Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Loading Screen Mod
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thale5  [sviluppatore] 2 lug 2019, ore 5:44
Guide: Asset naming conclict
Cities Skylines identifies assets by name. In addition to assets, names are given to the Unity Game Objects that are stored inside assets.

When saved using Asset Editor, asset names and Game Object names match each other. The game and some mods rely on this.

When LSM reports an asset naming conflict, the names did not match. I am aware of two reasons that can cause this error:
  • Asset file corruption
  • The asset author has edited the asset with a binary file editor in an attempt to get rid of 'Duplicate prefab' messages from the game.

Can this break my save?

I am not even sure what the possible outcomes are.

The asset might not appear in the city after loading although it was placed earlier. If the asset is a building or net, there could be trouble.
Ultima modifica da thale5; 4 lug 2019, ore 0:42