 years ago. With the notable additions of the Death Zone map, based in Washington DC, and Seattle being successfully ported, this map can not only be completed but also greatly polished with more accurate objects and buildings. Having just taken the current state for a test run, this type of map has great potential in scenarios, art creation and others. The density of buildings make for an experience only able to be moderately replicated by the aforementioned maps. and finishing a map of this scale is going to be far easier than making a new one. So I implore all those who complain and hope for the map's completion, learn the terrain editor, how to deal with the satellite imagery, and make this map the beauty it can be. For my part, I request in this message the files to the current map to aid in its completion. I will also research the area and do my best to make the map true to its real life counterpart. Thanks for coming to my TED talk and godspeed.
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Nice! The terrain editor might as well be astrophysics to me, so I am definitely watching this. Great work and all support possible 🤘
SUTORU 3. März 2022 um 15:54 
I'm currently working on the recreation of Marseille, a French City.
If, we get the sources files of this map, we'll be able to make great things, I perfectly know how to use Terrain Builder and Buldozer, so let's jump into this rn !
Great news! Looking forward to it.
Rei 25. Jan. 2024 um 21:44 
2024 :steambored:
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